
Monday 31 July 2017




What's the difference between dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins?

They all seem to be associated with "positive" feelings in the person, and oxytocin seems to be more prevalent in bonding type activities.

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin is all “Happy” neuro transmitters and plays a very critical role in our happiness quotient.

Dopamine: This is ‘Feel Good’ hormone which keeps you motivated and let you enjoy what you really like. Why do you feel good…when you win a lottery, meet your sales target, catch your train on time all.. or have your favorite ice cream… it all stimulate dopamine. Cannabis or marijuana also make your brain release dopamine and that’s why folks get addicted to this overdose of dopamine. On the other side of the spectrum, you might have met people who only like talking about them self, it’s not their fault, it’s pure neuro science at work. When somebody talks about them self, their brain releases dopamine and they want to continue doing that.

Oxytocin: This is ‘Bonding” hormone which help you create stronger bonds/trust/relationship with people around you. When a mother breast feeds her baby, both release high amount of oxytocin leading to strong bonding between them. Also the reason for bonding between couples/partners.. as this neuro transmitter is released during the orgasm as well. Another example is, you tend to get closer to people with good sense of humor, cause humor also help release oxytocin and you are more likely to bond with people who makes you laugh.

Serotonin: This is what makes you ‘Feel important’…it plays a critical role in how you live your life. A very simple way to keep the serotonin level up is by practice acknowledging/remembering your past successes, happy moments and showing gratitude to people around you. Folks with high suicidal tendency, or folks getting into anti-social activities lacks this neuro transmitter in their blood. Eat bananas, get out in sun for 20 minutes, it helps release serotonin. It is also very important for a good night sleep.

Endorphin: I would call this a ‘Rock star’ hormone. This helps us overcome our stress and pain caused due to physical activities. What do you think keeps a long distance runner or a fitness freak focused on his/her regime? It’s the Endorphin which keeps them going. It helps you recover from injuries and at the same time improve your immunity as well. Humor and laughter also helps create Endorphin, that’s one of the reason docs recommend you to laugh out loud.

Hope this give you an overview of these four pillars of our happiness..Ola.

Melt Away Your Stress

Start your day with a relaxing routine.

One of the best stress management tips with an Ayurvedic approach is to establish a daily routine (dincharya). Time management and knowing how your day is structured will help pacify the nervy Vata energies.

Massage away your stress.

Abhyanga is a method of strengthening self-care. It is one of the best ways to beat stress holistically. While a full-body massage might not always be possible, massage the places where stress usually accumulates: your hands, feet and neck. Use a light, aromatic oil like lemongrass or eucalyptus oil to scour sluggishness away and feel bright and alert. Otherwise, just use sesame oil to soothe signs of tension.

Meditate to melt stress.
Dedicate 15 minutes daily to meditation to calm and center yourself. The Transcendental Meditation program is known to be one of the most powerful stress management techniques. Generally, meditation brings down the levels of cortisol and lactic acid, which are indicators of anxiety. It also enhances the amount of serotonin, the happy hormone.

Listen to the notes of serenity.

Music has a great effect on the nervous system. It can calm the mind and ease emotional turmoil for a holistic therapeutic effect. The vibrational healing power of serene, soothing musical tones can help attune your personal energies to peaceful bliss. Listen to meditational music like those containing toning and chanting, singing and crystal bowls, or instruments, such as guitar, kalimba, native flute and drums.

Seek the help of herbs.

Time-tested herbal remedies for stress include brahmi, mandukparni (Gotu Kola) and ashwagandha. Besides these Ayurvedic herbs for stress relief, you can make yourself a potent brew with Vata-balancing spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and licorice. Immerse yourself in the calm zone with a hot cuppa thrice a day.

Get moving to stay motivated during mood swings.

Exercise should be at the top of nurturing things to do for yourself. It supports the body’s natural mechanisms for deep sleep, shakes up stagnant mental and emotional energy, improves digestion and drives detoxification by kindling the metabolic fire (agni).

Yoga is highly recommended on your anti-stress checklist. Put your mind into a state of childlike joy with yoga poses for stress relief like the Child Pose (Balasana). Awaken your senses to delight with the Down Dog (Adho Mukha Savasana).

