
Wednesday 24 June 2020

Jin Shin Jyutsu <>the wellness monarchy in hands

Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is a 3,000-year-old ancient healing art. ... Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is a gentle form of acupressure therapy that uses light finger pressure over specific points on the body while fully clothed. JSJ restores the flow of energy, which may be blocked due to illness or pain.

You might be surprised to learn that the majority of today’s most common ailments including anxiety, backaches, colds and flu, digestive issues, immune disorders, migraines, and insomnia, can be alleviated naturally by restoring and harmonizing blocked, stagnant energy. The art of Jin Shin, based on the Japanese healing art of energy medicine, is practiced throughout the world.  It is powerful, it is versatile, it comes with no side effects or contraindications, it can be practiced together with any other modality including conventional medicine, and above else – it requires only our two hands and nothing else.

Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners work to unblock the circuit and restore consistent flow along the pathways. “You go through a sequence that aligns the energy meridians, using the hands as jumper cables, “You then hold them there until the pulses are synchronized.”
Jin Shin Jyutsu isn't just effective at restoring energy. The therapy can also help with pain, emotional distress and other cancer complications


Babies suck their thumbs seeking comfort. Politicians speak with their hands close to their bodies to calm themselves down. And walkers make fists to carry themselves forward more safely. All of them, though they’re unaware, are using a form of Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient physio-philosophy of general health based in finger exercises. Now, if we become aware of all of these manual impulses, the possibilities could be enormous. And the best thing is, it’s also among the simplest of methods for stabilizing the body’s energy. Instinctually, people place their hands on their body to soothe themselves. For example, if we accidentally bump into an object, we automatically want to hold that injured area.
The principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu are nearly as old as human beings. Master Jiro Murai rediscovered those principles about 100 years ago in Japan and devoted himself to studying and teaching them. He learned to correct and adjust the body’s energy whenever it’s been compromised (out of balance), and all of this simply by paying attention to the hands. Spending just a few minutes every day can quickly put the body’s energy into balance. Emotions like fear, anger, sadness or excessive pretence (arrogance, pride) are quickly stabilized with Jin Shin Jyutsu.
The philosophy teaches no fixed rules as to the time that should dedicated to each of the exercises, but about 5 minutes each will suffice. When the body is in a more balanced state, the practitioner will naturally know how long to spend on each finger.
Following are the basic Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises with corresponding explanations. One should begin with the hand with which one is most comfortable.

It’s as Simple as 1-2-3!
You’ll probably be surprised to learn that our ten fingers are the keys to 144,000 energy functions, and by holding each finger or thumb for just a few minutes a day you help clean and regenerate over 14,000 functions of the body at a time!

For worry: hold the thumb

This exercise also helps with insomnia, digestion, headache, stress and nervousness, for calming, for skin health and for when you need to sit for a long time (sitting can cause swelling).
For fear: hold the index finger
This exercise also helps teeth and gums, back pain, digestion and constipation, self-criticism, shyness, muscular tension, kidney and bladder energy and in situations where one needs to stand for long periods.
For anger: hold the middle finger
This exercise also helps blood pressure, fatigue, vision, irritability, to balance the emotions, or the energy of the liver and when one must read a lot.
For sadness: hold the ring finger
This exercise also helps with hearing, respiratory functions, phlegm, skin conditions, the energy of the lungs and large intestine and when one must be lying for long (as during convalescence).
For added strength: hold the little finger
Holding the little finger also helps with heart palpitations, swelling, trying too hard (at anything), insecurity, nervousness, with the energy of the heart and small intestine and when one must walk a lot.
For fatigue: press the centre of the palm

What conditions are commonly treated by Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Patients seek JSJ treatments for a variety of conditions including shoulder and neck pain, back pain, sciatica, migraines, hypertension, stress, anxiety, grief, depression, insomnia, nausea, allergies, fatigue, ulcers, PMS, cancer, acne, TMJ, arthritis, asthma, infertility, constipation, fibromyalgia, and drug side effects. JSJ can also benefit the respiratory system, circulation, digestion, hormonal balance, menopause, pregnancy, immune system, concentration, and memory.
JSJ is empowering to use, and highly regenerative because it speeds up the body’s innate ability to heal and regenerate itself.  
It boosts the immune system, relieves stress and pain, and works to restore and maintain energy levels.
It also helps balance and harmonize our thoughts and emotions, and strengthen our connection with Source energy and “higher” consciousness.

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