
Thursday 25 January 2024

Pushya Nakshatra the “King” of all nakshatras.

Pushya Nakshatra is regarded most auspicious in the Hindu scriptures. Pushya means ‘to nourish’ and hence this nakshatra provides energy and power.

Guru Pushya Yoga 2024: The planet Saturn is regarded as the ruler of the Pushya Nakshatra, one of the 27 Nakshatras. There will be a conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter when Pushya Nakshatra occurs in the Cancer sign. It is said that this conjunction of two planets is the most auspicious. Therefore, significant events are planned during Guru Pushya yoga.

Guru-Pushya Yoga, a highly auspicious yoga, will take place on the 25th of January, bringing a shower of good luck and prosperity. Vedic astrology considers Guru-Pushya Yoga to be incredibly propitious, encouraging positive endeavors and purchases. Among the 27 nakshatras, Pushya Nakshatra holds a revered position as the most auspicious, often referred to as the “King” of all nakshatras.

Auspicious Activities Done on Pushya Nakshatra Day:

  • Wealth and prosperity that has arrived in your home during this nakshatra will last forever.
  • Opportune time to study and acquire knowledge.
  • Spiritual activities can also be done on this day.
  • Auspicious day for mantras, yantras, worshipping, chanting and solemnization.
  • Worship Goddess Lakshmi and buy Shree Yantra to lead a prosperous life.
  • You will achieve growth through all religious and financial activities done during this period.

Beneficial Results Through Auspicious Activities:

  • Taste success in all areas of life by performing prayers or rituals on this day.
  • Adverse effects of afflicted Sun in your horoscope can be reduced.
  • Achieve success and fulfilment in all activities performed on this day.
  • Investments will provide good returns in the long term.
  • Work effectiveness and quality also improve.
  • Especially worship Goddess Lakshmi on this opportune day to attain desired results.


Guru Pushya Yoga offers an excellent opportunity for personal growth and self-reflection. It is a time to assess one’s goals, aspirations, and values, and make necessary adjustments to align with one’s higher purpose. Engaging in practices such as journaling, meditation, and introspection can help gain clarity, cultivate self-awareness, and unlock new potential.

In conclusion, the Guru-Pushya Yoga is a highly auspicious and promising astrological event that has the potential to bring prosperity, luck, and happiness to various zodiac signs. This period is considered ideal for embarking on new ventures, making important decisions, and seeking opportunities for growth and success.

Don't ignore the importance of Guru Pushya if you really want success in life, Magic happens with believers and so be positive and attract the positive energies around you and soon you will find the good ways to make your life smooth, smarter and powerful.

Monday 22 January 2024

‘श्रीराम’ के १०८ नाम और उनका अर्थ': -

सहस्त्रनाम-तुल्य ‘श्रीराम’-नाम

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे। सहस्त्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने।।

रकारादीनि नामानि शृण्वतो मम पार्वति। मन: प्रसन्नतां याति रामनामाभिशंकया।।

‘श्रीराम’ के १०८ नाम और उनका अर्थ: -

१. ॐ श्रीराम: – जिनमें योगीजन रमण करते हैं, ऐसे सच्चिदानन्दघन श्रीराम और सीता-सहित राम।

