
Thursday 8 March 2018

Is your life Intresting

If someone were to write a book about your life, would the title be something like The Predictable Tale of (Insert Your Name Here)'s Monotonous Existence — or would it be The Exciting Escapades of (Your Name)'s Wild and Adventurous Life?

Most of us are in the stage of our lives where we’re either doing what we love or are working towards it. But, even so, there comes a time when it all of it becomes boring. Work gets monotonous, weekends aren’t all that exciting, and we’re constantly feeling that our lives are coming to a standstill.
Your real life probably falls somewhere in-between agonizing moments and wanton exhilaration — perhaps long stretches of boredom (or busyness) interspersed with moments of joy. (And even fun and joy can become predictable with repetition.)
As creatures of habit, our routines are comfortable and comforting. We, humans, tend to resist too much excitement even while we long to live a more exciting life. Living an exciting life appears great in theory, but it's a bit daunting when we're faced with the possibility of doing something to make it exciting.
Want to live an exciting life?

Does it mean we have to take up skydiving?
Become a spy?
Drive an expensive red sports car?
Those are exciting for sure, but most of us don't have the money or the stomach for that kind of excitement on a regular basis. In fact, I think excitement is relative to our individual personalities and life circumstances.
You don't have to do or be something dramatic to have a more interesting and exciting life. Small and simple changes, shifts in thinking, and self-improvement stretches can shake up your world enough to make it more fun, fascinating and adventurous — on your own terms.
You can get out of the rut of your everyday routine and put some sparkle into your lifestyle with just a little creative thinking and planning.

Want some ideas? how to make life more exciting.
To make your life interesting, you must first not worry about what other people deem interesting and just do what you want to do. Simple as that. Try something new and all that jazz.
. Make room. It's hard to add excitement to your life if your life is overflowing with mindless tasks and chores. Can you simplify, delegate, or eliminate any of these boring and mindless tasks to make room for excitement? Sometimes we fill our lives with these things to avoid stretching ourselves toward happiness. Is that you?
2. Shake up your morning routine. Instead of following the same wake-up routine every day, do it differently on occasion. Get up ten minutes early and have breakfast outside. Turn off the TV and put on music.  Make love before work. Drive a different way. Just starting your day differently will give you a little thrill.
3. Be the host. Take the initiative to entertain and invite friends or family over for dinner or something different — like a wine tasting or game night.
4. Move your furniture. Rearrange or redecorate a room, switching things up enough that it feels new and different.
5. Go cheer. Attend a competitive, fast-paced sporting event like tennis, basketball, or racing where the energy and excitement of the sport is contagious.
6. Get a makeover. Get a new haircut, have your make-up done by a pro, buy a new outfit, or try a new style. It's even more fun if you do this with a friend.
7. Cut a rug. Now wear that new outfit or haircut to go out to a dance club — or just dance at home with great music and friends.
8. Find exciting people. Look around at people you know whose lives seem interesting and exciting. Take the initiative to get to know them so that you can be included in some of their excitement.
9. Plan an adventure trip. Even if you can't afford to take a trip now, just researching, planning, and dreaming can give you a boost and build excitement for the time when you can afford to go. Include saving money as part of your planning!
10. Learn something new. Study a new language, a new skill, a hobby. You will open doors to meeting new people who share your interests and abilities and gain a sense of confidence and achievement.
11. Shake up your sex life. Be adventurous. Read the Kama Sutra. Join the Mile High Club. Find a new location. Just do it.
12. Get out of the house. Step away from the TV or computer and do something. Take a walk with a friend. Go to the bookstore and browse. Visit a local gallery or museum.
13. Go on a weekend excursion. Plan a fun getaway for 2-3 days for some outdoor or indoor adventure. REI offers a variety of adventure travel including some great weekend getaways if you want some ideas.
14. Test drive a sports car. Ok, so you may not be able to buy one, but that doesn't mean you can't try it out. Go take a spin behind the wheel of your favorite car.
15. Arrange a secret rendezvous. Surprise your beloved with a romantic evening or overnight hotel stay.
16. Try an unusual recipe. Cook something that you've never tried before or order something unusual at a restaurant that you wouldn't normally try.
17. Read an adventure novel or thriller. Enjoy your excitement vicariously through a juicy, good book.
18. Go to a comedy club or mystery dinner theater. Have an exciting evening of laughs or thrills to shake up your routine weekend.
19. Write down your life vision. Spend some time thinking about your ideal life filled fun, excitement and adventure. Write down your vision and the actions you could take to get yourself there.
20. Adopt a pet. This is excitement plus responsibility, so be sure you are ready for both. A pet (especially a puppy) will be great company and provide fun opportunities to meet other pet people.
21. Go to a rock concert. Get tickets to your favourite band and take your favourite person to listen to some body-moving music.
22. Go skinny dipping. Night time is best if you don't want the excitement of an arrest. Find a pool or a hot tub, strip down, and bring a loved one. Add a bottle of champagne for even more excitement.
23. Try a random act of kindness. Do something unexpectedly nice for a friend or a stranger. Pay for someone's coffee. Send balloons. Leave a love note.
24. Be curious about people. Ask people (old and new friends) questions about their lives. Learn what other people do and what makes them tick. You might discover something intriguing about them and yourself.
25. Don't wait. Don't wait to try something, to initiate, to act. Stop playing it safe or looking for someone else to take the lead. Be a creative creator of your life. You can make it as exciting and thrilling as you wish.
26. Do that one big thing. Is there one big action you've been holding back on that could turn your life from boring to amazing? Maybe it's a job change, a move, a proposal, a change of scenery, a new relationship in your life. Whatever it is, take the first step. Action creates momentum, and momentum builds excitement.
For the most part, an exciting life doesn't happen to you. (And when it does, it may not be the kind of excitement you want!) You need to find ways to jazz up your life in small ways by shifting your perspective — and changing some of your daily actions.
Small and fresh change can enliven you and create a new and exciting outlook on life.

