
Monday, 17 May 2021



Mantras heal the body and mind by promoting relaxation, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, and helping with the physiological symptoms of stress and anxiety, as well as the specific spiritual benefits of each individual mantra.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of science to back-up the idea that mantras can heal the body. However, much research has shown the health benefits of meditation, and mantras are one form of meditation. 

सर्वभय व सर्वरोग नाशक देवचिकित्सक आरोग्यदेव धन्वंतरि – धन्वंतरी मंत्र

''ऊं नमो भगवते महा सुदर्शनाया वासुदेवाय धन्वन्तरये अमृत कलश हस्ताय सर्व भय विनाशाय सर्व रोग निवारणाय त्रैलोक्य पतये त्रैलोक्य निधये श्री महा विष्णु स्वरुप श्री धन्वंतरि स्वरुप श्री श्री श्री औषध चक्र नारायणाय स्वाहा।''

(भगवान धन्वंतरि का यह पौराणिक मंत्र देगा आरोग्य का वरदान)

पवित्र  धन्वंतरि स्तो‍त्र : 

ॐ शंखं चक्रं जलौकां दधदमृतघटं चारुदोर्भिश्चतुर्मिः।

सूक्ष्मस्वच्छातिहृद्यांशुक परिविलसन्मौलिमंभोजनेत्रम॥

कालाम्भोदोज्ज्वलांगं कटितटविलसच्चारूपीतांबराढ्यम।

वन्दे धन्वंतरिं तं निखिलगदवनप्रौढदावाग्निलीलम॥

रोगनाश के लिए -
ऊं रं रूद्र रोग नाशाय धनवंतर्ये फट्।। मन्त्र का जप करें

शरीर स्वस्थ रखने का मन्त्र
त्रिविध दोष दुःख दारिद दावन ।
कलि कुचालि कुलि कलुष नसावन ।।”

रोग नाश के लिये मन्त्र 

रोगानशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा रुष्टा तु कामान् सकलानभीष्टान्।

त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां त्वामाश्रिता ह्याश्रयतां प्रयान्ति॥

संकट में रक्षा का उपाय मन्त्र
पाहि पाहि रघुबीर गोसाईं ।
यह खल खाई काल की नाईं ।।”

श्री राम के जप मन्त्र 

1. ॐ राम ॐ राम ॐ राम ।
2. ह्रीं राम ह्रीं राम ।
3. श्रीं राम श्रीं राम ।
4. क्लीं राम क्लीं राम ।
5. फ़ट् राम फ़ट् ।
6. रामाय नमः ।
7. श्री रामचन्द्राय नमः ।
8. श्री राम शरणं मम् ।
9. ॐ रामाय हुँ फ़ट् स्वाहा ।
10. श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम ।
11. राम राम राम राम रामाय राम ।

 संपूर्ण महामृत्युंजय मंत्र

ॐ हौं जूं सः ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
ॐ त्र्यम्‍बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्‍धनान्
मृत्‍योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्
ॐ स्वः भुवः भूः ॐ सः जूं हौं ॐ !!

अकाल मृत्यु हरणं मंत्र

अकाल मृत्यु हरणं सर्व व्याधि विनाशनम ।
विष्णो: पादोदकं पीत्वा पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते ।।

अकालमृत्युहरणं सर्वव्याधिविनाशनम् ।

सूर्यपादोदकं तीर्थं जठरे धारयाम्यहम् ।।

“See hundred sharadruthu”. Akala mrîtyu means unusual death. Dying in the early age or middle age due to any problem, accident or disease is called Akala mrîtyu. One should pray for living hundred years. Eesavasyopanishatha tells us and orders to live for Shatam, 100 years.

“There may not be one secret to living to 100 years old, but there are many small decisions you can make throughout life that will affect your long-term health,”.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

NITRIC OXIDE: Molecules of biological interest.

Is nitric oxide a hormone?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a simple ubiquitous signaling molecule and plays important roles in almost every biological system. Recent evidences suggest that NO may act as an endocrine molecule. The aim of this review is considering available literature on endocrine roles of NO and/or its metabolites, i.e., nitrite and nitrate. Existing data suggest the idea that NO is a hormone that after production in tissues, it is stabilized and transported as nitrite and/or S-nitroso thiols in the blood to target cells. Nitric oxide (NO), a highly reactive gas transmitter, is critical for a number of cellular processes and has multiple biological functions.

Nitric Oxide and Its Clinical Applications

Nitric oxide (NO) has long been known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor. It is a vasodilator, modulating vascular tone, blood pressure and hemodynamic, a role exploited by nitrate donor therapy for angina, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and erectile dysfunction. In addition, its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic actions are antiatherogenic with ant atherothrombotic impact.

Nitric Oxide Functions

Nitric oxide is a compound in the body that causes blood vessels to widen and stimulates the release of certain hormones, such as insulin and human growth hormone.

NO is a potent signaling molecule, a key determinant of endothelial function, metabolic and vascular health, also affecting the nervous and immune systems. Protective effects occur at pico- to nanomole NO concentrations. At higher concentrations, NO and its derivatives become cytotoxic.

Nitric Oxide & Skeletal Muscle

NO signaling in skeletal muscle is implicated in the control of multiple functions, including

• muscle metabolism,

• excitation-contraction coupling and contractility,

• immune function,

• cell growth and

• neurotransmission.

Metabolically active skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue, constituting approximately 40% of normal-weight body mass, rendering it a critical factor in total-body metabolism. Skeletal muscle NOS thus plays a pivotal role in total-body glucose and lipid homeostasis.

