
Wednesday 26 July 2017


हींगवाला (कथा-कहानी

रचनाकार: सुभद्रा कुमारी

लगभग 35 साल का एक खान आंगन में आकर रुक गया हमेशा की तरह उसकी आवाज सुनाई दी - ''अम्मा... हींग लोगी?''
पीठ पर बँधे हुए पीपे को खोलकर उसने, नीचे रख दिया और मौलसिरी के नीचे बने हुए चबूतरे पर बैठ गया भीतर बरामदे से नौ - दस वर्ष के एक बालक ने बाहर निकलकर उत्तर दिया - ''अभी कुछ नहीं लेना है, जाओ !"
पर खान भला क्यों जाने लगा ? जरा आराम से बैठ गया और अपने साफे के छोर से हवा करता हुआ बोला- ''अम्मा, हींग ले लो, अम्मां ! हम अपने देश जाता हैं, बहुत दिनों में लौटेगा "  सावित्री रसोईघर से हाथ धोकर बाहर आई और बोली - ''हींग तो बहुत-सी ले रखी है खान ! अभी पंद्रह दिन हुए नहीं, तुमसे ही तो ली थी "
वह उसी स्वर में फिर बोला-''हेरा हींग है मां, हमको तुम्हारे हाथ की बोहनी लगती है एक ही तोला ले लो, पर लो जरूर '' इतना कहकर फौरन एक डिब्बा सावित्री के सामने सरकाते हुए कहा- ''तुम और कुछ मत देखो मां, यह हींग एक नंबर है, हम तुम्हें धोखा नहीं देगा ''
सावित्री बोली- ''पर हींग लेकर करूंगी क्या ?  ढेर-सी तो रखी है '' खान ने कहा-''कुछ भी ले लो अम्मां! हम देने के लिए आया है, घर में पड़ी रहेगी हम अपने देश कूं जाता है खुदा जाने, कब लौटेगा ?'' और खान बिना उत्तर की प्रतीक्षा किए हींग तोलने लगा इस पर सावित्री के बच्चे नाराज हुए सभी बोल उठे-''मत लेना मां, तुम कभी लेना जबरदस्ती तोले जा रहा है '' सावित्री ने किसी की बात का उत्तर देकर, हींग की पुड़िया ले ली पूछा-''कितने पैसे हुए खान ?''