Score board exams

It is life long achievement if you score maximum marks in 12th and that makes a difference ahead.
Your marks in 12th will also lead you to one the most reputed colleges in the country, which nowadays is the most important thing in your career.
That gives you an advantage like having it in your CV. Also it may help in your JEE Mains rank too. And whenever the mark sheet is needed, it gives a better opinion about you to whoever is reading it. I think it will help you a lot in your future.
Scoring well in 12th standard is really good. You are writing your board exam in 12th standard. So after 12th you are going to join for any of the course of your interest. So we all know that learning in a better college is really helpful for our career. Scoring well in 12th exam will help you to get admission in a very good college. 95% marks will surely give you an entry to very good college. That will help you to opt the course of your interest with fewer fees. After joining in college also you will have to learn well and score good marks.  Only then you will be able to get a good paid job as you wish and you can lead a calm and happy life.

Good marks = Good college = Good job = Good money = Good chances of good married life = Good life :)

At the end, it depends whether you could gain 95% or not. Competition is necessary but pressurizing yourself for the sake of number game is a bad thing.
Yeah but that doesn't mean that you compromise with your marks. If you have potential then prove it. This is the world to prove your cost and worth both.

Start from today.
Make a time table, give equal time and attention to each subject.
Clear your concepts and basics, and make proper notes which will be very beneficial in the last months.
Practice all the subjects thoroughly.
Try to complete your syllabus as soon as possible, so that you can start with your revisions and also practice from other reference books and solve sample papers.
Most importantly love and enjoy what you study, be confident and believe in yourself and you can definitely score above 95 percent.
All the best :)

Can a weak student score above 95 in CBSE Board exams?

A weak student is only a student who does not take charge of their duties as a student, nothing more, nothing less. It is the responsibility of you as a student to go out there and get everything you need to succeed. Your board exams are important.
Why are they weak? Is it study methods? Is it motivation? Is it a lack of resources? Have they tried many different things? Do they go to tuition or coaching classes? Are the teachers not giving them confidence or motivation?
So, the answer to this question depends on the student (which I suspect may be you). Choose to remain weak, and no, its not possible. Work to eliminate your weaknesses, then yes, it is.
Be confident & optimistic. You will end up getting what you deserve.
All the best!

Follow a proper schedule and make a strategy that encompasses everything related to the exam from alpha to omega. The strategy you make should be a perfect blend of learning and revising the syllabus and also one that helps you finish solving the sample papers simultaneously. Studying only National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT) books intensively is enough to score 90 percent in your exams. While solving sample question papers, begin with five-mark questions and try to finish them within an hour. Also try to attempt as many mock tests as possible. Some complex numerical problems can be tricky to handle. So don’t spend much time on them. Instead move on to the next ones as you have to score as much marks as you can in the available time. Questions based on laboratory experiments are important so be well-versed with their circuit diagrams. Spend three days to revise each section thoroughly and attempt the sample paper on the fourth day.

Also try your hands at CBSE sample papers, treat them as real board exam papers and finish them in three hours flat. Don’t panic by looking at the question paper. Diagrams carry a good percentage of marks. So be very careful while drawing and labelling them. Don’t take the pre-boards lightly. Approach them with the kind of seriousness you’d invest in your finals.

Apart from stress, board exams bring with them the high expectations that parents have from their children. Don’t get carried away by these distractions, instead develop a positive attitude towards exams. Go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Kick start your day with a little exercise, a proper breakfast and then study. This will give you an energy-boost and will help you stay active the whole day. Staying up late at night is fruitless so devote the day for studies and spare the night for some sound sleep. Amidst your studies, take out an hour or two to relax and rejuvenate yourself.

Don’t get anxious one day before your exam. Revise thoroughly, relax and keep the worries at bay.
While studying, you should emphasise more on subjects you are weak at and get a grasp over them. Solve questions of varying difficulty and do not just restrict yourself to all easy or all tough questions. Go through all the textbooks and also include your class syllabus in the study material.