२. रामचन्द्र: – चन्द्रमा के समान मनोहर राम।

३. रामभद्र: – कल्याणमय राम।

४. शाश्वत: – सनातन भगवान।

५. राजीवलोचन: – कमल के समान नेत्रों वाले।

६. श्रीमान् राजेन्द्र: – श्रीसम्पन्न और राजाओं के भी राजा।

७. रघुपुंगव: – रघुकुल में सर्वश्रेष्ठ।

८. जानकीवल्लभ: – जनककिशोरी सीता के प्रियतम।

९. जैत्र: – विजयशील।

१०. जितामित्र: – शत्रुओं को जीतने वाले।

११. जनार्दन: – सभी मनुष्यों द्वारा याचना करने योग्य।

१२. विश्वामित्रप्रिय: – विश्वामित्रजी के प्रिय।

१३. दान्त: – जितेन्द्रिय।

१४. शरण्यत्राणतत्पर: – शरणागतों की रक्षा में संलग्न।

१५. वालिप्रमथन: – वानर बालि को मारने वाले।

१६. वाग्मी: – अच्छे वक्ता।

१७. सत्यवाक्: – सत्यवादी।

१८. सत्यविक्रम: – सत्य पराक्रमी।

१९. सत्यव्रत: – सत्य का दृढ़तापूर्वक पालन करने वाले।

२०. व्रतफल: – सम्पूर्ण व्रतों के प्राप्त होने वाले फलस्वरूप।

२१. सदा हनुमदाश्रय: – हनुमानजी के हृदयकमल में सदा निवास करने वाले।

२२. कौसल्येय: – कौसल्याजी के पुत्र।

२३. खरध्वंसी: – खर राक्षस का नाश करने वाले।

२४. विराधवधपण्डित: – विराध दैत्य का वध करने में कुशल।

२५. विभीषणपरित्राता: – विभीषण के रक्षक।

२६. दशग्रीवशिरोहर: – दस सिर वाले रावण के मस्तक को काटने वाले।

२७. सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता: – सात तालवृक्षों को एक ही बाण से बींध डालने वाले।

२८. हरकोदण्डखण्डन: – जनकपुर में शिवजी के धनुष को तोड़ने वाले।

२९. जामदग्न्यमहादर्पदलन: – परशुरामजी के महान् अभिमान को चूर्ण करने वाले।

३०. ताटकान्तकृत्: – ताड़का नाम की राक्षसी का वध करने वाले।

३१. वेदान्तपार: – वेदान्त से भी अतीत, वेद भी जिसका पार नही पा सकता।

३२. वेदात्मा: – वेदस्वरूप।

३३. भवबन्धैकभेषज: – संसार-बंधन से मुक्ति की एकमात्र औषधि।

३४. दूषणत्रिशिरोऽरि: — दूषण और त्रिशिरा नामक राक्षसों के शत्रु।

३५. त्रिमूर्ति: – ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और शिव–तीन रूप धारण करने वाले।