What would you recommend making life more interesting? I’d love to hear your responses.

Monday 5 March 2018

Love and Nurture your inner child

Love Your Inner Child
“That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.” – Walt Disney
Many of us, including myself, consider our childhood to be the golden period of our life.
Because of the boundless possibilities to have fun. The feeling of having all the time in the world. The absence of responsibilities and expectations. A non-existent to-do lists. And, best of all, eating as many treats as we would like without worrying about what the scales would say the next day.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, there is a little child within who needs love and acceptance. If you’re a woman, no matter how self-reliant you are, you have a little girl who’s very tender and needs help. If you’re a man, no matter how macho you are, you still have a little boy inside who craves warmth and affection.
As children, when something went wrong, we tended to believe that there was something wrong with us. Children develop the idea that if they could only do it right, then parents and caregivers would love them, and they wouldn’t punish them. In time, the child believes, there is something wrong with me. I’m not good enough. As we grow older, we carry these false beliefs with us. We learn to reject ourselves.

There is a parent inside each of us, as well as a child. And most of the time, the parent scolds the child—almost nonstop! If we listen to our inner dialogue, we can hear the scolding. We can hear the parent tell the child what it is doing wrong or how it is not good enough. We need to allow our parent to become more nurturing to our child.
·         Rekindle your sense of wonder: Make a point of paying attention to the world around you. Look closely at a flower. Study the intricate patterns of a leaf or tree bark. Marvel at the immense power of a storm or the ocean. I started a nature journal so I could capture some of these experiences.

·         Reflect on what makes you happy and sad: Tuck a couple of index cards in your pocket, and jot down what makes you happy or sad. As you identify situations or scenarios or activities that lift you up, consciously make more time for them. I realized how happy I felt when someone thanked me for a handwritten note. So now I write more of them! Inversely, think of ways to minimize what makes you sad or stressed. When I started paying attention to this, I discovered a direct correlation between my stress level and the amount of sleep I got the night before. Getting more sleep has been a game changer for me.

·         Make time for play: This is one I struggle with myself, but researchers are discovering play is powerful therapy for stress. Think about what play means for you and make time for it.  I bought myself a Buddha Board for my desk so I can doodle at will.

·         Be yourself: Of course, this should always be tempered with kindness and thoughtfulness, but don't keep people guessing about your motives or your opinions. Be a “what you see is what you get” kind of person and, even more importantly, respect and cherish that in others. It takes courage to be yourself.

·         Try something new: Children aren't afraid to set out on a new venture, but as we get older, fear of failure can become almost paralyzing. Have you mean meaning to write a book? Are you itching to turn your hobby into a business? Do you want to learn a new language? Take one baby step towards your goal today. I'm taking a course on Digital Publishing, so I can write that book I've been talking about for years.

·         Explore: Get out of your rut. Read a book or watch a move in a different genre from your usual fare. Try a new food. Go somewhere within 50 miles you've been meaning to visit. Our local arboretum is on my list to visit soon.
I know these simple techniques won't fix all the stress or sadness or worry in your life, but they can help you rediscover a part of you may have been missing.

No matter how our looks change on the outside, our spirit will never age. When we believe that we’re spiritual beings, having a human experience, we can embrace our agelessness and embody a youthful demeanour. This youthful energy is available to us in abundance if we believe in its magic and splendour.

Don’t let growing up destroy your inner child!

Friday 2 March 2018

Magnificient Yoga Mudras for Abundance

Mudra for Opening to Abundance
What is a mudra, you may ask? A Mudra in yoga is a symbolic hand gesture, eye movement, body position, etc. designed to symbolize a certain emotional, philosophical, spiritual or conscious state.  Often referred to as “yoga of the hands” the gestures, when practiced, help the yogi to tap into the energy associated with the mudra. These mudras can be helpful to manifest a certain emotional state or desire in one’s life, can serve as a meditation reminder and help focus the yogi on the focus of their meditation, and can also be used to help feel and access certain emotional blockages or barriers in life.