Also you should refer to the tests that you appeared for in school as that can help you immensely in preparing for your exam. While revising, you should write down the summary points for future referral. When your preparatory leave is on, you should make sagacious use of your time and revise the syllabus meticulously. Stay in touch with your teachers to discuss problems you come across. Apart from your preparation, you should also ensure that you are in a good state of health to appear for a 3-hour exam.

Always remember that pre-board exams are just an indicator of how your final board exams will go. Hence an average or a poor performance doesn’t mean you are not going to make it at your board exams. It just means that you need to push yourself harder and make sure you are poised to face the final board examination.

Endocrine System Diseases

Endocrine System Diseases

Endocrine diseases are the diseases of the endocrine system. Endocrine System Diseases can be broadly classified into three categories.

1. Hyper-secretion of the endocrine glands

2. Hypo-secrection of endocrine gland

3. Tumours of the endocrine gland.

Adrenal disorders, glucose homeostasis disorders, thyroid disorders, calcium homeostasis disorders, pituitary and sex hormone disorders are some of the most common disorders found.

Learn more about Endocrine System, Hormones,Hormonal Imbalances in this book "KEEP YOUR HORMONES IN HARMONY"available at AMAZON 

Common Diseases of the Endocrine System

Your endocrine system includes eight major glands throughout your body. These glands make hormones, which are chemical messengers that travel through your bloodstream to tissues or organs. Hormones work slowly and affect body processes from head to toe. These include
  • Growth and development
  • Metabolism - digestion, elimination, breathing, blood circulation and maintaining body temperature
  • Sexual function
  • Reproduction
  • Mood
If your hormone levels are too high or too low, you may have a hormone disorder. Hormone diseases also occur if your body does not respond to hormones the way it is supposed to. Stress, infection and changes in your blood's fluid and electrolyte balance can also influence hormone levels.

In the U.S., the most common endocrine disease is diabetes. There are many others. They are usually treated by controlling how much hormone your body makes. Hormone supplements can help if the problem is too little of a hormone.

Some endocrine diseases are:


Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs. Without enough thyroid hormone, many of the body’s functions slow down. 

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer begins in the thyroid gland and starts when the cells in the thyroid begin to change, grow uncontrollably, and eventually form a tumor. There are two types of tumors: benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous, meaning that it can spread to other parts of the body). 


Hypoglycemia, also called low blood glucose or low blood sugar, occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels. Glucose, an important source of energy for the body, comes from food. Carbohydrates are the main dietary source of glucose. In adults and children older than 10 years, hypoglycemia is uncommon except as a side effect of diabetes treatment. 

Metabolic Disorder

Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Chemicals in your digestive system break the food parts down into sugars and acids, your body's fuel. A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical reactions in your body disrupt this process. When this happens, you might have too much of some substances or too little of other ones that you need to stay healthy. You can develop a metabolic disorder when some organs, such as your liver or pancreas, become diseased or do not function normally. Diabetes is an example. 

Magical Powers Of Gayatri Mantra

Magical Powers Of Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is the greatest Mantra of all the four Vedas. It can work miraculously.

We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect.

Benefits of Gayatri mantra.

1.     Gayatri mantra increases learning power

2.     Gayatri mantra increases concentration

3.     Gayatri mantra gives us money and wealth

4.     Gayatri mantra relates or correlates us with God

5.     Gayatri mantra gives us power

6.     Gayatri mantra has scientific wording which is very useful for patient if he renunciate it.

7.     Gayatri mantra is started from om so it has also safety power from every disease, enemy or any accident

8.     Gayatri mantra is very useful for peace.

9.     Gayatri mantra is first step to go to the way of spiritual road

10. Different books like Vedas, Puran, Gita, Upanishads gives its large importance. 

11. "We meditate on that most adorable, desirable and enchanting luster and brilliance of our Supreme Being, our Source Energy, our Collective Consciousness, as manifested by the Sun. Who is our creator, inspirer and source of eternal Joy? May this warm and loving Light inspire and guide our mind and open our hearts. "There are many interpretations of the Gayatri Mantra. My own way of understanding and loving the essence of this prayer is as follows:

The Gayatri is a life-enhancing prayer. The ancient texts say that repeating the mantra 10 times daily removes the sins of this life, 100 times daily removes the sins of your previous life, and 1000 times daily removes the sins of three yugas (innumerable lives).By meditating with the Gayatri Mantra, you will tap into the divine state of pure consciousness and enlightenment.

