
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Prayers for people affected by the coronavirus

A new coronavirus disease is spreading rapidly around the world, officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11. More than 4,00,000 people have been infected and the death toll is over 16,500 people. The numbers are increasing daily, and the disease has impacted at least 145 countries.

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. —Psalm 57:1 (NIV)
Pray for people who are infected with COVID-19 or facing quarantine.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. —1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Let’s pray for all the lives at stake in the world currently with the new mantra of ‘Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu’.
The negativity and panic in the air around is the most threatening part of the current situation people are facing globally. We need to keep calm and stay in our homes until further instructions. We also need to turn this negativity around us into positivity and stand together with the spirit of ‘Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu’. Let’s first understand what does it mean?

What does the mantra of ‘Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu’ mean?

Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu —  this mantra has been derived from the ancient language Sanskrit and can be found in the Vedic texts. The original texts read:

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

(Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah |
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kashchid Dukhabhaag Bhavet |
Om Shanti Shantih Shantih ||)
Translating it into English, this Vedic mantra means:
Om, May all be happy,
May all be free from illness
May all witness everything auspicious
May no one suffers
Om Peace, peace, peace
The ancient mantra is not only to wish prosperity and happiness all around us, but it is also a way of life.
With the news of COVID-19 and the related casualties is all around on news channels, you might find it hard to stay calm.
Coronavirus can be the worst calamity of the century. It is disrupting the world economies and even affecting our day-to-day lives. Adequate measures are being taken by the concerned authorities to mitigate the risks manifolds. We are bound to stay at homes and consider best practices to avoid the spread of the coronavirus threat being faced globally. We need to stay positive and help others keep positivity too. We can do so by keeping a little patience and calm we can easily get through this hard time. The best way to do so is to stand together with the spirit of ‘Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu’, including in our daily prayers, and helping this message spread to the people around us.

Sunday 22 March 2020


Thymus Tapping

Thymus Tapping

Our immune system protects our body from disease, so it’s important to build a strong immune system.

Behind your sternum, or breastbone, sits the thymus gland, your immune system’s surveillance gland.

It is part of the lymphatic immune system and one of the functions of the thymus is to process and mature T cells (also known as killer cells), the immune system’s “soldiers”.  Thumping, or tapping, your thymus gland stimulates your immune system, giving it a boost.

Use thymus tapping to keep the gland active and boost your immune system.

·         Stimulate energy

·         Boost your immune system

·         Increase your strength and vitality

Gently tapping on the thymus gland creates vibrations that stimulate an increase in the maturation and release of white blood cells.

Here’s how you do it:

Using your fingertips or side of your fist, tap up and down about 2-3 inches along your sternum, between and above your breasts.

The thymus is located behind the third rib, but any vibrations along the length of the upper sternum will stimulate it.

Do this for 15-20 seconds and continue to take regular slow breaths.

Do 1-3 times a day or up to 4 during times of acute illness. It can be all you need to ward off a cold or illness as the thymus is stimulated to release all that infection fighting white blood cells.
                                                 THYMUS GLAND LOCATION


1.   Release fear.

2.   Increase your life force energy.

3.   Increase strength.

4.   Increase vitality.
     5. Strengthen your immune system.

Tuesday 5 November 2019


अजीब सी ही बात है
     कांच पर पारा चढ़ा दो
     तो आइना बन जाता है ,


किसी को आइना दिखा दो
     तो उसका पारा चढ़ जाता है !:)
मेहनत कर तू डरता क्युं है,
संघर्ष करने से बचता क्युं है,
आगे बढ़ अपनी शक्ति जान,
खुद को कम समझता क्युं है l
"इंसान" वही "श्रेष्ठ" है,

         जो "बुरी" "स्थिति" मे

              "फिसले" नहीं,

        एंव "अच्छी" "स्थिति" में

                "उछलें" नहीं......

Tuesday 26 February 2019

BOOK OF WIT: सुनो कहानी : मस्ती की पाठशाला

BOOK OF WIT: सुनो कहानी : मस्ती की पाठशाला: सुनो कहानी - “ यादें बचपन की ” के बाद कहानियों का एक और संग्रह प्रस्तुत है सुनो कहानी -   “ मस्ती की पाठशाला ” इस संग्रह ...

