
Saturday 11 June 2022

Pineal gland: A site of intuition and inner wisdom


11 June 2022


Pineal Gland is also called ‘the eye of intuition‘, and it is the doorway through which the individual enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness. Perhaps the most common name for this chakra is “the third eye”, and the mystical traditions of every age and culture make abundant references to it. It is portrayed as a psychic eye located midway between the two physical eyes and it looks inward instead of outward.” The pineal gland was one of the last brain organs to be discovered and has been the subject of much mythology and speculation.

What is the pineal gland?

The pineal gland was described as the Seat of the Souland it is located in the Centre of the brain. The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain. The main function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information to produce and secrete the hormone melatonin. The rhythmic production of melatonin, secreted only during the dark period of the day, is extensively used as a marker of the phase of the internal circadian clock. Melatonin itself is used as a therapy for certain sleep disorders related to circadian rhythm abnormalities and for the alleviation of jet lag.

Pineal Anatomy and Structure

The pineal gland in humans is a small (100-150mg), highly vascularized, and a secretory neuroendocrine organ. It is located in the mid-line of the brain called the epithalamus, where the two halves of the brain join., outside the blood-brain barrier and attached to the roof of the third ventricle by a short stalk. 

Alternative names for the pineal gland

Pineal body; pineal organ; epiphysis cerebri; conarium.

Hormones do the pineal gland produce

The major hormone produced and regulated by the pineal gland is melatonin. Melatonin is best known for the role it plays in regulating sleep patterns. Sleep patterns are also called circadian rhythms. The pineal gland also plays a role in the regulation of female hormone levels, and it may affect fertility and the menstrual cycle. Melatonin may also help protect against cardiovascular issues such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. However, more research needs to be done into the potential functions of melatonin.

Pineal gland & circadian rhythms

The pineal gland is key to the body’s internal clock because it regulates the body’s circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms (the roughly 24-hour cycle of biological activities associated with natural periods of light and darkness). are the daily rhythms of the body, including signals that make someone feel tired, sleep, wake up, and feel alert around the same time each day? The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which is a hormone that helps regulate circadian rhythms. Melatonin is produced according to the amount of light a person is exposed to. The pineal gland releases greater amounts of melatonin when it is dark, which points to melatonin’s role in sleep. Serotonin is the precursor of melatonin. Serotonin is acetylated and methylated to yield melatonin within the pineal gland. The light exposure to the eyes affects the synthesis and secretion of melatonin.

Functions Of Pineal Gland

Secretion Of Melatonin

This gland secretes the hormone melatonin which regulates the circadian rhythm of the body and also certain reproductive hormones. The secretion of this hormone depends upon the amount of light a person is exposed to. This hormone is produced in large amounts when it is dark. The presence of light inhibits the secretion of melatonin which controls our circadian rhythms.

Cardiovascular Health

The melatonin secretion has a positive impact on the heart and blood pressure. It may also be used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


Melatonin inhibits the secretion of reproductive hormones from the anterior pituitary, which are responsible for the development and functioning of reproductive organs.

Disorders Of Pineal Gland

Listed below are few disorders caused by the malfunctioning of the pineal gland.

  1. Depression.
  2. Mood swings.
  3. Peptic or stomach ulcers.
  4. Disruption in sleep patterns.
  5. An impaired pineal gland leads to hormonal imbalance.
  6. Sexual disorders are caused by the dysfunctioning of the pineal gland.
Other disorders include:

Low melatonin secretion also leads to anxiety, low thyroid hormone production, menopause symptoms, etc.

Over secretion of melatonin can lead to low blood pressure and improper functioning of the thyroid glands and adrenal glands.

Seasonal affective disorders of pineal gland include a depressive disorder. This disorder is mainly caused in the winter season when melatonin secretion is high due to the presence of low sunlight.

Pineal Gland Controls One’s Mood

This gland was always recognized as being associated with the agna chakra. Today, neuroscientists say that the secretions of the pineal gland control and moderate one's moods and experiences. If you have a very stable and sufficient pineal secretion, having a pleasant mood within yourself is not a problem. The third eye is believed to reside within the pineal gland inside of the brain. The name “third eye” comes from the pineal gland’s primary function of ‘letting in light and darkness’, just as our two eyes do. Depression patients had smaller pineal parenchymal volume than healthy controls.

Different cultures and religions have their own takes on the third eye, but the Hindu religion is a big proponent of the phenomenon. One of the core Gods, Lord Shiva, possesses a third eye at the center of the forehead which stands for spiritual knowledge and power.

Pineal Gland is the Third Eye/Ajna Chakras

The third eye chakra is an energy center within the body on the forehead in the center of the brows. It is presumed that we would want all of the chakras in our bodies to be aligned and properly energized. Once our third eye chakra is opened, we can gain wisdom, intuition, deeper self-reflection, higher self-confidence, and logic, just to name a few.

Anyone would love to have those traits, but you now may be wondering: how does one open the third eye? A common practice is to do yoga and meditate.

 Your third eye might also be blocked, which prevents you from opening it. A blockage can cause poor memory, anxiety, and can impair physical, emotional, and mental health. Modern medicine might suggest that it is blocked due to calcification of the pineal gland. It can become calcified from fluoride exposure, different diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, kidney disease, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Although pineal gland calcification has been studied, it is not proven that it can cause medical problems, and you should consult with a doctor before undergoing any treatments to heal the third eye or pineal gland. The pineal gland can potentially be healed by using different methods such as meditation, crystal healing, yoga, exercising, and eating healthy.

Top 3 pineal gland boosting tips


Eat clean organic food that have purifying properties like raw cacao, organic honey, spirulina, zeolite, apple cider vinegar and vitamin D.