   What is the role of nitric oxide in the body?

Some of the known functions of nitric oxide are listed in the table below.

Cardiovascular system

  • Controls vascular tone.
  • Relaxes vascular smooth muscles and reduces blood pressure.
  • Dilates vessels and relieves the pain of angina.
  • Inhibits the aggregation of platelets within the vessels and prevents thrombotic events.

Nervous system

  • Acts as a neurotransmitter, including in the autonomic nervous system.
  • Increases cerebral blood flow and oxygenation to the brain.
  • One of the important mediators in penile erection during sexual arousal.


  • Dilates pulmonary vessels.
  • Beneficial in Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Pulmonary hypertension and Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease.
  • Produced in abnormal amounts in inflammatory lung conditions.
  • Concentration of NO in exhaled air is a marker of airway inflammation.

Gastrointestinal tract

  • Regulates the relaxation of smooth muscles.
  • Control’s peristalsis and the function of sphincters.

Renal system

  • Due to its vasodilatory effect, increases blood flow to the kidney.
  • Increases the glomerular filtration rate and the production of urine.

Immune system

  • Modulates T cell-mediated immune response.

 Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.

In fact, a limited capacity to produce nitric oxide is associated with heart disease, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are many ways to maintain optimal levels of nitric oxide in your body.

Factors that reduce NO bioavailability

Increase Nitric Oxide Naturally

Nitric oxide is a molecule that’s produced naturally by our body, and it’s important for many aspects of your health.

Its most important function is vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation.

Nitric oxide is a very simple but important molecule. It is not the same as nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” The nitric oxide story is no laughing matter; it will determine how long you live. And it's an integral part of sex and heart health.


Oxygen is a major determinant of the rates of nitric oxide synthesis and metabolism.

Under biological conditions nitric oxide only reacts with metals and other free radicals.

Oxygen determines the half-life, concentration, and diffusional distance of nitric oxide.

Proteins respond to nitric oxide in a concentration and time-dependent manner.

Oxygen and the redox environment will greatly influence signalling responses to nitric oxide.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

हरेक कश्ती का अपना तज़ुर्बा होता है दरिया में

हरेक कश्ती का अपना तज़ुर्बा होता है दरिया में,

सफर में रोज़ ही मंझदार हो ऐसा नहीं होता !!

हम भी हैं शायद किसी भटकी हुई कश्ती के लोग ।।

चीखने लगते हैं ख़्वाबों में जज़ीरा देख कर..!!

कश्ती न बदली दरिया न बदला

डूबने वालों का जज़्बा भी न बदला !!

जब भी कश्ती मेरी सैलाब में आ जाती है

माँ दुआ करती हुई ख़्वाब में आ जाती है !!

डूबे हुओं को, हमने बिठाया था अपनी कश्ती में यारो.. ..

और फिर कश्ती का बोझ कहकर, हमे ही उतारा गया..।।

वो मायूसी के लम्होँ मेँ ज़रा भी हौँसला देते तो..

हम काग़ज़ की कश्ती पे समंदर मेँ उतर जाते.!!

ज़िंदगी मैं भी मुसाफ़िर हूँ तेरी कश्ती का

तू जहाँ मुझसे कहेगी, मैं उतर जाऊँगा….!!

ना साहिल, ना दरिया, ना कश्ती से प्यार हैँ मुझे

वो लहर अभी तक नहीँ आई जिसका इंतजार हैँ मुझे….!!

थीं जो कल तक कश्ती-ए-उम्मीद को थामी हुईं,

रूख बदलकर, आज वह मौजें भी तूफां हो गईं !!

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Mudra for Sore throat, cough & Cold

A sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat. You may have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, and the pain may get worse when you try to swallow. Throat pain is the primary symptom of a sore throat. However, other symptoms may include:

a dry throat
swollen glands in the neck
white patches on the tonsils

A sore throat can affect people of all ages, but the risk of a sore throat is higher in some people. This includes

people with allergies
persons with a compromised immune system
Sharing a close space with others also increases the risk of upper respiratory infections that can initially present as a sore throat.

6 Signs You Have a Weakened Immune System

  • Your Stress Level is Sky-High. ...
  • You Always Have a Cold. ...
  • You Have Lots of Tummy Troubles. ...
  • Your Wounds Are Slow to Heal. ...
  • You Have Frequent Infections. ...
  • You Feel Tired All the Time. ...

Practice bhramara mudra to get rid of seasonal cold, cough and sore throat

Mudra is a part of holistic healing Ayurveda and Yoga. It is very effective and easy to practice. Anyone can do it anytime, and there is no need for any expertise to do it. Just five to ten minutes of regular practice enough to get good results.

· Bhramara mudra can help cure seasonal allergies like a cough and running nose.

·This mudra can be a boon to people suffering from respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

· It can also help improve a weakened immune system.

· Also, perform this mudra to improve your focus and concentration.

 The bhramara mudra is very simple to perform. Here’s how you can do it.

Ø  Sit in Sukhasna and keep your spine erect. Place your palms on your thighs. You can also practice it while sitting on a chair.

Ø Now keep both your hands in front of your chest and place the index finger of your hand at the base of your thumb. Do this with both your hands.

Ø  Now touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your middle finger.

Ø  Extend your ring and middle finger.

Ø  Hold this position for 2-3 minutes and breathe as deeply and slowly as possible.

Ø  Perform the bhramara mudra four times a day. However, there is no limit you can perform the mudra for as long and as many times as you want.