
Tuesday 17 July 2018

Organize Your Thoughts:10X Your Productivity

Feel like your brain is overwhelmed with too many thoughts?  You’re not alone. Thank you so much for your interest in Brainetics.
Our minds are basically organized like human computers. They function in much the same way. So, if we want to improve our daily productivity, we need to empty the cache of temporary “files” and reboot for our brains to allow us to perform at our peak levels.
Otherwise we can easily experience brain overload with too many circuits firing simultaneously and so many programs (thoughts) working in the shadows that we often “freeze up”. This will make us unable to remember everything or simply process the information in a less efficient manner than we’d like.
It sounds odd but when you stop to consider, it makes sense.
In this article, I’ll explain to you why organizing your thoughts is so important and introduce to you 3 simple steps to super boost your brain power.
Organizing your mind: Why should you care?
By making it a habit to set aside a few minutes each day to empty and organize your brain, you can drastically improve your ability to focus, complete tasks and achieve your goals.
A streamlined mind is much more effective than a perpetually overloaded one.
In addition, an overloaded brain forgets things, important tasks, details and deadlines. The quality of our output suffers as well. We are simply unable to concentrate and use our intelligence and skills to their highest potential.
As a side benefit, you’ll find better balance, less stress and increased energy. Swirling thoughts cause an enormous amount of stress and prevent our minds from truly ever resting. This results in brain fatigue, which keeps us exhausted and irritable.
3 simple steps to organize your thoughts
Organizing your thoughts isn’t really that difficult. It only requires a few minutes each day and surprisingly simple tools to help sharpen your brain.
1. Choose your best time
Ideally, this process is best done twice each day, first thing in the morning and again before bedtime, but that doesn’t work for everyone.
Choose the time that works best for you. Any time will work. The key is to do it consistently.
I have found that I need my morning coffee, breakfast and exercise first. My brain must wake up a bit. I apparently need a caffeine kick, fuel and stress release to form coherent thoughts.
2. Choose your method of logging
Any number of apps on your phone will work well to record thoughts and tasks. If you prefer, you can use the voice-recording feature. Even the basic note function works fine.
An organizational program or document, such as Outlook, OneNote, or Evernote on your computer will work as well.
Though I tend to be a “techie” by nature, I still prefer to use a pen and pad for this process. Sometimes the simplest method is the most effective.
Whatever tool you choose, make sure it’s quick and readily accessible.
3. Quickly dump everything you’re keeping in your head
And I mean everything… Not just tasks but thoughts, concerns, questions, and ideas too.
Get it all out. Don’t worry about sorting them; you can do that later, just get them out of your head so that they can stop spinning around, using up precious brainpower and space.
Once you’re finished, ask yourself if you need or want to act on any of these items today.
If the answer is yes:
  • Add those tasks to your ongoing task or to-do list (you have one of those right?)
  • Cross them off or remove them.
If the answer is no:
  • Is it an idea? – Add it to an idea file, work notebook, or document to pursue later.
  • Is it more of a question or concerns you have? – Record it in a journal or notebook to mull over at another time. (If you never go back to consider them, they probably weren’t that important!)
It’s that simple. It should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes!
A tiny habit with great benefits
When we’re unable to let go of thoughts and responsibilities that plague us, we are no longer constantly preoccupied. We are better able to quiet our mind and enjoy the other parts of our lives.
When we aren’t stuck in our head, we can fully engage with the rest of the world outside us.
That’s not bad for a 5-10-minute investment.
Physical Ways to Organize Your Thoughts
Get some exercise.
Move your body and get your heart pumping. Make a visit to the gym, run outdoors, play frisbee or a game of catch with a friend, or walk and do some errands. The change of pace will give your mind a break and allow your subconscious to work on your puzzle in the background.
Spend time in nature.
Go out and spend some time outdoors. You could sit in the park on a bench, hike a trail, walk your dog, or gaze at a beautiful green pasture. Get out of your heard, and let your eyes take in the sights.
Talk to a friend or family member.
Sometimes it helps to talk things out. You’ll feel better getting things out of your head, and off your chest. Plus, your friend can help you find patterns that you may be missing, or clarify, and reinforce what you’re thinking.
Tell a story.
The process of telling a story aloud will make you think about what’s important, and what’s not. So, start with one of your thoughts and make up a story about it. “Once upon a time…”
How about you? How do you organize your thoughts? Will you try any of the suggestions listed in this post? Join in the conversation and leave a comment below!

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