Sunday 30 July 2017

Why don't women make investment decisions?

Why don't women make investment decisions?

Why is it that men are overwhelmingly more likely to be in charge of a family's savings and investments
In India, most public discourses on women focus on their safety. However, when you dig deeply, many of the issues boil down to empowerment in an everyday sense, and one of the issues underlying empowerment is often money. The obvious problem here is that women in general earn less than men, often a lot less.

However, that's just one part of it. There is another dimension to this. Even when women earn well, and even when they belong to a milieu where there is no overt discrimination, they are less likely to be managing their own money, their savings and their investments.
Leaving out those who are in a financial profession, it seems that investments is something that women just don't do.

This state of things wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone but we need to pause and question it a little deeply. What exactly is the reason? The obvious answer is that in families, it's the men who manage savings and investments. But that simply restates the problem in different words. From the few women who do write in, I think there's another problem, which is that of self-confidence. When women write in to ask for savings advice, the language is basically along the lines of 'This is probably a stupid question, but...'. You see the problem here? There must be many more who thought of asking something but didn't want to be thought of as stupid so ended up not writing in. Meanwhile, men blithely write in asking questions and learning from the advice, regardless of their level of stupidity.

This phenomena is actually just a variation that women face often enough in their professions. However, when it comes to investments, there's a different set of stereotypes at work. There's the basic assumption that men are the savers and investors while women are the spenders. This is incredibly widespread and not just in a traditional background. Watch the ads on TV. There are plenty which show women as the wise and smart and sensible decision maker and men as the impulsive ones. However, these are all likely to be in things like nutrition or consumer goods and such. When it comes to ads that are about financial products, you see the reverse. The wise and fore sightful husband plans for the future while the woman is buying LCD TVs, etc.
So how will this change? I for one don't think that any kind of top down, patronising solution (an investment equivalent of a women's bank, for instance) is going to work. Nor are the bizarre 'specially for women' bank accounts--they're just marketing gimmicks. Money is power, and that power extends not just to earning money but managing it, investing it and having a say in what's done. This kind of power is something that's transferred not when someone who has it gives it away, but when someone who doesn't have it steps up and acquires it.
At the end of the day, there's no difference between men who don't know enough about personal finance and women who don't enough. Both are a majority. And there's no separate men's and women's solutions to this. Regardless of gender, there are plenty of resources out there to educate oneself and pull one's level of understanding up by the bootstraps, as it were. It's sounds like a tough job, but there it is.

Reasons You Should Start A Blog For Personal Development

Blogging is an activity that anyone can engage in – it’s easy, cheap and available to everyone. And while the ultimate reason may be different for each individual, the personal and professional growth potential is why I recommend you start a blog.
In fact, there are practically no good reasons holding you back because there are plenty of free options available if you don’t plan to make money.

Here are some of the top benefits of blogging and how it can change your life.

1. You Will Hone Your Writing Skills.

Writing is a very valuable skill. Although there are some who think writers are born with such talents, most bloggers will confirm that the art of communication is learned through consistent practice. And contrary to popular belief, some of the most high-traffic blogs are written in a conversational tone.
As you consistently blog, you will begin to pay more attention to word-choice, sentence structure, tone, and writing copy. Learning how to write good blog posts will certainly refine your writing skills in the process.

2. You Will Become a More Organized Thinker.

Writing gives you time to organize your thoughts as well as re-think, re-phrase, delete, edit, and change your beliefs. That’s the beautiful thing about writing – it allows you time to analyze the coherence and logic behind your thinking.
This exercise can eventually become a part of your mental thought process in everyday life, leading you to become a better thinker.

3. You Will Have a Healthy Emotional Outlet.

This is especially true if you are looking to blog for personal purposes. While your blog may not be meant as a “secret diary”, it can still serve as an emotional outlet.
Studies have shown that writing helps people heal emotionally after a traumatic experience. Even if your experiences may not be considered especially traumatic, writing can serve as a way to overcome mental and physical hardships in life.