By bringing your awareness to the pineal gland you’ll bring energy to it.  Try visualizing an illuminated pineal gland. The pineal gland is 12cm in from the root of the nose going towards the back of the head and 5cm up.


The pineal gland responds to vibration. Humming like a bumble bee creates a beautiful calming vibration to the nervous system and stimulates the pineal gland.  All you need to do is close your eyes, inhale and on the exhale hum like a bumble bee for 21 breaths.

You’ll feel calm and your mind will feel refreshed.


The existence of the pineal gland as third eye or mystic control has been described in Indian ancient science. The modern world is trending toward the same inference. Circadian rhythm, its maintenance, and role of melatonin are important in controlling the normal physiology of the body. Further melatonin has shown pharmacologic uses as anticancer and antiaging agents. Its role in preventing osteoporosis and menstrual irregularity is under trials. The author believes that someday the modern science could decode the mystery of “third eye” completely, and he intends to find the solution for supernatural controls also.

Pineal Gland the third Eye: Where Mysticism Meets Science!

Sunday 5 June 2022


In the universe are billions of galaxies,

In our galaxy are billions of planets,

But there is Only One Earth.

World Environment Day 2022. “Only One Earth" is the campaign slogan, with the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. 

Medicine Is Not Always Found In Bottles, Tablets or Vaccines

Detoxification is Medicine
Quitting Junk Food is Medicine
Exercise is Medicine.
Fasting is Medicine.
Nature is Medicine.
Laughter is Medicine.
Vegetables And Fruits Are Medicine.
Sleep is Medicine.
Sunlight is Medicine.
Gratitude And Love Are Medicine.
Friends are Medicine.
Meditation is Medicine.
Being Fearless is Medicine.
Positive attitude is Medicine.
Unconditional love towards all living beings is Medicine.
Listening is medicine.
Speaking up and sharing is medicine.
We have #OnlyOneEarth. Let's take care of it.



5 June 2022


“The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some of the sounds have gone out of tune” – Deepak Chopra.

Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact, quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy!

Sound vibrations are very important as they expel the negative energies and invite the positive energy. In Feng Shui it is also used to move any stagnant energy. 

Health Benefits of Temple Bell

Bells belong to the category of idiophones, which are a part of the percussion instruments. Before you enter the temple to awake you and prepare you for the taste of awareness is the real reason behind the temple bell. In other words, “it helps to ring to wake yourself Up!”. This results in emptying our brain from all our thoughts and helps us in entering a very sharp state where we can have a good level of concentration.

There are not only cultural beliefs but psychological and scientific reasons too for the same. It is believed by the people that the sound of the bell is considered auspicious, which welcomes Gods and removes evil spirits. 

The temple bells are made up of cadmium, zinc, nickel, chromium, and magnesium, whose voice goes far. It balances the right and left part of your brain. As soon as you ring the bell, a loud noise is created, the sound echoes for 10 seconds. The duration of this echo is good enough to activate all 7 healing centers in your body. This means that these sounds are beneficial for your health. 

Concludingly, the temple bells' sound helps one to detach from the worldly pleasures and chaos and get into the state of unison with the Divine. It also has tremendous healing properties more in line with the Sound Therapy.

When the vibrations remain pure and harmonious, you remain happy and healthy. If the harmony is distorted by stress, pollution, poor lifestyle choices, or toxic emotions, Wholeness is lost in the environment and in your body. The body forgets how to repair itself and you fall sick.

Benefits of Temple bells galore

Relieves pain and tension
Instils feelings of safety, energy and survival
Lets go fear and guilt
Releases negativity and past trauma
Clarity, peace and DNA healing
Healing of interpersonal relationships
Problem-solving and improving emotional stability
Creates harmony with the universe and oneself
Builds room for oneness and unity

Exposing the internal organs and brain to different musical frequencies will encourage them to heal from within, and sound therapy helps to raise the frequency of the human body promoting health, vitality and spiritual wellbeing.





128 HZ



144.72 HZ



174 HZ



285 HZ



324 HZ



396 HZ



417 HZ



422 HZ



432 HZ



440 HZ



528 HZ



639 HZ



741 HZ



852 HZ



963 HZ


Edgar Cayce called sound “The Medicine of the Future.”  Perhaps this is the future to which he was referring.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Hanuman Sarva karya Siddhi Mantra

This mantra is also known as the Lord Hanuman mantra for the achievement of goals.

त्वमस्मिन कार्य निर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तमा |

हनुमान यात्नमास्ताया दु:ख क्षय करोभाव ||

Tvamasmin Karya Niryoge Pramaanam Hari Sattama

Hanuman Yatna Maastaaya Dukha Kshay Karo Bhava’.


O Hanuman, you are the greatest example of the accomplishment of any kind of difficult tasks*.

Please take control of my efforts and protect me by destroying sorrows and problems of my life.

*Hanuman had crossed the ocean in search of Sita defeating many demons in the way and performed many other miracles also.

  • Hanuman Karya Siddhi Mantra is a small mantra of two lines which is advised to be recited for 11 times daily for your daily success and happiness in life.
  • This can be also known as the Hanuman mantra for success.
  • For accomplishing extra-ordinary tasks or overcoming serious problems of life, some pundits/sages or seers recommend chanting this mantra for 108 times or 11 times for 40 days.

The book Manton Ki Aakash Ganga – Mantra Spandan is a tremendous book contains ancient Vedic Mantras, prayers, hymns and strota for an assortment of blessings and benefits.

These Sanskrit Self-Siddha Mantras in this book offers knowledge and insights for spiritual progress, including higher perceptions and understandings of the Absolute or God, as well as the sound vibrations for awakening our higher awareness, invoking the positive energies to help us overcome obstacles and oppositions, assist in healing our mind and body from disease & negativity. 

The most highly recommended Mantras for spiritual realization in this age.