
Tuesday 29 November 2022

Love Your Liver

"Your liver is your vital detoxification organ, and if it becomes overloaded with toxins from the food, drink, or medications you're consuming, you'll have more toxins circulating throughout your body, damaging your organs and glands. Detoxing your liver will help it work more efficiently and help you slim your waistline."

Liver is the one of the most important and second-largest organs of our body. It is also considered one of the most complex organs that perform crucial body functions and is associated with a person's digestion, immunity, metabolism, and nutrition storage.

It is on the right-hand side of our abdomen, just below our diaphragm, behind our ribs. It is the largest internal organ in our body and weighs around 1.25-1.5 kilograms. Our liver is responsible for performing more than 500 functions, that are critical for our wellbeing.

Being one of the important parts of the body, the liver is used for many bodily functions, and be it drink, food, medicine everything passes through it. The liver regulates blood sugar, removes toxic substances from the body, helps blood clot, and controls cholesterol levels.

It also adjusts cholesterol levels, builds proteins and makes bile, which helps you absorb fats, stores sugar for when you really need it and regulates hormone levels. For your liver, that’s all in a day’s work.

“If your liver stopped working, toxins would accumulate, you couldn’t digest your food and medications would never leave your body.”

Fatty deposits can build up in the liver. Over time they can damage the liver and stop it working properly.

People who have an unhealthy diet, live with overweight or obesity, don’t get enough physical activity, or live with type 2 diabetes are more at risk of developing a fatty liver.

Keeping to a healthy weight is an important way to reduce your risk of developing liver disease. For most people, losing weight slowly is the best approach. Making your diet healthier and more balanced and being more physically active both help to lose weight and keep it off.

"Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver."

You only have one liver, so it’s important to know how to look after it.

“Liver disease tends to be a silent killer, and lack of symptoms doesn’t mean the problem isn’t serious,”.

In general watch for these warning signs,

  • Urine that’s the color of iced tea
  • Yellowing (jaundice) of your eyes
  • Stools that look like clay
  • Itching that won’t subside with lotion and keeps you up at night
  • Ankle swelling
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Chronic fatigue

Is sugar bad for your liver?

Yes! Experts suggest that bakery products should be completely abandoned from your daily diet chart. First of all, these items are high in sugar and can lead to obesity. Secondly, bakery items can also lead to higher triglyceride levels in the body, due to their fat content, that can lead to various liver diseases. Also, the primary ingredient used in these products is refined white flour (Maida). White flour is hard to digest and also gives rise to fat accumulation in the liver.

Tips To Keep Liver Healthy

-It is healthy to use olive oil.

-It is important to eat garlic, grapefruit, carrot, green leafy vegetables, apples, and walnuts.

-Take lemon, lime juice, and green tea.

-Prefer alternative grains like millet.

-Add cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

-It will be good to use turmeric in food.

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