पैंतीस पैसे अम्मां!'' खान ने उत्तर दिया सावित्री ने सात पैसे तोले के भाव से पांच तोले का दाम, पैंतीस पैसे लाकर खान को दे दिए खान सलाम करके चला गया पर बच्चों को मां की यह बात अच्छी लगीं
बड़े लड़के ने कहा-''मां, तुमने खान को वैसे ही पैंतीस पैसे दे दिए हींग की कुछ जरूरत नहीं थी ''  छोटा मां से चिढ़कर बोला-''दो मां, पैंतीस पैसे हमको भी दो हम बिना लिए रहेंगे '' लड़की जिसकी उम्र आठ साल की थी, बड़े गंभीर स्वर में बोली-''तुम मां से पैसा मांगो वह तुम्हें देंगी उनका बेटा वही खान है '' सावित्री को बच्चों की बातों पर हँसी रही थी उसने अपनी हँसी दबाकर बनावटी क्रोध से कहा-''चलो-चलो, बड़ी बातें बनाने लग गए हो खाना तैयार है, खाओ ''
छोटा बोला- ''पहले पैसे दो तुमने खान को दिए हैं ''
सावित्री ने कहा- ''खान ने पैसे के बदले में हींग दी है तुम क्या दोगे?'' छोटा बोला- '' मिट्टी देंगे '' सावित्री हँस पड़ी- '' अच्छा चलो, पहले खाना खा लो, फिर मैं रुपया तुड़वाकर तीनों को पैसे दूंगी "
खाना खाते-खाते हिसाब लगाया तीनों में बराबर पैसे कैसे बंटे ? छोटा कुछ पैसे कम लेने की बात पर बिगड़ पड़ा-''कभी नहीं, मैं कम पैसे नहीं लूंगा!'' दोनों में मारपीट हो चुकी होती, यदि मुन्नी थोड़े कम पैसे स्वयं लेना स्वीकार कर लेती  
कई महीने बीत गए सावित्री की सब हींग खत्म हो गई इस बीच होली आई होली के अवसर पर शहर में खासी मारपीट हो गई थी सावित्री कभी- कभी सोचती, हींग वाला खान तो नहीं मार डाला गया? जाने क्यों, उस हींग वाले खान की याद उसे प्राय: जाया करती थी एक दिन सवेरे-सवेरे सावित्री उसी मौलसिरी के पेड़ के नीचे चबूतरे पर बैठी कुछ बुन रही थी उसने सुना, उसके पति किसी से कड़े स्वर में कह रहे हैं- ''क्या काम है ?' भीतर मत जाओ यहाँ आओ '' उत्तर मिला-''हींग है, हेरा हींग '' और खान तब तक आंगन मैं सावित्री के सामने पहुँच चुका था खान को देखते ही सावित्री ने कहा- ''बहुत दिनों में आए खान ! हींग तो कब की खत्म हो गई "
खान बोला- ''अपने देश गया था अम्मां, परसों ही तो लौटा हूँ '' सावित्री ने कहा- '' यहाँ तो बहुत जोरों का दंगा हो गया है ''  खान बोला-''सुना, समझ नहीं है लड़ने वालों में "
सावित्री बोली-''खान, तुम हमारे घर चले आए तुम्हें डर नहीं लगा ?"
दोनों कानों पर हाथ रखते हुए खान बोला-''ऐसी बात मत करो अम्मां बेटे को भी क्या मां से डर हुआ है, जो मुझे होता ?" और इसके बाद ही उसने अपना डिब्बा खोला और एक छटांक हींग तोलकर सावित्री को दे दी रेजगारी दोनों में से किसी के पास नहीं थी खान ने कहा कि वह पैसा फिर आकर ले जाएगा सावित्री को सलाम करके वह चला गया
इस बार लोग दशहरा दूने उत्साह के साथ मनाने की तैयारी में थे चार बजे शाम को मां काली का जुलूस निकलने वाला था   पुलिस का काफी प्रबंध था सावित्री के बच्चों ने कहा- "हम भी काली का जुलूस देखने जाएंगे "
सावित्री के पति शहर से बाहर गए थे सावित्री स्वभाव से भीरु थी उसने बच्चों को पैसों का, खिलौनों का, सिनेमा का, जाने कितने प्रलोभन दिए पर बच्चे माने, सो माने नौकर रामू भी जुलूस देखने को बहुत उत्सुक हो रहा था उसने कहा-  "भेज दो मां जी, मैं अभी दिखाकर लिए आता हूँ "  लाचार होकर सावित्री को जुलूस देखने के लिए बच्चों को बाहर भेजना पड़ा उसने बार-बार रामू को ताकीद की कि दिन रहते ही वह बच्चों को लेकर लौट आए
बच्चों को भेजने के साथ ही सावित्री लौटने की प्रतीक्षा करने लगी देखते-ही-देखते दिन ढल चला अंधेरा भी बढ़ने लगा, पर बच्चे लौटे अब सावित्री को भीतर चैन था, बाहर इतने में उसे -कुछ आदमी सड़क पर भागते हुए जान पड़े वह दौड़कर बाहर आई, पूछा-''ऐसे भागे क्यों जा रहे हो ? जुलूस तो निकल गया "
एक आदमी बोला-''दंगा हो गया जी, बडा भारी दंगा!' सावित्री के हाथ-पैर ठंडे पड़ गए तभी कुछ लोग तेजी से आते हुए दिखे सावित्री ने उन्हें भी रोका उन्होंने भी कहा-''दंगा हो गया है!''
अब सावित्री क्या करे ? उन्हीं में से एक से कहा-''भाई, तुम मेरे बच्चों की खबर ला दो दो लड़के हैं, एक लड़की मैं तुम्हें मुंह मांगा इनाम दूंगी '' एक देहाती ने जवाब दिया-''क्या हम तुम्हारे बच्चों को पहचानते हैं मां जी ? '' यह कहकर वह चला गया
सावित्री सोचने लगी, सच तो है, इतनी भीड़ में भला कोई मेरे बच्चों को खोजे भी कैसे? पर अब वह भी करें, तो क्या करें? उसे रह-रहकर अपने पर क्रोध रहा था आखिर उसने बच्चों को भेजा ही क्यों ? वे तो बच्चे ठहरे, जिद तो करते ही, पर भेजना उसके हाथ की बात थी सावित्री पागल-सी हो गई बच्चों की मंगल-कामना के लिए उसने सभी देवी-देवता मना डाले शोरगुल बढ़कर शांत हो गया रात के साथ-साथ नीरवता बढ़ चली पर उसके बच्चे लौटकर आए सावित्री हताश हो गई और फूट-फूटकर रोने लगी उसी समय उसे वही चिरपरिचित स्वर सुनाई पड़ा- "अम्मा!''
सावित्री दौड़कर बाहर आई उसने देखा, उसके तीनों बच्चे खान के साथ सकुशल लौट आए हैं खान ने सावित्री को देखते ही कहा-''वक्त अच्छा नहीं हैं अम्मां! बच्चों को ऐसी भीड़-भाड़ में बाहर भेजा करो '' बच्चे दौड़कर मां से लिपट गए

