
Wednesday 21 April 2021

RAM NAVMI SPECIAL:The Unsung Heroes of Ramayana

 The Unsung Heroes of Ramayana

Om Shri Ramaya Namah

Shri Ram, Jay Ram, Jay-Jay Ram

Om Dasharathaye Vidmahe Sitavallabhaya Dheemahi, Tanno Rama Prachodayat


Ram Navami, is looked upon as an important Hindu Festival, and a celebration to honor the birth of Lord Ram, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. Ramayana, one of the greatest epics of 24,000 verses, has widely travelled, transformed, translated, and lived throughout eternity.

There are many characters in Ramayana who played a remarkable role but remain hidden in the pages. We all know about Rama, Lakshman, Bharat, Dashrath, Kaikeyi, Kaushayla, Sumitra, Manthra, Sita, Ravana, Kumbhakaran, Vibhishana, Sugriva, Hanuman, etc. Here’s a look at some of the lesser-known characters and their roles in the ‘Ramayana’.


Kewat was a boatman who had great devotion towards Lord Rama. Once during Rama’s exile, he had to cross the river Ganga, for which Kewat was the right person. But Kewat insisted that he will first wash Lord Rama’s feet and then let him step in his boat. He then ferried Rama, Lakshmana and Sita across the river Ganga. When they reached the bank Lord Rama offered a ring but Kewat refused. Kewat answered “Lord, both of us do the same work. I ferry people from this bank of the Ganges to the other. You ferry people across the ocean of Sansaara (Bhav-sagar), through the journey of life. How can I accept payment from you? Lord! But please, when my time comes, take me across sansaar Sagar (the ocean of life). That would be your return to me.”


Shabari was a great devotee of Lord Rama since her childhood days. She was born in a tribal family but later took shelter in Rishi Matang’s ashram and served there with a pure dedicated heart. Rishi Matang during his last days blessed her that one day Lord Rama will himself visit her.

After that she waited for Rama every day, cleaned her cottage, decorated it with flowers and plucked berry fruits to welcome him. One day her wait was over and Lord Rama visited her ashram. It was a moment of great joy for her and she washed his feet with water.

Then she offered berry fruits to him, tasting each berry and gave Rama only the ones which were sweet. Rama happily ate them looking at her honest devotion. He then explained to Lakshmana that being offered with true devotion, nothing could be as valuable as those berries. She reached the highest levels of spirituality which are difficult even for the sages to achieve.


According to Ramayana, Urmila was married to Lakshmana. Rabindranath Tagore has very appropriately classified Urmila as one of the forgotten heroines of Indian literature. Her greatness is as worthy as that of Sita and she also fits in the frame of an ideal wife. She spent 14 years away from her husband understanding the fact that Lakshmana couldn’t stay away from Rama and nor can he take her along with him to the exile.

It is also written that Lakshmana did not sleep for fourteen years. So, some versions of the story also say that Goddess of Sleep (Nidra Devi) had asked Lakshmana that someone has to sleep instead of him. When Nidra Devi approached Urmila, she agreed to sleep for the next 14 years. It is also said that she was the only person who opposed when Rama decided to send Sita to forest.


Marich was a Demon (Rakshas), son of the Sund and Tadka. Subahu’s brother Marich was also Demon-King Ravan’s uncle. Proud of their powers Marich and Subahu used to distress sages disturbing them in their Havan, Poojan or other holy activities. Lord Rama and Lakshmana swept the two off their feet and in the battle field, Subahu was killed. Later, Marich acquired the form of ‘Golden Deer’ and went to Rama-Sita’s hermitage, lured Lady Sita with its appearance so much that she asked Lord Rama to catch it for her.


Jatayu, king of the vultures and Dasharatha’s friend was a Noble Bird and played a very important role. He fought heroically to save Lady Sita when Ravana was trying to abduct her using ‘Pushpaka Vimana’ in Rama and Lakshmana’s absence. The great ranger of the sky dashed in wrath against Ravana and tried his best to stop him. During the fight Ravana shot off one of his wings, but he still continued to fight with the other one. When his other wing was cut-off, he fell down on earth, wounded. It was through him that Rama came to know about Sita’s kidnapping.