Nowadays there are many people that are faced with financial difficulties, although they work hard, try hard, but constantly are missing money. Some experts believe that the whole thing is in the energy sector.

Their clarification is that happens when the stream, where vitality of cash streams is temperamental, and intermittently blocked. If you need to balance out the stream, it is suggested an uncommon mudra, which has data, religious motions and stances.

In Buddhism and Hinduism mudra has been utilized for a considerable length of time, and the most recent couple of years appreciates incredible prevalence. The impact is inconceivable! Our recommendation is to consider and utilize a mudra, which will change vitality of the money related development.
Three Mudras for Everyday Magic

Mudras are hand and finger postures that quickly move and redirect the flow of energy within our body, mind and spirit. You can shift your consciousness and revitalize your organ systems in a matter of minutes by practicing these sacred hand gestures.

What’s even better is that just about anyone can do them. Unlike other yoga practices, this one does not require flexibility. To top it all off, it can be done almost any time and anywhere. This is an amazing practice that you can easily and joyfully integrate into your daily life.
While mudras are traditionally used during meditation and visualization practices, their versatility allows you to take them out into the “real” world. I love to use them when I find myself idle, or in a period of “waiting.” I use them while I’m in line at the market, at an after-school activity, resting between reps at the gym or watching a movie. While many of you may be apprehensive about using them in public, know that doing so might inspire others to explore this ancient healing tool for themselves. Now you’re spreading the love!
The following are three of my favourite mudras. If you would like to learn more, I encourage you to read Gertrud Rishi’s Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, or Sabrina Mesko’s Healing Mudras.
Kubera — Mudra for Manifestation
Plant the seeds for your heart’s desires. Use this mudra to bring your dreams into reality. I suggest using this mudra every morning to actively set your intention for the day. You can also use it when starting a new project, making an important phone call, or any time you’d like to use your power as a deliberate creator. I also use this mudra whenever I feel worry. It helps me to snap out of my fears and focus on what I truly want.
Get into a comfortable position (preferably lotus position), form the mudra and visualize your desired outcome while repeating the affirmation, “I do my best, and God does the rest.” This mudra always helps to sooth my fears, so that I can attract what I want instead of what I fear. Even more importantly, it helps me to “let go and let God,” which is much easier said than done without this mudra!
Join your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together (pressing lightly on the tips) and placing the other two fingers in the middle of your palm. Do this with both hands without any strain in the palms. Take slow, deep breaths while focusing on your heart’s desires. Intensity of focus is more important than time for this mudra. You may find that deeper, more elaborate desires call for more time. Duration: 1 minute to 1 hour.
Ksepana Mudra — Releasing Negativity
Clear your energy field, cleanse your emotions. Try this mudra after being in a large crowd, following an argument, or when you find yourself caught up in the throes of negativity.
Clasp your hands with index fingers touching flat on each other (point downward) at sacral chakra (below the navel). Cross the thumbs. Affirm “I fully release all negativity from my body, mind and soul. Pure healing energies flow into me now.” Take several deep, slow breaths. With each exhale, release all the drama and baggage. With each inhale, take in the pure loving energies of the divine. Duration: 2 minutes or more.
Prana Mudra — Energizing

Usher in vital life force energy. Use this when you feel drained, fatigued or depressed.
Join your thumb with both your little and ring finger, while keeping the middle and index fingers extended. Hold your hands in either a vertical or horizontal position. Take several deep breaths and place your focus on the pure revitalizing energy that is pouring into your body. Each cell is being fully revitalized now. Affirm, “I plug into the universe and recharge my batteries.” Duration: 5-30 minutes.
Practicing mudras engages both the body and the mind, creating a very focused and powerful healing practice. Stay for several breaths and focus on the feeling in your hands. Let the mind soften. Let the heart open. And let the entire mind, body, and soul prepare to receive love, abundance, health, wealth, success and true compassion and connection in 2015.I invite you to practice these mudras for a week and see what miracles unfold in your life. I’d love to hear your stories, too! Please share them with me at
Vedic Mantra Treatment (also called as Chikitsa is the ancient science originated from Vedas. This is a parallel science to Ayurveda also called as Alternative Medicine System.
Vedic Mantra Treatment is based on chanting Vedic mantras and awaken the body's natural healing mechanisms.The right and systematic chanting of Vedic mantras produces a state where the end user receives positive energy which allows the body to come back to a natural state. Generally, these mantras are chanted between 10,000 - 100,000 times in a systematic manner.
Vedic mantras are energy-based sounds and Vedic mantra treatment is a great solution to treat physical and mental illnesses. Distinct from traditional Ayurveda, Vedic mantra treatment emphasizes the role of mantra chanting and the Vedic way of Living.