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Simple Eye Gymnastics for vision improvement

Improvement of Vision with eye gymnastics

We have all experienced ocular fatigue. Red, irritated, dry, stinging eyes can sometimes be accompanied by a headache. They often occur after working for hours in front of a computer screen or lengthy periods of time texting on a cellular phone or while fixated on achieving the high score on the latest video game!

There is a simple and effective solution for avoiding discomfort while continuing to enjoy daily activities.

If you spend eight or more hours staring at a computer screen every day, your eyes might be in trouble — and you might not even know it! Over time, you could develop a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), which is characterized by several signs:

  • Squinting

  • Blurred vision

  • Dry, red eyes

  • Itchy eyes

  • Watery eyes

  • Double vision

  • Headaches

  • Neck or back pain

If this sounds like you, you might want to give eye yoga a try. It’s been in use for centuries, helping to combat eye strain, vision issues and more. Try these strengthening exercises for improved eye health.

When having a break at work, spend some time massaging your eyes: stroke your eyelids gently, close your eyes, press your eyeballs with your fingers slightly and rotate the eyes.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the eyesight. More than 70% of information about the surrounding world we acquire through the visual channel. Human eyes are a major source of knowledge, but they also give a lot of aesthetic pleasure and perform an important supporting function in many activities. It is difficult to imagine a person with poor eyesight driving, dealing with electrical equipment, admiring art or playing golf without glasses. Beyond doubt, the deterioration of the eyesight can considerably decrease the life quality.

However, every year medical professionals observe the rise in the number of eye diseases. Moreover, such illnesses are gradually becoming “younger” and “younger”. The reasons for such a phenomenon are tightly connected with the modern lifestyle. Our eyes definitely experience more workload due to extensive reading, common use of computer technologies in our everyday life and the continuously increasing information stream, which must be absorbed in order to be further processed with our brain. Another important reason is our mainly urban lifestyle. It may sound strange, but the cityscape with its industrial skyline, which does not give the possibility to see the horizon and consists mainly of straight lines lays additional pressure on eyes which have to examine small objects at a very close distance.

This means that the deterioration of vision is predetermined mainly by the urban existence of a modern person. We spend hours in front of the TV or a computer, but very little time enjoying the spectacular natural scenery. However, if the lack of movement has already been recognized by the society as a serious threat to human health and well-being, which resulted in the general interest to fitness, sport and active lifestyle, very few people now realize that eyes need gymnastics not less than body muscles. We tend to forget that a human eye is a sense organ which has its muscles and ligaments, which can and must be trained. There are exercises which can help not only to improve vision and prevent eye diseases, but also fight the consequences of constant fatigue, which influence the eye sight in a negative way.

There are several methods of eye gymnastics, but all of them are based on similar exercises and principles. And although it is difficult to believe that simple eye movements can eliminate the majority of eye problems, hundreds of people who regularly train their eyes prove this fact.