Jambavan the king of bears, a respected, intelligent and experienced character who helped Rama in finding his wife Sita and winning the battle against Ravana. Previously the advisor of Sugriva, he was an important guide at every step during the Sita’s search mission as well as throughout the battle. Jambavan suggested Hanuman to go to Lanka by crossing the ocean and look for Sita. He also reminded Hanuman of his power by narrating Hanuman’s birth story. 


Sampati was Jatayu’s elder brother and played an instrumental role in Sita’s search. Once Sampati and Jatayu flew higher towards the Sun until they realized that it was extremely hot. Sampati shielded his younger brother by protecting him under his wings. That incident burnt his wings and he lived a sad flightless life. When Rama, Lakshmana and Hanuman along with the army of monkeys were searching for Sita. Sampati informed them that Sita was in Lanka, which was 100 Yojans away from their location. The army rejoiced at the news and started preparing to march towards Lanka.


Angad was the son of Vanara-Raj (Monkey King) Bali and his wife Tara. He was Sugriva’s nephew and became his stepson after the death of Bali. He received great respect and loyalty from Vanara-Sena (Monkey Army). Sugriva assigned him the task of searching for Lady Sita in the southern parts. He was also sent as an envoy to Ravana’s court just before the war to advise Ravana to seek peaceful solution and to return Sita to Rama’s care. Ravana did not agree instead he tried to harm Angad, but so Angad’s strength that no one from Lanka (including Ravana) could even move his feet from his place. During the Rama-Ravana Yuddha (Battle), Angad headed the monkey army. He fought ferociously during the Battle and killed many Rakshas including Ravana’s commander Akampan.


Nala and Neela are Vanaras (monkeys) who are credited the construction and engineering of the Rama Setu from Rameswaram in India to Lanka (modern-day Sri Lanka), so that the Rama’s Sena (Army) could cross the river and reach on Lanka to rescue Sita. Nala had exceptional architectural skills being the son of Vishwakarma – the architect of Gods and many versions of Ramayana credit the construction of the bridge solely to him. But Ramcharitra Manas credits both the brothers for the architecting and building the bridge with help of Vanara Sena.


Garuda is regarded as the king of birds in many Hindu Mythological Epics including Ramayana and is also known to be vehicle of Lord Vishnu. In Yuddha Kanda, when Meghanāda bounded Rama and Lakshmana with Naag-Paash (deadly noose of the serpent), Garuda heroically appeared in the sky flocking his enormous wings. He freed them from the snake-noose by loosening the deadly hold of serpents. Seeing Rama and Lakshmana heal from the toxic attack everyone present around took a breath of relief.

 Ramayana has many noble yet hidden characters and if every single character was described in detail, then the book would had been endless. The deeper we dig, the more we get to know. Whether myth or history, one can thus hardly ignore the sheer strength of faith.

 In the end, Rama means ‘bliss’ signifying the happiness that Lord Ram bestows on all those who remember and worship him. Lord Sri Ram was said to be born on earth to instill the lost glory in humanity, annihilate the evil, and protect the innocent. Let us also learn more from history, about humanity, apply them in real life, try and follow Ram’s footsteps.

Saturday 28 November 2020

पहला सुख निरोगी काया

 ये 10 नियम अपना लिए तो आपको कभी गंभीर रोग नहीं होगा

यदि निम्नलिखित 10 नियम आपने अपना लिए तो निश्चित ही शर्तिया आपको कभी भी कोई गंभीर रोग नहीं होगा और आप जीवनभर निरोगी बने रहेंगे, परंतु उससे पूर्व आपको 3 शर्तों का पालन करना होगा। जैसे कुछ पाने के लिए खोना पड़ता है उसी तरह यह 3 शर्तें अपनाएं।

तीन शर्तें

1. त्याज्य पेय पदार्थ: चाय, कॉफी, कोल्ड्रिंक और इसी तरह के पेय पदार्थ जीवनभर के लिए त्याग दें।

2. त्याज्य भोज्य पदार्थ: इसी प्रकार से मांस, शक्कर, तेल, नमक, मैदा, अरारोट, गेहूं और बेसन, बैंगन, कटहल तथा इससे बनी चीजें त्याग दें। प्राकृतिक शक्कर का उपयोग करें, सैंधा नमक लें। तेल में प्राकृतिक रूप से निर्मित तेल का उपयोग करें। गेहूं की जगह ज्वार, बाजरा, जो और मक्का का उपयोग करें मौसमानुसार।

