
Tuesday 5 June 2018


We all know how certain sounds can be soothing, such as the voice of a mother comforting her baby, and how certain noises can be frightening and make us feel ill at ease, such as thunder and lightning. The sounds of Mantra Chanting are in the former category, and not only make us feel at peace but also have the power to quite literally transform our lives by lifting us towards a higher consciousness.

For thousands of years all throughout the planet, mantras have been used to quiet the mind, experience inner stillness, promote the development of virtues like empathy, and experience “God.”

The human voice is one of the most powerful sounds we can hear and has the ability for transformation and healing. Chanting mantras is both therapeutic and healing for us and is therefore an extremely important tool in our quest for a better life.
“Healing Mantras” are “These ancient sounds create energy vibrations that can replace negative energy with positive ones.  When chanting Sanskrit mantras, the chanter benefits from thousands of years of powerful energy accumulated from the Divine and from the millions of devoted chanters.”  You can therefore see just how powerful it is to chant mantras.
The sacred pronouncements or chanting of Sanskrit Mantras gives us the power to achieve our goals and to elevate ourselves from the ordinary and on toward the higher levels of consciousness.  It allows us to attain a blissful state of liberation and freedom.
Chanting has been used in all cultures for thousands of years to uplift the spirit and activate certain archetypal energies within the self.
Choose a simple repetitive chant, one that you can learn easily so you’re not always trying to remember it. It can be from any tradition, but it should be one you feel comfortable with.
As everything in the universe is sound or vibration, a disharmony in one of those sounds or a break in the unfolding of the sequence of sounds, leads to discomfort, disease, and a loss of wholeness. For example, if one musician in an orchestra is playing off key, there is a loss of harmony in the whole piece of music. You can correct that by having a second musician stand next to the first one and play the correct notes. Just by hearing the correct notes, the first musician will automatically begin playing correctly.
Similarly, if there is a disharmony in your physiology, and you know the correct vibration for that area, you can begin to correct the imbalance by chanting or toning that sound. For example, if you have a problem with your eyes, and you know the sound relating to the eyes, you can activate the healing process for that area by chanting that sound (silently or aloud) and directing the vibration into the area of the eyes.       
Examples of Toning Sounds for the Body

Kaa Gaa Gha
Yaa Yu Yi
reproductive organs
Lungs and large intestine
Liver and small intestine
Kidneys and bladder
Energizing, wakeup
Relaxing, bedtime


Contain 1500 Awesome Chants That Will Radically Improve Your Life. THE BEST SELLER IN ITS CLASS, WORLD WIDE ACCEPTED AND APPRICIATED.

Chanting is a spiritual discipline believed to improve listening skills, heightened energy and more sensitivity toward others.
Contain Essential Vedic Mantras to get rid of Human pain & Sufferings
The basic principle of mantra recitation is this: to use sound to cut through mental clutter, facilitate meditation practice, and create a deeper state of awareness. “A mantra provides a way to go beyond negative thoughts,”.
Manifestation of thought
Wish fulfilment
Awakening of higher centers in the body
Warding off negativity and heaviness
Mental peace and focus
Stillness of body and mind
Clarity of thought
Emotional decongestion
Reduced levels of hyperactivity
Strengthen our immune and neurological systems.

Sunday 20 May 2018

SELF RESPECT: Don't Ever Doubt Your Worth.

Self Respect

Self-respect is about having the courage to stand up for yourself when you are being treated in a manner that is less than what you deserve.

Self-respect forms the foundation of all the decisions you’ll ever make, how you treat yourself, and how you allow others to treat you.

It is about knowing your worth and having the ability to adjust your life and remove people from it if they are treating you poorly. If you have respect for yourself, you will naturally demand respect from others without having to do much of anything. People who have self-respect treat everyone else with respect but acknowledge that not everyone else will do the same. Rather than stooping to their level and disrespecting them, you should simply not interact with them because you should respect yourself enough to know that they are a waste of your time that could be spent on better people.

