
Thursday 7 September 2017

BENEFITS OF CLAPPING: Embrace good health

Health benefits of clapping that will surprise you

When you are happy and you know it, clap your hands and embrace good health

Clapping is associated with all good things in life – promotions, good grades, celebrations, and more. It’s associated with happiness in our life. Our body has 340 known pressure points, 28 of which are in our hand. One can identify those pressure points and massage them to enjoy amazing benefits that pressure therapy must offer. These points have direct connections to different organs of the body, which means we can stimulate these pressure points to alleviate pain in different body organs.

Clapping therapy
When we are happy we clap the hands to express joy and happiness. Do you know, that clapping hands can be a boon for your health.
Even little babies clap their hands to express joy and approval. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that clapping of hands is one of the best exercises. There are cases where many people regained their visions in six to twelve months just by clapping for about 20-30 minutes every morning.
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One should apply coconut, mustard oil or a mix of both oils on the palms so that it will be absorbed by the body. Wear socks and leather shoes to prevent any leaking of the energy waves generated in the body. Strike both hands against each other, right to left, keeping them straight facing each other and the arms a little loose. Fingertips and the palm of each hand should strike each other. This therapy is advisable in morning hours to get maximum results.
Clapping for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning keeps you fit and active. As mentioned clapping stimulates blood circulation, this blood circulation removes all obstructions in the veins and arteries, including bad cholesterol.

5 main acupressure points in the hand that are triggered while clapping:

1.      Hand valley point
2.      Base of thumb point
3.      Wrist point
4.      Inner gate point
5.      Thumb nail point
These points are associated with the following health benefits:
1. Clapping plays an important role in curing heart and lungs related problems like asthma.
2. Provides relief from back, neck, and joint pain.
3. You can also get relief from gout by clapping. Here are some tips to manage gout and how to avoid triggers.
4. Helpful for patients of low blood pressure.
5. Clapping is an effective therapy for digestive disorders. You can also try these yoga poses to improve digestion.
6. Clapping aids skills enhancement of children and improves their academic performance. Children who clap regularly are also likely to make less spelling mistakes than their peers.
7. Clapping sharpens the brain of children. Read about 10 diet changes that can help your children do well in exams.
8. Clapping increases immunity and thus keeps diseases at bay. Here are 5 more tips to improve immunity.
9. Half an hour of daily clapping helps those suffering from diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, depression, chronic headaches, common cold, insomnia, eye problems and hair loss.
10. People living in air-conditioned houses and working in offices who do not sweat at all should practice clapping therapy as it would help blood circulation in the body and cleanse it fully.

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