3. त्याज्य जीवनशैली: अपनी पुरानी लाइफ स्टाइल को बदलें। जैसे देर रात को सोना और सुबह देर तक सोते रहना। भोजन करते वक्त टीवी देखना, शराब पीना, सिगरेट पीना आदि।

दस नियम

1. इंटरमिटेंट फास्टिंग : उपवास करें 16 घंटे का। रात के भोजन के बाद 16 घंटे तक ना कुछ खाना है और पानी को छोड़कर ना ही कुछ पीना। उदाहरण के लिए, सुबह 10:00 से शाम 6:00 बजे तक। इस समय के दौरान, आप जो भी चाहें खा सकते हैं उसके बाद व्रत प्रारंभ कर दें जो अगले दिन 10 सुबह 10 बजे ही तोड़े। आप 11:00 से शाम 7:00 बजे तक या 12:00 से रात 8:00 बजे का समय अपना सकते हैं।

2. पेय पदार्थ: सप्ताह में एक बार एक गिलास मीठा सोडा नींबू रस के साथ पीएं। इसके अलावा मौसम देखकर शहतूत, बेल, नीम और अन्य फलों का रस पीएं।

3. सूर्य नमस्कार: प्रतिदिन योगासन नहीं कर सकते हैं तो सूर्य नमस्कार को ही अपनी जीवनशैली का अंग बनाएं। यह भी नहीं कर सकते हैं तो कम से कम आधा घंटा प्रात: काल धूप में घुमने का नियम बनाएं।

4. भोजन: अपने भोजन में दही, सलाद, अनार, हरि पत्तदार सब्जियां, लहसुन, बीन्स, फ्रूट और ड्राय फूड का उपयोग करें। खाना खाने के कम से कम एक घंटे बाद पानी पीना चाहिए। भोजन के दौरान भी पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए।

5. धूप सेकना: प्रतिदिन प्रात: काल सूर्य के समक्ष कुछ देर खड़े रहने से सभी तरह के पौषक तत्व और विटामिन की पूर्ति होने की संभावन बढ़ जाती है।

6. तुलसी का सेवन: नित्य 4 पत्ते तुलसी का सेवन करना चाहिए। इसी तरह के और भी कई पत्ते होते हैं जो सेहत के लिए लाभदायक होते हैं जैसे कड़ी पत्ता या नीम का पत्ता।

7. बर्तन: पीतल के बर्तन में भोजन करना और तांबे के लौटे में पानी पीने के कई स्वास्थ लाभ मिलते हैं। इसी तरह यह भी देखा जाना चाहिए कि किस बर्तन में खाना पकाया जा रहा है और किससे पकाया जा रहा है।

8. शुद्ध वायु: जिस तरह शरीर को शुद्ध भोजन और जल की आवश्यकता होती है उसी तरह शरीर को शुद्ध वायु की भी आवश्यकता होती है परंतु वर्तमान दौर में वायु प्रदूषण के चलते यह मुमकिन नहीं है। ऐसे में आप मास्क लगाएं और जितना हो सकके प्रदूषण से बचें। साथ ही प्रात: काल आप प्राणायाम करें। प्राणायाम से हमारे फेफड़ों की क्षमता बढ़ती है। यदि आपके फेफड़ें सक्रिय और मजबूत हैं तो आप लंबे समय तक जीने की क्षमता भी प्राप्त कर लेंगे।

9. तनाव: उपरोक्त सभी कार्य कर लिए परंतु यदि जीवन में डिप्रेशन, टेंशन और इसी तरह के मानसिक विकार हैं तो सब व्यर्थ है क्योंकि आपका तनाव ही आपको शारीरिक रूप से रोगी बना देगा। अत: इसे दूर करने के लिए आप कम से कम 10 मिनट का ध्यान करें। यह उस वक्त कर सकते हैं जब आप सूर्य नमस्कार करते हैं। समस्या पर चिंता ना करें, समाधान पर चिंतन करें।

10. वास्तु: जीवन में ग्रह-नक्षत्रों का प्रभाव पड़ता हो या ना पड़ता हो परंतु आप जहां रह रहे हैं वहां के वातावरण का प्रभाव जरूर पड़ता है। कई ऐसे मकान होते हैं जो गर्मी में ठंडक देते हैं और ठंड में गर्मी। आपको एसी में रहने की आदत है तो यह आपको कमजोर कर देगी। दूसरा यह कि घर के भीतर या घर के बाहर आसपास किस तरह के पेड़-पौधे हैं और घर की दशा एवं दिशा कैसी है यह जरूर जांच लें।