सुनो कहानी : मस्ती की पाठशाला

सुनो कहानी - “यादें बचपन की के बाद कहानियों का एक और संग्रह प्रस्तुत है

सुनो कहानी -  मस्ती की पाठशाला

इस संग्रह में कई रोचक ज्ञानवर्धक कहानियों के साथ कुछ प्रेरक प्रसंग भी   शामिल हैI

 परिंदों को मंजिल मिलेगी यकीनन
यह फैले हुए उनके पर बोलते हैं
अक्सर  वह लोग खामोश रहते हैं 
जमाने में जिनके हुनर बोलते हैंI

चंद लम्हे और कुछ लफ्जो में कहानियां बयां नहीं होती एक उम्र गुजर जाती है कहानियों को हकीकत होने मेंI

कृपया जुड़े रहे हम से पढ़ते रहे सुनते रहे सुनाते रहे
सुनो कहानी मस्ती की पाठशाला

“There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.”
―J.K. Rowling


Tuesday 16 October 2018

STAY YOUNG – DEFY the Biological Ageing

STAY YOUNG – Fox the Biological Ageing

The Anatomy

o   Telomeres are nucleoprotein caps positioned at the end of chromosomes.

o   Aging causes telomeres to shorten significantly and results in gradual cell deterioration.

o   Regular physical activity reduces disease risk, possibly due to the preservation of telomeres.

o   Results showed that regular activity accounted for significantly longer telomeres in U.S. adults.

o   The longer telomeres found in active adults accounted for 9 years of reduced cellular aging.
 The Do’s

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay “them".

2. Treat your friends like how you want them to treat you. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, line dancing, whatever. Never let the brain idle." An idle mind is the devil's workshop." and the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, friends, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day.

Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet with green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits provides vitamins like Vit C, A, E, and K, which works as an antioxidant and kill free radicals. It provides a complete nourishment to the cells.
Whole Grains like Brown Rice, oats, buckwheat, barley, millet, quinoa are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and some protein.
Fresh Vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals and are good sources of phytochemicals that protect the body from disease and aging. They are the ‘heavy weights’ in regeneration. This includes the power foods like spinach, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage and carrots.
Fresh Fruits are filled with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that protect the body. This includes the power foods like lemons, apples, bananas, mangos and watermelon. Each of these fruits has a host of health benefits.
Hydration Water the basic element of life is the most important ingredient in the process of rejuvenation. Water therapy is one of the oldest therapies used since ancient times in India. It’s known that water carries all the nutrient in the body through blood, lack of water causes shrinking of cells, making fewer nutrients available to it.
As we age our skin gets dehydrated which results in wrinkles and sagging. Drinking enough water, a day keeps you hydrated. And It keeps the skin wrinkle free and moist. Water is needed for digestion, circulation of body fluids and joint lubrication.
The Mind’s Make-Over
Keep stress under control: Among the major culprit behind the premature aging is the stress that affects the physical, mental and outer look of your body in a negative and undesired way. Stress results in low libido, have the connection with skin wrinkles development, low testosterone levels, and unhealthy eating habits.
Deep breath: Breathing is such an important thing in our life, but we are extremely busy in our work that we never care about how we inhale and exhale OXYGEN (I think it is precious than anything else) inside our body. So, from now onwards take care of your breathing. If you want to stay fit for long time take deep breathe specially if you are not in so much pollution.
Early to bed and early to rise: If you don’t get time for exercising regularly at least try to wake up early in the morning and sleep early in night. You can manage your tasks in a great way if you wake up early in the morning.
Exercise: One of the most important things to grow younger and live longer is to exercise regularly. The powerful exercise effects have positive anti-aging benefits including muscle mass, strength, aerobic capacity, bone density, and cholesterol. Not only exercise can keep the body young, but it also can keep your mind vital and promote emotional well-being. A complete fitness program can help you to develop flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning, and strength training. Find your own activity that you can do regularly 3-4 sessions weekly.
Maintain a youthful mind: To maintain a youthful mind, write down a few things you can do that are totally childlike. Think of something that evokes childhood for you: going to a playground to swing, eating an ice cream cone, colouring a picture, jumping rope, or building a sand castle. Find something that brings back the fun in your life, of you, had as a child, even if you think you’ve outgrown it, do it.
Utilize your mind: Dr. Geula, who has contemplated 80-year-olds who perform at an indistinguishable level from individuals in their 50s on neuro­psychological tests, has discovered that the superaged have less cerebrum tangles—stores of protein connected to Alzheimer's—proposing that their brains have security that ordinary brains don't. While researchers confuse this out, there's a considerable measure you can do to keep your own neural connections terminating. Learn Italian, take up the cello—notwithstanding driving another course to work can wake up sluggish cerebrum cells.
Do more exercises: Life lies in movement. Don't underestimate the energy of exercise! Life should form good habits, exercise more running, walking, playing, exercise, dance... Not only... Exercise is very pleasant. Exercise makes metabolism faster, and your body cells become more active than all cosmetics. Young women who want to be young always join the ranks!
Stay happy: The only way to stay happy is by managing stress. Believe me, Stress is your biggest enemy. It may be Anxiety or Worry. Everyone has a common tendency to Stress out over teensy weensy things to the great problems of life. When you flunk a test, if you haven’t prepared for the exam, when you look unappealing with a big tummy, you didn’t ace something, have loads of work to do in the office, when the company is at a huge loss, the first dish you try is a big flop, at times of hardships, when you want to buy a big car like your neighbour, having unsatisfied cravings, when your girlfriend/boyfriend ditched you, all these lead to the hideous feeling “worry”.
The happier you are with your life and people, then younger you will look. The more stressed, angry, jealous you are, the older you will look.
Never stop learning. The day you stop learning you become old—at any age. Just as weight lifting is to your muscles, learning is to your brain. To keep it sharp, strong, and high functioning, take a class, engage in self-study, do more challenging reading, take music lessons, learn a new language, talk to people who do something different from you. Learning keeps you young and makes you feel alive and engaged in life.
Eat lots of greens, veggies, and fruits. Exercise every day. Practice yoga and meditation. Laugh and share joy.
Youthfulness is about your vitality and spirit. As we age, we naturally lose flexibility, not only in our joints and muscles, but also in our thinking. It requires discipline to overcome this natural entropy. Furthermore, I prefer to use the term "staying youthful" rather than "staying young".