Ocular gymnastics
Also known as eye yoga, ocular gymnastics target the eye muscles by toning and relaxing them. This practice contributes to better visual comfort!

In order for muscles to be fully relaxed it is necessary to perform the exercises regularly. The primary goal is to readapt eyes to focus without tension. But there is no need to worry - these exercises don't take long! You can do them anywhere: at work, at home, on the bus, even while you're out watching a 3D movie!

The more you train, the better: during the day our eyes have to cope with a huge workload, so find several minutes a day to give them a short break. In this way you will improve your vision, boost your energy level and relieve possible headache, which is often the result of eye problems.

4 Yoga Exercises for Eye Strain

1. Palming

Rub your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds until they feel warm and energized. Then gently place your hands over your eyes, with the fingertips resting on the forehead, the palms over the eyes, and the heels of the hands resting on the cheeks. Don’t touch the eyeballs directly, but hollow the hands slightly and allow them to form a curtain of darkness in front of the eyes. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax. Envision the eyes absorbing the darkness like a sponge, while also welcoming healing warmth and energy from the hands. Invite the eyes to grow soft and spacious, and enjoy this break from visual stimulation. Continue this palming action as long as it feels soothing—for just a few seconds or up to five minutes. When you are ready to emerge, gently remove the hands from the face and slowly open the eyes.

This palming technique can also be done after the eye exercises that follow to further rest the eyes.

2. Eye Rolling

Sit upright with a long spine and relaxed breath. Soften your gaze by relaxing the muscles in your eyes and face. Without moving your head, direct your gaze up toward the ceiling. Then slowly circle your eyes in a clockwise direction, tracing as large a circle as possible. Gently focus on the objects in your periphery as you do this, and invite the movement to feel smooth and fluid. Repeat three times, then close the eyes and relax. When you’re ready, perform the same eye-rolling movement three times in a counter clockwise direction.

3. Focus Shifting

Relax your body and breathe comfortably. Hold one arm straight out in front of you in a loose fist, with the thumb pointing up. Focus on your thumb. While keeping your eyes trained on it, slowly move the thumb toward your nose until you can no longer focus clearly on it. Pause for a breath or two, and then lengthen the arm back to its original outstretched position, while maintaining focus on the thumb. Repeat up to 10 times.

4. Distance Gazing

Rest your gaze on a distant object (if you’re indoors, look out a window, if you can). Focus on the object as clearly as possible, while staying relaxed in the eyes and face. Take a deep breath, and then slowly shift your gaze to another distant object around you. Imagine your eyes are gently “drinking in” the image you see. Continue letting your eyes drift about the world around you, momentarily pausing at objects at varying distances away from you. As an extra bonus, if you spy something particularly pleasing, smile, enjoy the vision, and give thanks for your strong, healthy eyes.

Power yoga for your eyes

"When you do yoga for your eyes, you are exercising both, voluntary muscles (rectus muscles that hold the eye ball in place) and involuntary muscles (ciliary and oblique muscles that control eye movement)," he says, adding, "even the optic centre and optic nerve, that make up the optic pathway, are influenced."  

  1. Palming

  2. Blinking

  3. Changing focus of eyes from side to side simultaneously

  4. Changing focus of eyes forward and sideways simultaneously

  5. Rotational viewing

  6. Viewing upwards and down simultaneously

  7. Preliminary nose tip gazing

  8. Near and distant viewing

Regular practice of these yoga eye exercises helps to relax eyesight and facilitate the normal functioning of our eyes.

Note: Before starting these exercises, it is always recommended to splash your eyes with cold water a few times. Remember to keep the head and spine straight throughout the exercises.

Monday 24 July 2017


How to Use Positive Energy to Attract Money

Ask a metaphysics expert or a spiritual person what is the nature of money and most likely you will be told that “Money is a force” or “Money is a form of energy” or money has vibrations.