Respect is one of the most important qualities in your relationship with anyone, and there is no exception when it comes to your relationship with yourself. Self-respect encompasses a multitude of ideals, but it comes down to be the kind of person you are satisfied with showing the world and being someone that you and the people you care about are proud of. Self-respect is about having a sense of honour and dignity about yourself, your choices, and your life. It is about treating others well and knowing that by doing so, others will treat you well in return. Lastly, self-respect is knowing that not everyone will treat you well and choosing to respect everyone nonetheless, but still knowing that you deserve to be surrounded by great people. Having respect for yourself is vital in maintaining a positive self-image by allowing yourself to feel confident in who you are and content with the person you are becoming.

To respect something is to accept it. To respect yourself is to accept yourself. So, it’s only until you truly love and respect yourself, accepting who and what you are, that you can start to believe you are worthy of another person’s love and respect.So, in the end it boils down to this: accept yourself, respect your efforts, and you will in the end respect yourself.
And self-respect leads to self-discipline.
Now that’s real power.

Monday 14 May 2018


Related image

Why do people say, ``Good night, sleep tight"? What is the meaning of` `sleep tight"?
The tightness has nothing to do with the body of the individual. And it doesn't mean holding on to someone sleeping next to you tightly! ``Tight'' here refers to the tightness of the bed. Nowadays of course, most beds are made of either wood or steel. In the old days, it was only the frame of the bed that was made of wood. The middle portion, the portion on which people slept on consisted of strings. There were strings running from one end of the frame to the other. If these strings were not tightly strung, the bed sagged, making it very uncomfortable for the person lying down. Result? The individual did not get much sleep. If the strings were tightly strung, then the bed was firm and the person sleeping on it got a good night's sleep. So, when you say sleep tight, what you are saying is, I hope your cot is tightly strung.

Sleep Tight: 6 Tips To Get Your Best Sleep Ever
It’s a fact: getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep is good for you. We know being better rested not only makes us more mentally clear and physically energized for whatever the next day brings, but what might surprise some is how much our skin, mood, weight, immunity and even memory benefits from catching those all-important ZZZs.
Not all sleep is quality sleep, however. The goal is to reach a deep, deep slumber, otherwise known as REM. There are lots of things we can do to encourage a successful snooze! Below are some of my six best tips for creating an optimal sleep environment:
1. Shut It Down
Turn off all screens (TV, laptops and smart phones, too!) at least 45 minutes before bedtime. These activities rev us up, keeping our brains wired when we should be winding down. In addition, the glow of the screen delays the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Instead, I like to read a book or magazine.
2. Lights Out
Twinkling stars are dreamy however studies show that light signals our brains to be awake and therefore we get the best sleep in the pitch dark. Black out liners are concealed behind your existing curtains or shades, so you can keep the design you love and get the sleep you need.
3. Shut Eye
If your partner wakes up for water in the middle of the night and turns on the light (don’t you just love that?!) you’ll have nothing to worry about if you’re wearing a soft sleep mask.
4. Sleep Sounds
White noise machines produce low level soothing noises that tune out everything from neighbours bickering to barking dogs. You can always download an app to get those ambient sounds that will help you sleep tight or try one of these noise machines to get the job done.
5. Rest Your Head
Pillows are sometimes underappreciated and thought of as a one-size-fits-all situation. That is not the case! Take the time to choose what type is right for you. Factor in whether you’re a back, side or stomach sleeper. Decide if you prefer a soft and cloud-like material or something firm and sturdy. The right pillow can make a major difference in your snooze fest.
6. Breathe Deep
Essential oils such as lavender, ylang-ylang, and chamomile promote relaxation. I don’t prefer to light candles when I’m about to go to bed because, hello danger! I do appreciate satchels, mists and diffuser sticks, which also get the scented job done.
Now that you know how important sleep is, what are you going to try first? I’m going to start with a little meditating before bed, reflecting on all the things I’m grateful for during the day and grabbing a good book! The key is creating a routine you can sustain and relaxes you. Hopefully you have the tools to do it now!