Monday 8 October 2018

Prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, in which the mental ability of persons gradually declines and reaches a stage where it becomes difficult for them to lead a normal life. With the disease progressing gradually, patients find themselves more and more dependent on their immediate family members for survival.
A healthy diet, exercise, social and mentally stimulating activities, as well as everyday habits, and ample sleep can markedly reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.
The most important ways to prevent Alzheimer’s: Control diabetes and high blood pressure, reduce weight if obese, stay active, treat depression & don’t smoke.
If you get evaluated for Alzheimer’s, your doctor can make a diagnosis based on symptoms, a clinical history, and medical tests (to rule out causes like thyroid issues or nutritional deficiencies). Brain imaging tests like a cat scan or MRI can look for beta amylase plaques gun king up brain regions.
Worldwide, there are at least 44 million people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. It starts as minor forgetfulness and progresses into a disorder in which persons can’t even identify their near and dear ones.
Yoga and Mudras are very viable strategy for coping with and fighting Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s and the Brain
Brain cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with learning, are often the first to be damaged by Alzheimer’s. Therefore, memory loss, especially difficulty remembering recently learned information, is often the first symptom of the disease.

How to cope with Alzheimer’s
Gyan mudra: - Gyan Mudra increases the air element in the body which has positive effect on our emotions. Gyan Mudra or the Vayu Vardhak mudra is formed by joining the tip of index finger and the thumb. This mudra stimulates the pituitary gland, which controls your metabolism, as well as your sleep cycles. This mudra increases the air element in the body which sharpens our mind and has positive effect on our emotions. If practiced regularly this mudra can help you cure disorders like Dullness of mind, lack of enthusiasm-initiative-creativity, recklessness, loss of memory, Drowsiness, lethargy, mental retardation, Disorders of the nervous system like cerebral palsy, neuritis, neuropathies, Alzheimer's disease, Tabes dorsalis, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Ataxias, Dementias, Syringomyelia.

     It also facilitates movements of electrical impulses along nerves, empowers the pituitary gland and, thereby, the entire system of endocrine glands, empowers muscles, both voluntary and involuntary, empowers the vocal cords and the voice, empowers the heart. Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. Mood enhancement is important because of the emotional difficulties involved in coming to terms with cognitive impairment.

     Mantra vibrations
The nasal and sonorous sound of proper recitation of mantras creates vibrations inside the brain that increases the probability of producing 40 hertz brain waves. Since both auditory and visual cortex, where sound and light signals respectively are processed, are in a certain section of the brain, we still do not know the exact mechanics of how such sound waves create 40 hertz for the whole brain.
Some scientists speculate that the hippocampus, which is the memory region of the brain, is positively affected by this chanting. Hippocampus is the first region of the brain affected by plaques. If plaque reduction in this region can be affected, then this cascading effect can be felt in other areas also.
The Aum sound: - verbal recitation boosts cognitive function
    Walking Barefoot On Grass
Green is a soothing color that helps calm your mind and reduces tension. When you walk barefoot on grass, the level of endorphins (feel-good hormones) in your body increases. Research also shows that walking barefoot on grass helps to decrease stress level by 62 percent. Apart from these, there are other benefits of earthing such as it improves autonomic nervous system balance, promotes cardiovascular health, improves blood viscosity, boosts brain power, improves heart rate variability etc.

Do yogic asanas and pranayama daily only in fresh air (not in AC halls) to maximise the effects of oxygenated blood in your body. It will increase the lustre of your face, hair, besides preserving your youthfulness and increasing vitality.

Yoga alters spontaneous respiratory regulation and reduces hypoxia. 
Prolonged or chronic hypoxia has been shown to alter the excitability and functional expression of ion channels, which possibly contributes to neurodegeneration.