३६. त्रिगुण: – तीनों गुणों के आश्रय।

३७. त्रयी: – तीन वेदस्वरूप।

३८. त्रिविक्रम: – वामन अवतार में तीन पगों से त्रिलोकी को नाप लेने वाले।

३९. त्रिलोकात्मा: – तीनों लोकों के आत्मा।

४०. पुण्यचारित्रकीर्तन: – जिनकी लीलाओं का कीर्तन परम पवित्र है।

४१. त्रिलोकरक्षक: – तीनों लोकों की रक्षा करने वाले।

४२. धन्वी: – धनुष धारण करने वाले।

४३. दण्डकारण्यवासकृत्: – दण्डकारण्य में निवास करने वाले।

४४. अहल्यापावन: - अहल्या को पवित्र करने वाले।

४५. पितृभक्त: – पिता के भक्त।

४६. वरप्रद: – वर देने वाले।

४७. जितेन्द्रिय: – इन्द्रियों को वश में रखने वाले।

४८. जितक्रोध: – क्रोध को जीतने वाले।

४९. जितलोभ: – लोभ को परास्त करने वाले।

५०. जगद्गुरु: – अपने चरित्र से संसार को शिक्षा देने के कारण सबके गुरु।

५१. ऋक्षवानरसंघाती: – वानर और भालुओं की सेना का संगठन करने वाले।

५२. चित्रकूटसमाश्रय: – वनवास के समय चित्रकूट पर्वत पर निवास करने वाले।

५३. जयन्तत्राणवरद: – जयन्त की रक्षा करके वर देने वाले।

५४. सुमित्रापुत्रसेवित: – सुमित्रानन्दन लक्ष्मण द्वारा सेवित।

५५. सर्वदेवाधिदेव: – सम्पूर्ण देवताओं के भी देवता।

५६. मृतवानरजीवन: – मरे हुए वानरों को जीवित करने वाले।

५७. मायामारीचहन्ता: – मायावी मृग बनकर आए मारीच राक्षस का वध करने वाले।

५८. महाभाग: – महान सौभाग्यशाली।

५९. महाभुज: – बड़ी-बड़ी बांहों वाले।

६०. सर्वदेवस्तुत: – सम्पूर्ण देवता जिनकी स्तुति करते हैं।

६१. सौम्य: – शान्त स्वभाव वाले।

६२. ब्रह्मण्य: – ब्राह्मणों के हितैषी।

६३. मुनिसत्तम: – मुनियों में श्रेष्ठ।

६४. महायोगी: – महायोगी।

६५. महोदार: – परम उदार।

६६. सुग्रीवस्थिरराज्यद: – सुग्रीव को स्थिर राज्य प्रदान करने वाले।

६७. सर्वपुण्याधिकफल: – समस्त पुण्यों के उत्कृष्ट फलरूप।

६८. स्मृतसर्वाघनाशन: – स्मरण करने मात्र से ही सम्पूर्ण पापों का नाश करने वाले।

६९. आदिपुरुष: – ब्रह्माजी को भी उत्पन्न करने वाले सबके आदिभूत परमात्मा।

७०. महापुरुष: – समस्त पुरुषों में महान्।

७१. परमपुरुष: – सर्वोत्कृष्ट पुरुष।

७२. पुण्योदय: – पुण्य को प्रकट करने वाले।

७३. महासार: – सर्वश्रेष्ठ सारभूत परमात्मा।

७४. पुराणपुरुषोत्तम: – पुराणप्रसिद्ध क्षर-अक्षर पुरुषों से श्रेष्ठ लीलापुरुषोत्तम।

७५. स्मितवक्त्र: – जिनके मुख पर सदा मुसकान छाई रहती है।

७६. मितभाषी: – कम बोलने वाले।

७७. पूर्वभाषी: – पूर्ववक्ता।

७८. राघव: – रघुकुल में अवतीर्ण।

७९. अनन्तगुणगम्भीर: – अनन्त गुणों से युक्त एवं गम्भीर।

८०. धीरोदात्तगुणोत्तर: – धीर और उदात्त नायक के लोकोत्तर गुणों से युक्त।

८१. मायामानुषचारित्र: – अपनी माया का आश्रय लेकर मनुष्यों की-सी लीलाएं करने वाले।

८२. महादेवाभिपूजित: – भगवान शंकर द्वारा निरन्तर पूजित।

८३. सेतुकृत्: – समुद्र पर पुल बांधने वाले।

८४. जितवारीश: – समुद्र को जीतने वाले।

८५. सर्वतीर्थमय: – सर्वतीर्थस्वरूप।

८६. हरि: – पाप-ताप को हरने वाले।

८७. श्यामांग: – श्याम विग्रह वाले।

८८. सुन्दर: – परम मनोहर।

८९. शूर: – अनुपम शौर्य से सम्पन्न वीर।

९०. पीतवासा: – पीताम्बरधारी।

९१. धनुर्धर: – धनुष धारण करने वाले।

९२. सर्वयज्ञाधिप: – सम्पूर्ण यज्ञों के स्वामी।

९३. यज्ञ: – यज्ञस्वरूप।

९४. जरामरणवर्जित: – बुढ़ापा और मृत्यु से रहित।

९५. शिवलिंगप्रतिष्ठाता: – रामेश्वर नामक ज्योतिर्लिंग की स्थापना करने वाले।

९६. सर्वाघगणवर्जित: – समस्त पाप-राशि से रहित।

९७. परमात्मा: – परम श्रेष्ठ, नित्य-शुद्ध-बुद्ध-मुक्त स्वभाव।

९८. परं ब्रह्म: – सर्वोत्कृष्ट, सर्वव्यापी परेश्वर।

९९. सच्चिदानन्दविग्रह: – सत्, चित् और आनन्दमय दिव्यविग्रह वाले।

१००. परं ज्योति: – परम प्रकाशमय, परम ज्ञानमय।

१०१. परं धाम: – साकेत धामस्वरूप।

१०२. पराकाश: – महाकाशस्वरूप ब्रह्म।

१०३. परात्पर: – मन, बुद्धि आदि से परे परमात्मा।

१०४. परेश: – सर्वोत्कृष्ट शासक।

१०५. पारग: – सबको पार लगाने वाले।

१०६. पार: – भवसागर से पार जाने की इच्छा रखने वाले प्राणियों के प्रातव्य परमात्मा।

