
Tuesday 5 June 2018


"Ugly is a field without grass, a plant 
without leaves, or a head without hair."

I think no one, given the choice, would want to lose their hair. The emotional aspects of living with hair loss can be challenging.

Discovery of hair loss is a stressful experience for both sexes, but substantially more distressing for women. Throughout the course of history attitudes towards baldness have been overwhelmingly negative. Living with alopecia can be difficult in a culture that views hair as a sign of youth and good health.

Self-esteem in both men and women can be damaged by thinning hair, who may feel alone even though they are really not.
Nevertheless, many doctors failing to accept hair loss as an important medical problem and ignore the real distress suffered by a significant proportion of those affected.
It isn’t the purpose of this article to mock, depress or hit someone's sore spot. This list is intended to give a real fact and understanding of the scale of the problem. It may be interesting for both hairy and not much. Depending on your personality and personal circumstances hair loss anxiety can be acute. 

1The end of youth: concerns about getting older
Hair loss causes both men and women to look older. Consequently, for many the advent of hair loss, (more than with any other physical aspect), dramatically signals the end of youth, vitality and desirability.
The unconscious association regarding hair loss is:
Loss of hair = Loss of youth = Inevitable aging

2Inability to style the hair
Many hair loss sufferers are frustrated at the time and trouble necessary to camouflage thinning hair and the inability to style their hair as they would like.

3Dissatisfaction with appearance and body-image
The loss of the hairline can change a person’s appearance substantially. Hair loss changes the appearance of the face by shifting the balance of the face to the forehead, resulting in an aged appearance.
A study revealed that men who had more profound hair loss were more dissatisfied with their appearance and were more concerned with their older look than those with minimal hair loss. This effect cut across all age groups but was more prominent in the younger individuals.
The research also indicates that women tend to be more upset than men by their hair loss. A 1992 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology that compared the psychological impact of hair loss on men and women found that women had a more negative body image and were less able to adapt to the loss.
In fact, it has been scientifically proven through studies that women tend to suffer more emotionally and psychologically than men on losing hair. The results of these tests showed that women were much more worried about the way they looked than men. They tend to feel insecure about their appearance and how the world and the people around them will accept them.

4Low self-esteem
Physical beauty is one of the cornerstones of self-esteem and it is one of the most vulnerable. The self-esteem levels and other measures of self-worth drop significantly when hair loss occurs.

5Loss of personal attractiveness and fear of not looking attractive to others
Hair is an important determinant of physical attractiveness and a mean of expressing individuality. Hair loss affects the individual’s feelings of attractiveness.
For balding women, it is especially hard to live in a society that places great value on youthful appearance and attractiveness.
Because women are famous for spending a lot of time and money grooming, dying, curling, drying, and styling their hair to make it look its best, when they begin to lose their hair, it is extremely traumatic. This cosmetic setback is quite intense when a woman is used to having hair and suddenly finds herself losing it. They can have a lot of trouble dealing with the reality of hair loss.

6Embarrassment, Loss of confidence, Shyness
Although full head of hair cannot guarantee instant confidence, studies have shown that in men who suffer from hair loss, nearly 75% of them feel less confident since the onset of the hair loss, especially in dealing with the opposite sex.
And it isn’t just men. Statistics regarding female hair loss are so difficult to compile mainly because of a tendency on the part of women with hair loss to camouflage and hide a condition that they feel stigmatized by.

7Social teasing and humiliation
When hair loss reaches a stage of visible condition it can make the person the object of teasing or scorn. Studies show, that 60 percent of all bald men are teased at some point in their lives.

8Feelings of depression and introversion
In extreme circumstances, some people really take hair loss badly and get highly distressed about it, up to the point of getting into depression.
Some people make assumptions that they are losing something about their control of their life, things they really can't reverse when they start losing their hair.
Most of the research shows that people with alopecia have higher levels of anxiety and depression.

9Subconscious emotions of envy and jealousy
Those suffering from hair loss often experience feeling of jealousy of men with full, healthy heads of hair, because they desperately covet what non-bald people have.

10Work-related problems
Hair loss may affect someone who is in front of the camera or who needs to be in the public in a very devastating way professionally.

11Negative effects on social life
Hair plays an important role in our social lives. Upon meeting someone, one of the first things you notice is their hair. Before a social engagement, it is very important for us to look good, and a good lock of hair is what completes our appearance. Those affected by hair loss become aware of how important hair is in our social lives quickly.
Hair loss may cause the person to limit social activities. Some people avoid seeing friends and stop going out except to work.
Surveys have shown that around 40% of women with alopecia have had marital problems, and around 63% claimed to have career related problems.