So let us look at some important aspects, steps and tips to raise the level of Positive Energy to attract Money

1. Love Money

Love is the most powerful human emotions. Perhaps it is one of the largest searched key word on the internet and if not the largest. When you love something from the bottom of your heart, you want that person or article or situation to be with you, in your life – forever. It has a great pull or attraction effect. As we discussed in the previous lines, money is also a force and when we combine two strong forces – Love and Money, you are welcoming money and attracting more money into your lives.
Love is a powerful human emotion and strong emotions have an important role in manifesting in your life as it is positive energy which attracts.
Your love for money effectively changes your from pushing money away to allowing it into your life. Don’t think how you will get money, just change your vibration to one of allowing yourself to manifest money now.
Try a simple exercise – make a list of why you love money. For example:
“I love money because it helps me travel around the world.”
“I love money because it helps me pay my bills.”
“I love money because it allows me to do good to others.”
“I love money because it smells so good.”
“I love money because it gives me a great life style.”
“I love money because it gives me financial freedom.”
“I Am Rich and Lovable.”
“I love Money and Money loves me. “
This simple exercise will make your feelings and emotions positive about money.
When I say love money, I don’t mean that become greedy or lust after it. On the contrary, simply love having, receiving and managing money and attach it to something doing something positive. Even while giving away money for charitable purposes be happy to do so. This will help you in creating great wealth.

2. Smell Money

Yes it is as simple as that… manifest hold a few (or many) crispy currency notes, take them near your nose and smell. Some of you might protest or some may ask the logic behind smelling money and manifesting money. It is so simple to explain. One by holding money a few times a day lovingly and smelling it, you are removing any negative beliefs you might have about money. I am not saying that everyone has negative beliefs about money. Extending the same logic further, some people have fear about money. Also please refer to: How to remove negativity about money.
Secondly, smelling money makes you at one with money. Hence this simple exercise puts you in vibrational alignment with money and you become better at manifesting money or manifesting money fast.
I’m sure you’ve smelt money at some point in your life. It has that distinctive odor. Some people just love the smell of newly minted and crispy bills. It is one of the ways to love the money and give their senses (smell) the association with money.
Smell the money with the realization that actually you have an infinite amount of money already (with this technique as well as with any other) because money is potentially available to you in the space-time continuum, waiting to manifest in the physical plane.

3. Respect Money

When you want to invite someone to your house for let’s say dinner you extend the invitation very politely and respectfully. Also when the guests arrive, you are respectful to them throughout the evening. Next imagine, you are want the person you love to become your wife or husband. So you propose in the best possible manner to him or her to enter your life forever. Same analogy holds equally good for money too.
In this world, everything responds to your feelings including money. May people feel frustrated, disappointed, sad and fearful about money and we need not emphasize about their unhappy circumstances. In fact, money is about bliss, love and joy. So love your money, keep it in your wallet or purse nicely in an arranged manner – rather than shoving the currency notes thoughtlessly.
When you receive money or have to pay money to someone, hold the currency notes in your hand with love and respect, look at them admiringly, count them respectfully, seeing each bill thoroughly.
If you like, you may say a prayer and send love to them, and to yourself. Bless every dollar in your bank account, cash in hand and every dollar that you spend. Make peace with your money and wealth. Be absolutely grateful for their presence in your life.

4. Cleanliness, Orderliness

Perhaps the simplest and most dramatic way to attract money is to raise your level of physical cleanliness at home or at work. Many individuals and businesses have followed this practice, and seen money suddenly rush in from all sides, often from the most unlikely sources!
  • An instructor had not been contacted for new work for weeks, and was in desperate straits. He decided to apply the principle of higher cleanliness. His apartment was normally clean, but he wanted to take cleanliness a step further. So he decided to clean his refrigerator; something he was ordinarily reluctant to do. At the exact moment he finished putting the foodstuffs back into the refrigerator after the cleaning, he heard a message on his answering machine from his training company offering him abundant new work. The response from life was instantaneous to the completion of the cleaning!
  • A consultant suggested that before he made any business recommendations to his client that they immediately clean up their showroom and backyard area. Time passed. The next time the consultant visited the company, he learned that there had been an unexpected sudden surge in new orders. This came just after the company implemented the consultant’s advice about cleanliness.
We recommend that anyone looking to attract more money take up this strategy immediately. There is no faster way to attract positive good fortune -- including fresh new sources of money -- than by raising the level of cleanliness and orderliness.


we can say that anything that we do that increases energy, attracts money; while anything that we do that depletes or squanders energy blocks money from coming our way.
Giving physical objects, systems, and people more attention, circulating money instead of squandering it, paying off current and old debts instead of ignoring them, focusing on the work at hand instead of the work you want to do, applying higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness in your home or work, changing a negative attitude towards others or towards life, using soft and reduced speech, being self-reliant and not depending on others for monetary help, moving towards generosity, goodness, and gratitude, and opening to spirit to consecrate an event are all powerful strategies for releasing energy, and attracting abundant money from life.



