
Friday 22 April 2022

Ashva Sanchalan (Equestrian Pose) in Yoga….

Ashva Sanchalan Asana known as Equestrian Pose is a low lunge and falls into the category of balancing postures. The Sanskrit name Ashva Sanchalan Asana is derived from three words. Ashva meaning Horse, Sanchalan meaning movement and Asana meaning Posture. This Asana is practiced at the 4th and 9th position in Surya namaskar series. Practicing this asana stimulates abdominal organs.

The Ashva Sanchalan Asana / Horse Posture is a wonderful support to people who play sports, cycle, walk and jog regularly.

Steps to practice Ashva Sanchalan Asana (Equestrian Pose)

To achieve maximum benefits and to avoid any possible injury; it is very significant to know the right alignment of the body in the asana.

Base Position: Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose).

1. From Vajrasana stand on your knees keeping the knees and feet together.

2. Bring the right leg in front so that it forms a 90-degree angle between the thigh and the calf. The right thigh must be parallel to the floor. The knee should be aligned with the ankle.

3. Keep the arms by the side of right leg. Fingers touches the ground supporting the body to maintain the balance in the posture.

4. Rest the knee of the left leg on the floor. Look upwards.

5. This is the final position. Hold this position as long as it is comfortable. Do not strain the body.

6. To release the posture, bring the head down and then take the right leg back to sit in Vajrasana.

7. Follow the same steps with the other leg.

Variation 2:

In this variation, raise the arms above the head in namaste gesture. This will intensify the stretch of the thigh. One should practice this variation only after practicing the 1st variation for a week or so.

What is so special about Ashva Sanchalan asana?

This posture works on the entire lower half and core. Besides, it is useful to practice, as we use it to transition into different asanas.

What is the mantra of Ashva Sanchalan Asana?

The corresponding mantras for Ashva Sanchalan Asana are “Aum Bhanave Namah,” meaningSalutations to Bhanu, the shining one,” or the shorter bija mantra, “Om Hram.” This posture is thought to stimulate the Anahata, Manipura and Svadhisthana chakras.

Benefits of Ashva Sanchalan asana

  • Strengthens the lower body
  • Stretches the groin and hip flexors
  • Lengthens the spine, thereby stretching the chest
  • Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, sciatica
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Tones the kidney and liver.
  • Builds willpower and determination

Ashva Sanchalan Asana or the equestrian pose is an amazing pose to stretch and tone the hips, legs, quadriceps, and groin. The asana also opens the chest and stretches the muscles of the back.

A lot of people suffer from tight hip flexors. Thus, the high and low lunges are great ways to reduce muscle tension.


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