4. You Will Develop Healthier Habits.

Blogging is an activity that requires a certain level of discipline, commitment and time. Sure, you can ignore your blog when you feel like it but, if you do have goals and want people to actually visit your blog, you will need some degree of organization and time management.
The best part is the positive reinforcement. As more people begin to read, comment and share your blog, the more motivated you’ll become. That’s how most amateur bloggers transition into full-time, professional bloggers.

5. You Will Be Exposed to Other Perspectives.

In the process of researching new blog post ideas, bloggers are exposed to different perspectives. Similar to interacting with new people who have different ideas and opinions, blogging opens you up to learning and expanding your horizons.
With your audience potentially being the entire internet, you have the added bonus of discovering different cultures, ways of life, thought processes, and life issues. The result is that you will become a more open-minded, well-rounded individual.

6. You Can Make a Difference in Other People’s Lives.

Yes, you starting a blog can certainly make a difference in other people’s lives. No matter what you discuss or how unique your situation, there is always the chance that someone else is experiencing a similar challenge, dilemma, or situation. Your blog posts may connect with readers on an intellectual or emotional level, help them cope with a traumatic event, inspire them to try something new, and/or make a decision to improve their life.
For example, one of the blogs I built is geared towards helping people make better financial decisions. I started it to provide money, career and education advice, and it always makes me smile when I get emails from readers who have used my blog to improve their lives.
Although you might think that your blog’s potential won’t live up to “changing the world”, to that one person you may have been the catalyst for a life-changing event, making all the difference in his or her world!

7. You’ll Have More Confidence.

Need to build self-confidence? Start blogging, and you just might get what you want/need. When you blog about topics that strike a chord with your readers and they respond to you via comments, email or social networks, you will certainly get a rush of positive emotions. You will quickly realize that you do have something important to say and share with the world, and that will encourage you to speak your mind more often.

8. Blogging can Offer New Opportunities.

Blogging opens up new opportunities mainly because a blog can be read by anyone in the world. Who knows who discovers your blog? If you have concrete goals from the beginning (e.g. to use your blog as a resume or establish yourself as a credible expert in an industry), then you will naturally take steps to reach those goals.
In some cases, you may be invited to speak at conferences, write a column for a large publication such as Forbes or US News, or establish yourself as a community leader. You may even find a career that you are passionate about and is better suited to your skills and talents.
Lastly, a new job may not be directly correlated to your blog but, as we’ve discussed above, blogging can help you develop a number of transferable skills needed to succeed in a professional setting. For instance, almost all employers look for writing, communication, presentation, critical thinking and leadership skills – all side effects of writing a blog.

9. You Have the Potential to Make Money.

Blogging for money is one of the hottest topics these days, and it is actually a niche that is rife with opportunity. You can start blogging with the goal of making money, but you can also start a blog without the dollar sign twinkling in your eyes.
Whatever your starting point, however, there is the potential to make money. Whether you sell ad space, recommend products or services, or become a freelancer, blogging can be a side income or full-time business.

Final Word

Like anything else in life, blogging is a process and requires patience.
While you may have concrete goals and deadlines, don’t give up if your blog isn’t an overnight sensation. Most blogs take a minimum of 6 months to start attracting decent traffic.
Take blogging as a challenge to see what you can achieve in a new field, and keep in mind one of my favorite quotes from Bruce Lee:
“Seriously, if you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. It’ll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being. There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.”

Why Do People Blog? The Benefits of Blogging

Why Do People Blog? The Benefits of Blogging

When blogging started, the first blogs were really glorified online journals, and in all likelihood, becoming a professional blogger and making money online wasn’t the goal. Since then, the blogosphere has evolved, and now people blog for many different reasons. There are even distinctions among types of blogs - business, lifestyle, fashion, food, and entertainment blogs, among others.
While the blogging scene has developed over the last decade, the benefits of blogging are still plentiful. Here’s a list of reasons why people blog and how blogging can benefit your personal or professional life.

Express Yourself and Share Your Passions

The landscape has changed, but there are still countless blogs that serve as a platform for people to voice their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Whether your passion is business, personal finance, cooking, politics, photography, or marketing, blogging gives you the opportunity to connect and network with likeminded individuals who share the same passions.