12Wearing hats or caps even in warm weather
Many people begin wearing more hats or caps to try to disguise their thinning hairline.

13Start exercising to improve physique
For some hair loss may spark self-improvement tactics like starting to work our more. The improvement in physique gives more confidence, thus making less worry about hair loss.

14Dress nicer
Dressing better is a simple and sure way to improve appearance and self-confidence. Although stressful, balding isn’t the end of the world!

15Grow a beard or a moustache
For some balding men behavioural coping mechanisms include growing a beard or moustache. By growing a beard, goatee, or moustache, it will take attention away from the head and people will focus on the new “accessory”.

16Bald men are rated as more intelligent
In fact, bald men are perceived as being more intelligent and have an above average sense of self-worth.
Cash's 1988 study asked three groups of people - young college students, slightly older Old Dominion staffers and aging faculty members - to look at slides of bald and haired men. They were asked to rate the person in each slide for qualities such as self-assertiveness, social attractiveness, intelligence, life success, personal likability, physical attractiveness and perceived age.
Believe it or not, the bald or balding models were perceived more negatively on every dimension except intelligence.

                         Be Alert and Take Care of Your Hair
Hair loss can be a pretty hard thing to deal with emotionally. We humans tend to put a lot of stock in our hair looking nice and not falling out. But if you take the right steps for hair loss prevention in any weather, season, or environment, you may come out okay.

Kindle Edition
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We all know how certain sounds can be soothing, such as the voice of a mother comforting her baby, and how certain noises can be frightening and make us feel ill at ease, such as thunder and lightning. The sounds of Mantra Chanting are in the former category, and not only make us feel at peace but also have the power to quite literally transform our lives by lifting us towards a higher consciousness.

For thousands of years all throughout the planet, mantras have been used to quiet the mind, experience inner stillness, promote the development of virtues like empathy, and experience “God.”

The human voice is one of the most powerful sounds we can hear and has the ability for transformation and healing. Chanting mantras is both therapeutic and healing for us and is therefore an extremely important tool in our quest for a better life.
“Healing Mantras” are “These ancient sounds create energy vibrations that can replace negative energy with positive ones.  When chanting Sanskrit mantras, the chanter benefits from thousands of years of powerful energy accumulated from the Divine and from the millions of devoted chanters.”  You can therefore see just how powerful it is to chant mantras.
The sacred pronouncements or chanting of Sanskrit Mantras gives us the power to achieve our goals and to elevate ourselves from the ordinary and on toward the higher levels of consciousness.  It allows us to attain a blissful state of liberation and freedom.
Chanting has been used in all cultures for thousands of years to uplift the spirit and activate certain archetypal energies within the self.
Choose a simple repetitive chant, one that you can learn easily so you’re not always trying to remember it. It can be from any tradition, but it should be one you feel comfortable with.
As everything in the universe is sound or vibration, a disharmony in one of those sounds or a break in the unfolding of the sequence of sounds, leads to discomfort, disease, and a loss of wholeness. For example, if one musician in an orchestra is playing off key, there is a loss of harmony in the whole piece of music. You can correct that by having a second musician stand next to the first one and play the correct notes. Just by hearing the correct notes, the first musician will automatically begin playing correctly.
Similarly, if there is a disharmony in your physiology, and you know the correct vibration for that area, you can begin to correct the imbalance by chanting or toning that sound. For example, if you have a problem with your eyes, and you know the sound relating to the eyes, you can activate the healing process for that area by chanting that sound (silently or aloud) and directing the vibration into the area of the eyes.       
Examples of Toning Sounds for the Body

Kaa Gaa Gha
Yaa Yu Yi
reproductive organs
Lungs and large intestine
Liver and small intestine
Kidneys and bladder
Energizing, wakeup
Relaxing, bedtime


Contain 1500 Awesome Chants That Will Radically Improve Your Life. THE BEST SELLER IN ITS CLASS, WORLD WIDE ACCEPTED AND APPRICIATED.

Chanting is a spiritual discipline believed to improve listening skills, heightened energy and more sensitivity toward others.
Contain Essential Vedic Mantras to get rid of Human pain & Sufferings
The basic principle of mantra recitation is this: to use sound to cut through mental clutter, facilitate meditation practice, and create a deeper state of awareness. “A mantra provides a way to go beyond negative thoughts,”.
Manifestation of thought
Wish fulfilment
Awakening of higher centers in the body
Warding off negativity and heaviness
Mental peace and focus
Stillness of body and mind
Clarity of thought
Emotional decongestion
Reduced levels of hyperactivity
Strengthen our immune and neurological systems.

Sunday 20 May 2018

SELF RESPECT: Don't Ever Doubt Your Worth.