WHAT LAUGHTER DOES IN OUR BODY - Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Nothing balances your nervous system faster than communicating face-to-face with another person. Add laughter to that communication and you have a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, pain, and conflict. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you to release anger and be more forgiving.
With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health.
Laughter is the Best Medicine AND PROVEN THERAPY - Starting up your day, sharing a good laugh can improve your health. The sound of laughter draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, strengthen your immune system, and diminish pain. As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day, but as adult’s life tends to be more serious and laughter more infrequent. By seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter, though, you can improve your emotional health, strengthen your relationships, find greater happiness—and even add years to your life.

                                                  Why laughter is good for your health?
Laughter is good for your health because:
Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
Laughter burns calories. OK, so it’s no replacement for going to the gym, but one study found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn about 40 calories—which could be enough to lose three or four pounds over the course of a year.
Laughter lightens anger’s heavy load. Nothing diffuses anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and enable you to move on from confrontations without holding onto bitterness or resentment.
Laughter may even help you to live longer. A study in Norway found that people with a strong sense of humor outlived those who don't laugh as much. The difference was particularly notable for those battling cancer.
The benefits of laughter
Physical Health Benefits
Boosts immunity
Lowers stress hormones
Decreases pain
Relaxes your muscles, burns calories
Prevents heart disease
Mental Health Benefits
Adds joy and zest to life
Eases anxiety and tension
Relieves stress
Improves mood and mental functioning
Enhances resilience, improves self-esteem
Helps overcome anger and resentment
Social Benefits
Strengthens relationships
Attracts others to us, reduces loneliness
Enhances teamwork
Helps defuse conflict
Promotes group bonding.




Using Mantra as a Remedy

Mantras are the sounds of POWER. Regular chanting of mantras with devotion and faith attracts the positive and constructive energies of the related deities / planets lords and helps in absolving their negative effects. It is a means of seeking divine aid to solve your problems. It brings you in sync with the universal vibratory energies. Mantras alert the subconscious mind, awaken consciousness and gravitates you towards the desired goal or objective. On the physical plane, it pacifies your nerves, activates your glands and harmonizes the various life systems in the body. Mantras instill confidence and improve concentration.

Mantras and their Effects

Mantras are energy-based sounds. Saying any word produces an actual physical vibration. Over time, if we know what the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of saying that vibration or word. This is one level of energy basis for words. Another level is intent. Actual physical vibration when coupled with a mental intention, the vibration then contains an additional mental component, which influences the result of saying it. The intent when overlaid upon the waveform of the sound as the carrier wave. Although there is a general meaning, which comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the mantra.

How Powerful are the Vedic Mantras?
  • These Mantras are sound that are based on, and aim to boost energy.
  • These Mantras awaken and energize your body’s natural healing mechanisms. They unlock the secret and sacred inner pathways that lead you to eternal happiness and wellbeing.
  • Chanting Vedic Mantras diligently, systematically with full concentration will lead you to a state of complete positive energy, and this will allow your body to regain its natural state.
  • Your mind is calm and blood pressure lowered.
  • You are free from unnecessary tension and anxiety.
  • You are awarded with renewed focus towards life.
  • Chanting these Mantras allows you to reconnect with the spiritual world from which you emerged.
  • Vedic chants will channel your efforts towards the correct spiritual frequencies and energies.
  • You are shielded from negative energies that may try to poison your daily life.
  • You achieve inner peace and a healthier, well-balanced perception of life.
  • Ailments, both physical and mental, can be alleviated with Vedic Hymns.
  • These Vedic chants are known to shower good health, prosperity, luck and divine blessings when the right mantra is invoked and chanted carefully in the right way.

Attract What You Desire