Make A Difference

Some people’s passions lean toward supporting a cause. Whether it’s a political, environmental or social cause, a blog is a great way to build awareness and garner support.

Share Your Knowledge

If you’re someone who loves to teach, starting a blog can provide the opportunity to educate others interested in your field of expertise. The best part is that, as you build resources on your blog to teach others, you may realize there is a chance to monetize your blog by creating educational products or services online.

Refine Your Writing Skills

The more you write, the better you become at it. Most professional bloggers write on a regular basis and therefore analyze and proofread their writing constantly. You may even get feedback from readers to help you become a better writer.
However, being a good writer is not a prerequisite for a successful blog. Many very high profile bloggers are self-proclaimed terrible writers, and part of their success could be attributed to their message of “If I can do it, so can you”.

Learn How To Make Money Online

Most people start out with one blog, but along the way, they gain experience and eventually generate ideas for blogs in other niches. What you learn from your initial blog - the dos and don’ts, marketing strategies that are effective, how to make money blogging, etc. - will help you accelerate the growth of future ventures.

Build Your Professional Network

Blogging is a community-based endeavor, and networking is one reason people engage in it. Whether you are a solopreneur or blogging to market your business, building relationships will facilitate your blog’s growth.
Meanwhile, growing your online network has its own side benefits, such as gaining access to valuable software and tools, seminars, workshops, product unveilings, and other events.

Earn More Exposure

Businesses create blogs primarily to expand their online presence, connect with potential customers, promote their brand in a positive conversation, and even generate online revenue.
Beyond the immediate results, businesses use content marketing to rank their posts in search engines, thereby generating residual leads and revenue.
Become an Authority in Your Industry

A blog can be utilized as a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Publishing blog posts that are accurate, timely, relevant, and informative will eventually get the attention of industry insiders and earn you recognition as an authoritative source and thought-leader.

Build an Online Portfolio

Blogging is a great way for aspiring authors and freelance writers to build up an online portfolio. By showcasing their writing skills on large platforms with expansive reach, freelancers can grow their exposure and sign new clients.

Market Your Business

For companies and entrepreneurs, gaining online visibility is one of the best ways to grow subscribers, leads and ultimately revenue. This can’t be achieved with a static corporate website. Creating blog content that is valuable, helpful, and/or entertaining is an effective way to grow your website’s authority, online rankings, and traffic.

Starting A Blog Today

As the internet and technology become more ingrained in our day-to-day lives, the benefits of blogging or building a website become impossible to ignore. However, unlike in the early days, bloggers don’t need to have computer science degrees or HTML knowledge. Software such as and “how to start a blog” guides have made it simple and easy to set up a blog in 15 minutes. If you’re unsure of whether blogging is right for you, use a free blogging platform for a few months before transitioning to a self-hosted solution.


What tips would you like to give to someone who started learning guitar?

“Sometimes you’ll want to give up the guitar, you’ll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you’re gonna be rewarded.”
-Jimi Hendrix
There are no shortcuts for the best way to learn guitar.

But the great thing is that there are easy ways to start playing today.

As rock legend Jimi Hendrix has rightly said, the one thing that you require to learn guitar, or any instrument, is the willingness to stick with it. There will be days when your fingers will hurt and you wouldn’t feel like picking up your guitar. Don’t let those feelings conquer you. In such times, remember the quote above.
Now, coming to the specific steps which you can take to learn guitar at a fast pace.

Learn a bit of Music Theory. I’m not telling you to learn the notations and stuff. Just learn about the musical notes, how they are arranged on piano and how you can find them on the guitar. It will be helpful if you learn about scale formation and how chords are formulated from them.

Learn something new each and every day.