'और अंत में प्रार्थना'

*ईर्ष्यी घृणी त्वसंतुष्ट: क्रोधनो नित्यशड्कितः।*

*परभाग्योपजीवी च षडेते दुखभागिनः।।*

*अर्थात-* सभी से ईर्ष्या करने वाले, घृणा करने वाले, असंतोषी, क्रोधी, सदा संदेह करने वाले और पराये आसरे जीने वाले ये छः प्रकार के मनुष्य हमेशा दुखी रहते हैं। अतः यथा संभव इन प्रवृत्तियों से बचना चाहिए।

Saturday 7 November 2020

Exercise & Aromatherapy for Immunity

 It is well known that the immune system including natural killer (NK) cells plays an important role in defence against bacteria, viruses, and tumours. It is also well known that stress inhibits immune function. Empirically, forest bathing/shinrin-yoku may reduce stress. Thus, I speculate that forest bathing/shinrin-yoku may have a beneficial effect on immune function by reducing stress.” - Dr. Qing Li

The wisdom is old: get outside when you can; when you’re stressed, aromatherapy can help. Now, scientists in Tokyo are building a case that smelling nature — the bracing scent of forest pine or cypress, for instance — lowers our blood pressure dramatically and increases anti-cancer molecules in our bloodstreams.

Enjoy the Outdoors

Preliminary research suggests that spending time outdoors, particularly in forest settings, may stimulate the production of anti-cancer proteins and offer a general boost to the immune system, although researchers don’t have a clear explanation as to the mechanisms behind these actions. In one study conducted by Japanese immunologist Qing Li, hiking twice a day for three days increased participants’ white blood cells by 40 percent, and they remained elevated by 15 percent a month later. These results weren’t found after urban walking, suggesting something uniquely beneficial about spending time in a natural setting. In our next issue, we’ll cover the health benefits of spending time outdoors in the winter in greater depth.

The best way to use exercise to maximize immune response is to engage in daily moderate exercise, research suggests. Moderate exercise enhances the activity of our NK cells, which recognize cells infected with a virus and try to eliminate them. However, highly intense exercise — such as marathon running — may actually depress the immune system, making us two to six times more likely to get sick immediately after the long workout. This is because prolonged exercise can suppress TH1 — our first-line defenses against illness. Experts recommend regular, moderate exercise to boost immunity, including 30-minute walks, biking a few times a week, exercising at the gym every other day or playing sports. Yoga may also benefit immunity. Although some of this effect is attributable to its influence on stress response, some of it may also be physical. Yoga stimulates the digestive, circulatory, nervous and endocrine systems, all of which may make our bodies able to more quickly respond to threats.

Aromatherapy & Forest Bathing

Forest bathing has been shown to be a powerful antidote against the physical, mental and emotional problems of today. It helps to:

1.      lower blood pressure

2.     reduce stress and anxiety

3.     increase energy

4.    improve sleep

5.     elevate mood

6.    lower cortisol levels

7.     boost your immune system

8.    accelerate recovery from illnesses

9.    improve ability to focus (even in children with ADHD)

Most essential oil blends are too intense to mimic forest bathing, and in addition your body requires energy from the plants, which comes from flower essences.

If you want to use aromatherapy to simulate a garden or forest experience, the best way is to combine 8 or more essential oils into a very mild mist, and add a minimum of 100 different flower essences. This gives the body similar exposure as a walk-in nature does.

Note that in order for a mist to mimic forest bathing, the mist needs to be mild enough that you can consistently mist your face, head, neck and body several times in a row without the aroma being overwhelming. Similar to walking in nature, this method very gently lifts the body (instead of being overwhelming or intense).  Repeating this process with a mist several times over a 15-minute window tends to offer greater benefits, again the way spending 15 minutes in nature assists the body's repair mechanisms.

Be aware that the benefits, such as lowered blood pressure and anxiety levels, is due to smelling and absorbing the wide ranging phytoncides produced by plants, versus consuming them.

In short, the incredible benefits from forest bathing are in large part due to inhaling terpenes, which are found in essential oils.