१०७. सर्वभूतात्मक: – सर्वभूतस्वरूप।

१०८. शिव: – परम कल्याणमय।

‘श्रीराम’ के १०८ नामों के पाठ व श्रवण का माहात्म्य: -

इस प्रकार श्रीमहादेवजी ने ‘श्रीराम’ के परम पुण्यमय १०८ नाम और उनके पाठ व श्रवण का माहात्म्य पार्वतीजी को बताते हुए कहा–जो मनुष्य दूर्वादल के समान श्यामसुन्दर कमलनयन पीताम्बरधारी भगवान श्रीराम का इन दिव्य नामों से स्तवन करता है–

Y      वह संसार-बंधन से मुक्त होकर परम पद को प्राप्त कर लेता है।

Y      मनुष्य के जन्म-जन्मान्तर के पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

Y      उसकी चंचल लक्ष्मी स्थिर हो जाती है अर्थात् लक्ष्मीजी सदैव उसके घर में निवास करती हैं।

Y      शत्रु मित्र बन जाते हैं। सभी प्राणी उसके अनुकूल हो जाते हैं।

Y      उस मनुष्य के लिए जल स्थल बन जाता है, जलती हुई अग्नि शान्त हो जाती है।

Y      क्रूर ग्रहों के समस्त उपद्रव शान्त हो जाते हैं। मनुष्य की सभी मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण हो जाती हैं। वह सबका वन्दनीय, सब तत्त्वों का ज्ञाता और भगवद्भक्त हो जाता है।

Friday 19 January 2024

Somatic Yoga & #Movement Therapy

Soma comes from a Greek word connoting The Living Body” – pertaining to the consciousness of our living body, experienced and regulated from within. It is an exploration into waking up our innate senses to uncover our mind-body mapping.

A somatic movement is made with a focus on the internal movement instead of on the external movement. Internal movement is very different from most physical or exercise training. Because his internal way of moving builds your cognizance (self-sensing) it helps you feel good. And, as you master this skill, you will make better and more clear choices about your well-being.

Somatic Movement involves a series of specific exercises that reconnect the brain with the muscles so you can let go of tightness in the body. The movements are slow and mindful, and are performed on the floor, so your body is more comfortable and isn’t fighting against gravity.  No pain = more gain!

Somatic Movement Therapy is a gentle rhythmic movement gives you the tools you need to access the wisdom stored in your body. It helps unwind tension habits that cause pain. Somatic Movement helps you transform unhealthy habits caused by physical injuries, trauma, personal habits, or even skipped developmental stages.

Brain plasticity is the ability of your nervous system to change patterns and habits by reorganizing how it does things. Having a brain that can change improves how you move your muscles, how you perceive balance, how you react to outer stress, or when you notice tiredness, hunger or emotion. A reorganized brain changes and can help how you respond to any threats you perceive. This is very important for anyone in chronic pain or who has high sensitivity (HSP), because you can change how you experience the world around you.

What are Somatic Principles?

  • It is body centered to improve awareness of the body-mind connection
  • It is a sensory approach (rather than cognitive approach) to learning / unlearning / relearning
  • It is exploratory in nature, based on the premise that the body is shaped by the mind, and that the mind can be reshaped through the body
  • It is focused on the internal experience of the movement rather than on the end result.

Benefits Of Somatic Movement Yoga

Somatic Movement yoga is useful for many challenges. Here are a few:

  • Pain and stress management or alleviation
  • Sexual health and pelvic floor issues
  • Balance
  • Difficulties with smooth or fluid movement
  • Nervous system calming and meditation
  • Trauma and injury recovery
  • Fitness training
  • Anxiety, worry, despair, and mental health concerns
  • Alleviating Parkinson’s symptoms
  • Meeting loss and grief

The many benefits of Somatic Yoga

Somatic Yoga can improve posture, mobility, strength, balance, coordination and proprioception. It can reduce neuromuscular pain and symptoms related to chronically tight muscles such as headaches, frozen shoulder and breathing issues. It can mitigate symptoms of anxiety, depression, sleeping issues and fatigue.