Wednesday 9 May 2018


Benefits of Deep Breathing

Breathing must be the most important thing for human since we can never skip even some minutes without breathing. Breathing is more than just taking in oxygen and giving out the carbon dioxide. It has many types and pattern. One of breathing type that known is diaphragm or deep breathing.

Deep Breathing should be a part of our everyday life. It not only can lengthen the years that we get to live, but can make us happier, more productive and energetic living them too.

Deep breathing usually involves inhaling the clean air deeply and exhaling the bad air fully, and it is taking even lengths when breath in and out. Deep breath exercise can be done almost by anyone, anywhere and anytime. Deep breath technique can be repeated with several times repetition during the day or whenever you feel tired, stress or depressed.
The Natural Painkiller
Deep breathing releases endorphins throughout the body. Endorphins are feel-good, natural painkillers created by our own bodies. When practicing deep breathing, the upward and downward movement of the diaphragm helps remove toxins from the organs, promoting better blood flow. Oxygen provides energy, which means that we are creating an increase in our energy level by breathing deeply. Learning a few techniques and taking just a few moments each day to practice some deep breathing exercises can decrease stress, relax your mind and body and help you sleep better.
Stress management is an important key for improving your health and quality of living, and I believe deep breathing exercises are a foundational principle of managing life’s stresses.
Deep breathing can improve your energy level
If you’re feeling tired or are not able to focus on your work, deep-breathing exercises can help.  In the modern world, people don’t use their diaphragm to breath; instead, they use weaker, surrounding muscles that don’t fill the lungs to their full capacity.  While this isn’t a life-threatening change, taking deep breaths creates more oxygen saturation in the cells, which in turn activates a number of different nerves and creates a relaxed, alert state.
Deep breathing slows your heart rate
One of the best things you can do when scared or overwhelmed is to take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe.
§  Lack of oxygen can make you feel tense and nervous, even if you aren’t consciously aware of the problem.
§  However, by taking a deep breath, you force more oxygen into your cells.
§  This lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, and improves circulation.
§  The ultimate result is more energy to complete the tasks are doing, while simultaneously lowering your heart rate and helping you to calm down.
Deep breathing helps to clean out the lungs
The modern world is hazardous for the human body.  The amount of pollution in the air, smoking habits, and a host of other problems can lead to all kinds of lung problems.  When you get sick, it’s often due to particles in the lungs that are irritating the sensitive tissues there.  However, deep breathing can help to cleanse the lungs.
It forces oxygen to fill even the deepest parts of your lungs and breaks up any particles and residue that may be there.
A deep-breathing routine can help you cleanse your lungs of external particles, preventing you from getting sick as often as you normally might.
This can also help improve lung capacity and performance.
Deep breathing reduces anxiety
Hundreds of people suffer from anxiety daily.  They worry about several things outside their control, which leads to more stress and worry than they were already under.  Deep breathing can help to fight this.
Short, shallow breaths trigger the mind to feel like it’s in danger; it’s part of the fight or flight instinct of all living creatures.  However, deep breathing means the body is relaxed and there is no need to run.  This can put you at ease and reduce the amount of anxiety a person feels.
The long exhalation that comes because of deep breathing tells the nervous system to calm down.
If you suffer from anxiety on a nearly daily basis, taking a few moments throughout the day to perform deep breathing exercises can be helpful.
Deep breathing exercises yield a host of different health benefits that can be useful throughout our daily lives.  They’re also simple to perform and can be done anywhere, whether you’re on a bus or sitting at your desk in the middle of the day.  It’s a good idea to try to implement these exercises throughout your day, if only to trigger the diaphragm on a regular basis.  Within just a few days of performing these exercises, you will notice positive changes in your physical and mental health.

How to Breathe properly?
To breathe properly you need to breathe deeply into your abdomen not just your chest. Even in the old Greek and Roman times the doctors recommended deep breathing, the voluntary holding of air in the lungs, believing that this exercise cleansed the system of impurities and gave strength. This certainly is of great value to you in your work in the world. Breathing exercises should be deep, slow, rhythmic, and through the nose, not through the mouth. The most important parts of deep breathing must be regulating your breaths three to four seconds in, and three to four seconds out.