  • Start with playing tabs. Tabs for almost all the songs are available on the internet. Learn how to read the tabs and start playing the tunes of your favorite songs. Playing tabs comes first as it will strengthen your fingers for playing chords.
  • Learn open chords. Start with some basic group of chords which are easy to play. Find out songs with the same or similar group of chords and play along. Some easy sets are - (C,Am,F,G), (G,Em,C,D), (A,D,E), etc.
  • Find chords or watch guitar lessons of songs on Youtube. There is no need to join any classes or hire a teacher for learning guitar. There are hundreds of people around the globe who can teach you how to play your favorite song in a matter of minutes.
  • Practice regularly for short duration. Pain in fingers is one of the most common reasons why people quit guitar. But, believe me, It is only a matter of time when your fingers will gain strength by developing calluses.
  • Love your guitar and Music. All pieces of the puzzle will fall into place if you just love your guitar and the music it creates. Let that love drive you towards learning more and reaching new heights in this expedition. Find people with whom you can play. It may be your friend with whom you want you jam with, the college band you want to become a part of or your beloved one for whom you want to learn the guitar.
  • If you practice the same song again and again, even though you play it well enough, then you are just killing time. If you are unable to change between a set of chords, then practice it slowly and then play at the original tempo. Diversity and variety is required to get better at playing guitar. Practice with an aim.

  • Don't Forget To Enjoy It!
    Above all, enjoy playing guitar and enjoy the journey! Look forward to 3, 4, 5 years down the line when, if you've been persistent with your practice time (and allowed plenty of time for noodling), you'll have accomplished so much. This is all about freeing up your creativity, bit by bit, so you can express yourself on guitar as naturally as you can with speech. Doors will open all throughout your progress. Each new door that opens is like a new outlet for your creativity.
    The more of these doors you open over time, the more creative options you'll have at your disposal and the more your music will have the chance to be unique to you - and that is, in my opinion, the ultimate purpose for learning guitar, or any instrument.

    The sky is the limit and guitar playing is a never ending process that you will love more and more.
    Practice regularly and reap the rewards!

    Even the best guitar players used to beginners, just like you.

    Word to the wise: strengthening your fingers is a must. Learning to play acoustic guitar will help increase your finger strength faster than learning on an electric guitar. 

    Are Our Bodies Radioactive? - Health Physics

    Does human body contain radioactive elements? How do they affect our body?

    Have you eaten a banana lately?  Any vegetables?
    If the former, you might have some Potassium-40 incorporated into some of your cells.  If the latter, you might have some Carbon-14 in you.

    Almost everything we eat has small amounts of radioisotopes, and if there is any nutritional value to what we eat, molecules are absorbed and incorporated into our body, which can include radioisotopes.

    What do they do?
    They decay radioactively, and can cause mutations in your DNA or destruction of certain biological macromolecules!
    But wait!  Isn't that how cancer starts?
    Well, yes, but it's also an extremely common occurrence, and our cells are replaced very often in a process called "turnover".  If DNA is damaged, most of the time the cell will kill itself in a controlled manner (called "apoptosis"), and nearby cells will replicate (if they still can) to replace the dead cell and recover some of it's contents.  The damaged cell may kill itself in an uncontrolled manner (called "necrosis"), but when only a small number of cells necrosis, they are easily replaced.

    Okay, so then how does radiation cause cancer?
    Cancer is produced when radiation causes damage that prevents apoptosis and/or necrosis (and many times allows for unregulated replication of that cell).  This is a chance event (with a very small probability relative to the number of mutations that occur to our cells every day of our life).

    How much cell turnover is good/bad?
    Well, this is a contentious and continuously debated point in the radiation safety community.  Supporters of the "Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis" say that lower radiation exposure is always better, which means that minimizing cell turnover due to radiation is the goal.  Supporters of the "Radiation Hormesis Hypothesis" say that, below a certain threshold of radiation dose, radiation can stimulate the immune system and have certain beneficial properties.  That is, low levels of radiation can increase the turnover rate of certain cells involved in the immune system, and this can have benefits to the human in terms of overall health.

    Studies have gone both ways, sometimes showing increased risk of cancer due to increased background radiation levels, other times correlating decreased risk of cancer with high background radiation levels that are below the "threshold" dose.

    So, are radioisotopes inside the human body good or bad?
    We really can't say either way for certain, just yet.
    However, it is safe to say that in both cases, the extra risk produced by the radioisotopes you currently have in your body is negligibly small.  Better to be worried about your doses from dental x-rays!