The right approach can significantly improve your quality of life and maintain these gains over time. Try Somatic Movement to relieve your symptoms, reduce your pain, and feel confident to live life to the fullest. 

Make Yoga Practice a “Somatic” Practice.

1) Breathe: try to keep a slow, even, steady, and comfortable pace of breathing, through your nose where possible.

2) Move slowly and consciously: notice what it takes to make a movement occur or what it takes to hold your body in a yoga pose.

3) Move gently and with as little effort as possible: notice where you hold “secret” unnecessary tension, such as in your face, shoulders, or hands.

4) Somatic movement shouldn’t be painful: don’t force any movement and see what movement and what poses you can inhabit without causing pain.

5) Be persistent, patient, and positive: don’t expect your body to change by sheer determination. Relax. Give yourself time to explore what is there and find gratitude with what you have as you patiently and compassionately explore


Wednesday 17 January 2024

The gym is the place you want to be.

gym, short for gymnasium (pl.gymnasiums or gymnasia), is an indoor venue for exercise and sports. The word is derived from the ancient Greek term "gymnasion". They are commonly found in athletic and fitness centers, and as activity and learning spaces in educational institutions. "Gym" is also the commonly used name for a "fitness Centre" or health club, which is often an area for indoor recreation. 

What Fitness Really Means?

Our bodies are meant to move, and they tend to function better when we’re more fit. Many people strive to be fit. Fitness, after all, is synonymous with health.

Having a high level of overall fitness is linked with a lower risk of chronic disease, as well as a better ability to manage health issues that do come up. Better fitness also promotes more functionality and mobility throughout one’s life span.

And in the short term, being active can help your day-to-day functioning, from better mood to sharper focus to better sleep.

“The body achieves what the mind believes.” 

5 components of physical fitness:

  • Cardiorespiratory Fitness Your VO2 max is a commonly used measure of this. It’s your body’s ability to uptake and utilize oxygen (which feeds all of your tissues), something that is directly related to your health and quality of life.
  • Musculoskeletal Fitness This includes muscle strength, endurance, and power.
  • Flexibility This is the range of motion of your joints.
  • Balance This is your ability to stay on your feet and steady to avoid falls.
  • Speed This is how quickly you can move.

Why is gym important for everyone?

Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term (chronic) conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

Does everyone need to go to the gym?

And the answer is simple – it's essential to indulge in physical activity and workout according to your individual needs. However, it's not mandatory to go to a gym to do so.

What is the purpose of a gym?

The primary purpose of a gym is for people to build muscle strength, burn calories, and improve their physique. On the other hand, wellness centers, in addition to exercise equipment and group exercise classes, offer various activities and amenities.

Now, when it comes to working out, it’s important to work smarter, not harder. And anything that can make your life easier is worth its weight in gold. That’s why the gym is a perfect place to get your sweat on. It’s a competitive environment where people push themselves to the limit and put in the extra effort to be the best.

Is gym important in life?

A gym session or brisk walk can help. Physical activity stimulates many brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious. You also may feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.”

Which Type of People Should Actually Hit the Gym?

Now about hitting the gym – who should do it and who should avoid it. Going to the gym isn’t for everyone, but there are definitely some folks out there who can benefit from it such as:

v Individuals preparing for bodybuilding competitions.

v Individuals who have professional goals based on looks and fitness such as models, celebrities, etc.

v Individuals who have such lifestyles that they can spare some time for gym throughout, such as people involved into huge family businesses where everyone has time for themselves, etc.

v Individuals having a lack of motivation to exercise on their own.

There are different body types as per Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), individuals having “Pitta” type bodies should go to the gym or swimming etc.


In conclusion, going to any gym has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Improved physical health, enhanced mental health, social interaction, increased energy and productivity, and personal achievement are just a few of the benefits of going to the gym. If you haven’t started going to the gym yet, now is the perfect time to start. Even small steps such as taking a walk or joining a fitness class can have a big impact on your health and well-being. So, make the decision to start today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”