1. Inhale through your nose, expanding your belly, then fill your chest. Counting to 5
2. Hold and Count to 3. Feel all your cells filled with golden, healing, balancing Sun light energy.
3. Exhale fully from slightly parted mouth and Feel all your cells releasing waste and emptying all old energy. Counting to 5.

Schedule your deep breathing exercise just as you would schedule important business appointments. Set aside a minimum of two 10-minute segments of time every day although you can begin with two five minutes segments if you prefer.
Honouring yourself enough to schedule time with yourself is the first step in mastering stress.
Fortunately, you can reclaim your physical and mental health by practicing deep breathing exercises. These exercises can reverse your body’s natural reaction to stressful conditions, which will help you manage negative emotions and even physical pain more effectively. We can’t always eliminate stress from our lives, but we can learn to deal with it in a healthier way.

Sunday 22 April 2018

The sun’s role in the spiritual life

The sun’s role in the spiritual life

The search for our own centre

lever de soleil
Our sun is the centre of an entire planetary system which it organises, vivifies, and sustains. If the movement of the planets around the sun is considered the very picture of universal harmony, it is because the planets turn around a centre which maintains this marvellous equilibrium. If the sun were to disappear from its place at the centre, there would be chaos. And it is the same for our inner life: as long as we do not have a centre which co-ordinates, balances, and maintains the movements of the periphery, that is to say our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we cannot sustain a life and pursuits which are harmonious and constructive. So, why is it that we go to contemplate the sunrise every morning? We go to engage in a very important exercise: by observing the sun, in striving to identify with it, gradually we will find our own centre.

The sun is the best example of  divine love

The sun shines, and it does not care whether the creatures who receive its rays are intelligent or stupid, good or criminal, deserving of its blessings or not. It sends light to them all without distinction. This is why the sun is said to be the best illustration of divine love. Consider the most extraordinary beings who have lived on earth: all of them have had a few prejudices, a few biases, and even a few animosities. Yes, even the greatest prophets, even the greatest masters have not been able to free themselves completely from resorting to the laws of justice and punishing the wicked, because freeing oneself in this way is extremely difficult. Only the sun regards human beings in the same way God Himself does, knowing that they are divine sparks which will one day return to the bosom of the Eternal. This is why, over thousands of years, he patiently continues to warm them, enlighten them, and vivify them. Surely this example is sufficient to stimulate us?
The sun is the image of perfection

Take as a model the sun, which sheds light, warmth and life. You will say that a scientist, a writer, a philosopher, a hero, a saint can also be a model. Yes, of course, you will probably be influenced by their qualities and virtues; but there will always be something missing. Even if you take the greatest masters of the world as models, you will not get the true image of perfection. The sun is the image of perfection; and if you take it as a model because you wish to enlighten, warm and vivify creatures the same way the sun does, you will be transformed. Obviously, you will never quite obtain the light, warmth and life of the sun, but the sole desire to acquire these attributes will project you to the celestial realms where you will accomplish wonders. It is the desire to give light, warmth and life that will make you more luminous, warmer and more alive.
Human beings need to love God

Like the sun, God gives us all His blessings, but if we close our heart to Him, we cannot receive them. Why open our heart to God? In reality God does not need our love, but He has fashioned human beings in such a way that they need to love Him. That is to say, they need to open themselves so that He may enter them. If they refuse to open themselves or prefer to remain below the clouds, well, that is their free choice, and God allows them to do so. You will say: ‘Yes, He lets them do it, but He becomes angry and punishes them.’ Ah! Do you really think so? God has so many things to do that are far more important than punishing or rewarding human beings. It is they who, by means of their positive or negative attitudes, trigger a state of harmony or disharmony in their own heart and soul. It is this harmony or disharmony that causes them to think either that God smiles at them or that He punishes and abandons them.
To bear fruit

The Creator has sown seeds in the soul, spirit, heart, mind and physical body of every human being, and if we want these seeds to grow and bear fruit we have to come closer to the sun. The day human beings understand this and begin to draw nearer to the spiritual sun, all the seeds lying dormant in him will begin to sprout and produce fruit.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

What to do on Akshaya tritiya?