Self Respect

Self-respect is about having the courage to stand up for yourself when you are being treated in a manner that is less than what you deserve.

Self-respect forms the foundation of all the decisions you’ll ever make, how you treat yourself, and how you allow others to treat you.

It is about knowing your worth and having the ability to adjust your life and remove people from it if they are treating you poorly. If you have respect for yourself, you will naturally demand respect from others without having to do much of anything. People who have self-respect treat everyone else with respect but acknowledge that not everyone else will do the same. Rather than stooping to their level and disrespecting them, you should simply not interact with them because you should respect yourself enough to know that they are a waste of your time that could be spent on better people.

Respect is one of the most important qualities in your relationship with anyone, and there is no exception when it comes to your relationship with yourself. Self-respect encompasses a multitude of ideals, but it comes down to be the kind of person you are satisfied with showing the world and being someone that you and the people you care about are proud of. Self-respect is about having a sense of honour and dignity about yourself, your choices, and your life. It is about treating others well and knowing that by doing so, others will treat you well in return. Lastly, self-respect is knowing that not everyone will treat you well and choosing to respect everyone nonetheless, but still knowing that you deserve to be surrounded by great people. Having respect for yourself is vital in maintaining a positive self-image by allowing yourself to feel confident in who you are and content with the person you are becoming.

To respect something is to accept it. To respect yourself is to accept yourself. So, it’s only until you truly love and respect yourself, accepting who and what you are, that you can start to believe you are worthy of another person’s love and respect.So, in the end it boils down to this: accept yourself, respect your efforts, and you will in the end respect yourself.
And self-respect leads to self-discipline.
Now that’s real power.

Monday 14 May 2018


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Why do people say, ``Good night, sleep tight"? What is the meaning of` `sleep tight"?
The tightness has nothing to do with the body of the individual. And it doesn't mean holding on to someone sleeping next to you tightly! ``Tight'' here refers to the tightness of the bed. Nowadays of course, most beds are made of either wood or steel. In the old days, it was only the frame of the bed that was made of wood. The middle portion, the portion on which people slept on consisted of strings. There were strings running from one end of the frame to the other. If these strings were not tightly strung, the bed sagged, making it very uncomfortable for the person lying down. Result? The individual did not get much sleep. If the strings were tightly strung, then the bed was firm and the person sleeping on it got a good night's sleep. So, when you say sleep tight, what you are saying is, I hope your cot is tightly strung.

Sleep Tight: 6 Tips To Get Your Best Sleep Ever
It’s a fact: getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep is good for you. We know being better rested not only makes us more mentally clear and physically energized for whatever the next day brings, but what might surprise some is how much our skin, mood, weight, immunity and even memory benefits from catching those all-important ZZZs.
Not all sleep is quality sleep, however. The goal is to reach a deep, deep slumber, otherwise known as REM. There are lots of things we can do to encourage a successful snooze! Below are some of my six best tips for creating an optimal sleep environment:
1. Shut It Down
Turn off all screens (TV, laptops and smart phones, too!) at least 45 minutes before bedtime. These activities rev us up, keeping our brains wired when we should be winding down. In addition, the glow of the screen delays the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Instead, I like to read a book or magazine.
2. Lights Out
Twinkling stars are dreamy however studies show that light signals our brains to be awake and therefore we get the best sleep in the pitch dark. Black out liners are concealed behind your existing curtains or shades, so you can keep the design you love and get the sleep you need.
3. Shut Eye
If your partner wakes up for water in the middle of the night and turns on the light (don’t you just love that?!) you’ll have nothing to worry about if you’re wearing a soft sleep mask.
4. Sleep Sounds
White noise machines produce low level soothing noises that tune out everything from neighbours bickering to barking dogs. You can always download an app to get those ambient sounds that will help you sleep tight or try one of these noise machines to get the job done.
5. Rest Your Head
Pillows are sometimes underappreciated and thought of as a one-size-fits-all situation. That is not the case! Take the time to choose what type is right for you. Factor in whether you’re a back, side or stomach sleeper. Decide if you prefer a soft and cloud-like material or something firm and sturdy. The right pillow can make a major difference in your snooze fest.
6. Breathe Deep
Essential oils such as lavender, ylang-ylang, and chamomile promote relaxation. I don’t prefer to light candles when I’m about to go to bed because, hello danger! I do appreciate satchels, mists and diffuser sticks, which also get the scented job done.
Now that you know how important sleep is, what are you going to try first? I’m going to start with a little meditating before bed, reflecting on all the things I’m grateful for during the day and grabbing a good book! The key is creating a routine you can sustain and relaxes you. Hopefully you have the tools to do it now!