
Sunday 24 April 2022

Visibility of things will make you #likeable.

It's an inconvenient truth, but being likable makes life significantly easier.

“People like people who are like themselves; or who are like they would like to be.”

Our likability is not entirely up to us. It depends on the context, our roles and functions within the group, the people around us, how much we have in common with them, their biases and our own, and a variety of other factors. Some people may never warm up to us no matter how likable we are. 

What makes someone likable? These are the most likable personality traits:

1.              Be funny.

2.              Be a good listener.

3.              Don’t judge.

4.              Be authentic.

5.              Show people that you like them.

6.              Smile.

7.              Be humble.

8.              Keep your promises.

9.              Keep in touch.

10.          Appear virtuous.

Fortunately, being likable is a skill you can develop over time, not something you either innately possess or don't. Here are a few tricks to help you get started:

1.   Never purchase that feeling of being likeable. If you do the right things, you will be admirable.

2.   Develop the Art of Listening. Listening is the secret to get other people attracted to you.

3.  Exude Positive Energy, Confidence, and Cheerfulness. Everyone wants to hang around a cheerful, positive, confident, and motivated person, for good reason.

4.   Appreciating Other People and Complimenting Them. People love people who appreciate and compliment them.

5.   Be positive and make them laugh. People only remember what you make them feel when they are with you. So, take that chance, be funny, and laugh together.

6.   Learn to laugh on your own experiences. This behavior shows them your self-confidence. You can’t imagine how confident people are attractive to others.

7.   Never complain. If you have problems, try to fix them rather than talk. Everyone has his own problems; they will only feel pity for you.

8.   Be honest and defend your values. Some people may conflict with you, but deep in their soul they respect you for being courageous.

9.  You should respect yourself first. Never let someone offend you. You must make limits that others should not go beyond.

10.   Don’t be judgmental. And don’t talk negatively about anyone.

11.   Appearance is important. If you take care of you and how you look, people will respect you.

12.   Compliment people when you introduce them to others. You will boost their self-confident, and they will associate a positive image with you.

13.   Your body language should be correct. Stand right, look straight in the eyes and smile.

14.   Smell nice. Some people are attracted to different smells. The nicer you smell; the more people will like you. Hygiene is at the top of the list to some people. Maintaining good hygiene is crucial.

15.   Never fake your emotions to anyone, EVER. You can acknowledge them, but don’t go out of your way to tell everyone how you feel. If you start unloading your emotional baggage on someone, you’ll exhaust them.

16.   Say please and thank you. Manners define who you are. Respect can only be earned if you show it too.

17.   Don't gossip about anybody. What goes around comes around. Nobody is going to like you if you try hard to fit in by making others look bad.

18.   Be professional in your job. Do it well. If you know what you're doing, keep going. People who waste time are least likely to be seen as productive. Most people like people that are hardworking.

19.   Don't be too sensitive. Be open about everything. Listen to what others have to say. Take in everything that's happening in the world.

20.   Finally, be yourself. Don’t emulate others. You’re unique and you’ve got your own quirks. Just be you.

When you take the time to like and value others you magically become likeable yourself. Be a good motivator and show interest. Words like Amazing, Awesome, beautiful enhances the likability. Remain down to earth.  This shows your humility and humbleness towards a person.


  1. Very much correct and very unique content. A must read thing.

