
Tuesday 10 May 2022

Succulents are wonderful


10 May 2022


If you have no time to spare to water your plants, buy succulents. They can survive in extreme conditions without no water for weeks. In fact, the ideal amount of watering these plants should be getting is twice a month. They are tiny, so you can pot them in cute little planters and keep them in any corner of your house.

What are succulents?

Succulents are fleshy plants that can retain water in their leaves, stems or roots.

Why are succulents the best plants?

These low maintenance plants are almost indestructible and are available in varied shapes, sizes and colours, leaving plenty of options to choose from.

Are succulent good luck plants?

Succulents are considered good luck plants. because it is believed that the succulents have the ability to retain water and that is equal to retaining wealth and abundance and are capable of thriving in adverse conditions that equal absorbing all the negativity that goes around.

According to Feng Shui, if you grow some succulents at your home, they will bring wealth, good fortune, and prosperity to you. Feng Shui believers say that succulents attract positive elements that will bring a lot of happiness to your life. This is the reason succulents are so popular in China and now worldwide.

While there is little scientific backing of this association, one thing is for sure: succulents do give you good vibes and planting them can make you happy.

They are easy to multiply

One cost effective way to multiply your succulent collection is by propagating. Propagation is a way to grow your plant collection by taking a part of an existing plant to form a new plant. There are different propagation techniques. Propagation is commonly done from cuttings, stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, offsets, or seeds from a mature plant. Some succulent plants are easier to propagate than others. It takes a little bit of practice, some research, a bit of trial and error to begin propagating successfully but the reward is worth your time and effort.

What do succulent plants symbolize?

Overall, succulent is widely known as a symbol of tenacity, strength, and selflessness love. So, gifting succulents would be a great idea to show your unconditional love to the person you love the most.

Tips to keep them healthy

While they are low maintenance, over watering or under-watering succulents can kill them. However, here are some quick tips to keep your plump succulents happy!

Water them instead of spraying.

When you water the soil, don’t stop until it is completely soaked.

Don’t water your succulents again until the soil runs dry.


Well, you probably heard that plants make you less stressed and happier. Well, that’s absolutely true! Especially succulents add positive vibes along with purifying your environment. So, gifting succulents would be a great idea to show your unconditional love to the person you love the most.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful informative and intresting