Find out what you should do on Akshaya Tritiya and how that can help you derive spiritual benefits that this day has to offer.

Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated on the third day of the bright fortnight in the month of Vaishakha (vaisakha Shukla Paksha Tritiya). Akshaya (Sanskrit) means inexhaustible, that which never deteriorates. It is the most auspicious day to start a new venture.
Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej, is considered highly auspicious and is celebrated with much fervour and joy. Akshaya in Sanskrit means ‘never diminishing’ and Tritiya means ‘third’. Celebrated on the third lunar day of the bright fortnight, it is believed to be the day when the sun and the moon become equally bright. There are many legends associated with the day, one such legend is from Mahabharata when the Pandavas were in exile, Lord Krishna gifted Draupadi a bowl called the ‘Akshaya Patram’, which produced infinite food to the Pandavas. Hence it is said that valuable acquired on the day replenish endlessly. While according to another legend, Parashurama is the sixth incarnation of Vishnu and son of Jamadagni and Renuka. After a fight between his parents, his father asked him Parashurama to kill his mother. Obeying his father’s command, he killed his mother. For his task, Jamadagni blessed him with a boon and he asked his mother to bright back her life. It is considered auspicious to buy gold, vehicles or property on this day to bring good fortune and luck. In 2018, Akshaya Tritiya falls on April 18. We bring to you must do’s on Akshaya Tritiya.

Check this out:
Puja: Perform a simple puja within the auspicious mahurat time taken out especially for this day. This simple task performed with the family will bring in all the good energy on this day and help in celebrating with fervour.

Donate Food: Donating food to the homeless people, poor people or animals will create a sense of happiness and accomplishment on this auspicious day. The people who are starving will bless you and thereby create feelings of spreading good vibes.

Buying gold: Gold is considered a symbol of power, wealth and prosperity. Over the years buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya has become a tradition. It is believed that gold bought on the day never diminishes and stays with the family forever.
Buying vehicles: It is believed buying vehicles on Akshaya Tritiya ensure longevity and blesses with safe commutation. Hence, on this many automobile companies offer a huge discount on vehicles. Earlier there was a tradition to buy horses, cows and bullock carts, as those were the modes of transportation then.
Buying new house: Buying a house or any form of property is a profitable asset as real estate provides high returns over a period. Akshaya Tritiya is believed to be an auspicious day to invest in a house or any property. During this period real estate sector come up with several deals to attract customers.
Marriages: The day is said to be full of blessings for people to start a new relationship and tie themselves into the secret bond of marriage. The day is also popular for communal marriages where hundreds of couples get married at the same time and venue.
Starting a new business:  If you have been planning to start a new venture forever, then Akshaya Tritiya is the best time for your own start-up. Since the day is considered auspicious for any new beginnings the business started on the day will for sure flourish and thrive.
Plant trees: Planting a tree on this day is also considered auspicious and this is like giving back to nature that always gives to us unconditionally.

“Akshaya Tritiya is a very important day to develop wealth consciousness. Celebrate the prosperity energy that is coming to us because of the positioning of the Sun and the Moon on this day…the phase of the Moon is Tritiya, which is the third Moon. If you miss this day, you will have to wait for one more year.”

Friday 13 April 2018


MYTH: Mutual Funds are for experts
Fact: In fact, Mutual funds are meant for of common investors who may lack the knowledge or skill set to invest in securities market. Mutual Funds are professionally managed by expert Fund Managers after extensive market research for the benefit of investors. A mutual fund is an inexpensive way for investors to get a full-time professional fund manager to manage their money.
MYTH: Mutual Fund investments are only for the long term
Fact: Mutual funds can be for the short term or for longer term based on one’s investment horizon and objective.
There are different types of mutual fund schemes – which invest in different types of securities – in equity as well as debt securities that are suitable for different investor needs.
In fact, there are various short-term schemes where you can invest for a few days to a few weeks to a few years e.g., Liquid Funds are low duration funds, with portfolio maturity of less than 91 days, while Ultra Short-Term Bond Funds are low duration funds, with portfolio maturity of less than a year. There are Short-Term Bond Funds which are medium duration funds where the underlying portfolio maturity ranges from one year – three years. Then, there are Long-Term Income Funds which are medium to long duration funds with portfolio maturity between 3 and 10 years.
While Equity Schemes are most suitable for a longer term, debt mutual funds are suitable for investors with short term (less than 5 years) investment horizon.

MYTH: Investing in mutual funds is the same as investing in stock market / Mutual Fund is an equity product 
Fact: Mutual Funds invest in stock market (i.e., equities), bond market (corporate bonds as well as govt. bonds) and Money Market instruments such as Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposit, Collateral Borrowing & Lending Obligation (CBLO) etc. Many of these instruments are not available to retail investors due to large ticket size of minimum order quantity (such as G-Secs) and hence, retail investors could participate in such investments through mutual fund schemes.
MYTH: Mutual Fund scheme with a NAV is ₹10 per Unit better than Mutual Fund scheme whose NAV is ₹25 per unit (Or a mutual fund scheme with lower NAV is better Or Investing in NFOs are preferable than investing in existing schemes).
Fact: This is a common misconception. A mutual fund's NAV represents the market value of all its underlying investments. NAV of a fund is irrelevant, because it represents the market value of the fund’s investments and not the market price. Any capital appreciation will depend on the price movement of its underlying securities. Let us understand this through an illustration.
Suppose, you invest ₹10,000 each in scheme A whose NAV is ₹20 and scheme B (whose NAV is say, ₹100. You will be allotted 500 units of scheme A and 100 units of scheme B. If both schemes have invested their entire corpus in exactly same stocks and in the same proportions, if the underlying stocks collectively appreciate by 10%, the NAV of the two schemes should also rise by 10%, to ₹22 and ₹110, respectively. Thus, in both the scenarios, the value of your investment increases to ₹  11,000.
Thus, the current NAV of a fund does not have any impact on the returns.

MYTH: ONE needs a large amount of money to invest in Mutual Funds
Fact: Incorrect. One could start investing mutual funds with just ₹5000 for a lump-sum / one-time investment with no upper limit and ₹1000 towards subsequent / additional subscription in most of the mutual fund schemes. And for Equity linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), the minimum amount is as low as ₹  500.
In fact, one could invest via Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) with as little as ₹500 per month for as long as one wishes to.

MYTH: One needs to have a Demat account to invest in Mutual Funds
Fact: Holding mutual fund Units in Demat mode is optional, except in respect of Exchange Traded Funds. For all other schemes, including the close-ended listed schemes like Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs), it is entirely up to the investor whether to hold the units in a Demat mode or in conventional physical accountant statement mode.
MYTH: A Scheme with a higher NAV has reached its peak ! 
Fact: This is a very common misconception because of the general association of Mutual Funds with shares. One needs to keep in mind that the NAV of a scheme is nothing but a reflection of the market value of the underlying shares held by the fund on any day. Mutual Funds invest in shares, which may be bought or sold whenever deemed appropriate by the Fund Manager depending on the scheme’s investment strategy (Buy-Hold-Sell). If the Fund Manager feels that a stock has peaked, he can choose to sell it.
A high NAV does not mean the fund is expensive. In fact, high NAV indicates a good performance of the scheme over the years.

MYTH: Buying a top-rated mutual fund scheme ensures better returns.
Fact: Mutual fund ratings are dynamic and based on performance of the scheme over time – which is subject to market fluctuations. So, a Mutual fund scheme that may be on top of the rating chart currently, may not necessarily maintain the same rating month after month or later. However, a top-rated fund is a good first step to short list a scheme to invest in (although past performance does not necessarily guarantee better returns in future). Investment in a mutual fund scheme needs to be tracked with respect to the scheme’s benchmark to evaluate its performance periodically to decide whether to stay invested or to exit.