
Monday 23 August 2021

Healthy Bones: A fun-filled Life

Strong bones support your participation in social activities, such as dancing, and sports, including golf and tennis. Strong bones carry you through busy work days, no matter how exhausted your body may be. Without strong bones, children could not enjoy playing, running, jumping, climbing, tumbling and participating in all the fun-filled physical activities they love.

Calciumvitamin D and magnesium are key bone health nutrients that require special attention to ensure that you meet your daily requirement.

Bone health: A healthy diet promote overall health as well as keeps your bones healthy.

Bones support your body and allow you to move. They protect your brain, heart, and other organs from injury.

You must add plenty of vegetables to your diet, especially those rich in vitamin A and C. Vitamin C helps in collagen formation that increases bone mineralization.

“What we eat and the activities that we do throughout the years have an impact on bone health,”

But bone health is something we should pay attention to throughout life. Whether you’re 17 or 70, eating right, exercising and getting enough calcium and vitamin D can increase bone strength and minimize bone loss.

Facts about Bones

the number of bones in your body (We’re born with more than 300 bones but as we grow some of the bones grow together leaving us with 206.)

The ear
the location of the smallest bone in your body (Called the stirrup bone, it’s the size of half a grain of rice.)

12 weeks
the average amount of time it takes a broken bone to heal

More than 200 million
the number of people in the world affected by osteoporosis and low bone density.

Osteopenia (know called low bone density)
the condition where bone mineral density is low. This may not be an indication of bone loss.

the number of bones in your face

the number of bones in each wrist (also known as the carpals)

what a broken bone is called

the age at which most young adults have approximately 98% of their skeletal mass

the medical term for your tailbone

50% water and 50% solid matter
the composition of your bones

The leg
the location of the largest bone in your body (It is called the thighbone or femur.)

What makes you grow

growth plates at the end of long bones in your arms and legs stay open, you grow.

Bone is living tissue

The collagen in bone constantly replenishes itself. So, about every 7 years, you have a new skeleton. 

What’s a funny bone, anyway?

It’s not even a bone. It’s your ulnar nerve, which runs inside your elbow. Hitting it triggers a surprisingly tingling, prickly pain.

Where you have the most bones

The 54 bones in your hand, fingers and wrists allow you to write, use a smartphone and play piano.

Bone health

Around 99% of the calcium in the human body is in the bones and teeth. Calcium is essential for the development, growth, and maintenance of bone.

Bone Density also called: Bone mass

Strong bones are important for your health. A bone mineral density (BMD) test is the best way to measure your bone health. It compares your bone density, or mass, to that of a healthy person who is the same age and sex as you are. It can show

Low bone mass that is not low enough to be osteoporosis is sometimes called osteopenia. Causes of low bone mass include family history, not developing good bone mass when you are young, and certain conditions or medicines. Not everyone who has low bone mass gets osteoporosis, but they are at higher risk for getting it.

If you have low bone mass, there are things you can do to help slow down bone loss. These include eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and doing weight-bearing exercise such as walking, tennis, or dancing. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medicines to prevent osteoporosis. Bone density changes over time. Throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, the bones absorb nutrients and minerals, gaining strength.

Peak Bone Mass

Our maximum bone size and strength is called peak bone mass. Genes play a large role in how much peak bone we have. For example, the actual size and structure of a person's skeleton is determined by genetic factors.

Although peak bone mass is largely determined by our genes, there are lifestyle factors — such as diet and exercise — that can influence whether we reach our full bone mass potential.

The best time to build bone density is during years of rapid growth. Childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood are the times when we can significantly increase our peak bone mass through diet and exercise.

Bone Strength and Calcium

Your body needs calcium to keep your bones dense and strong. Low bone density can cause your bones to become brittle and fragile. These weak bones can break more easily, even without an obvious injury.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Eat foods that provide the right amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and protein. This kind of diet will give your body the building blocks it needs to make and maintain strong bones.

In addition to getting enough calcium and vitamin D, you can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis by exercising regularly and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use.

Healthy Bones always

Bone health is important at every age and stage of life. The skeleton is our body's storage bank for calcium — a mineral that is necessary for our bodies to function. Calcium is especially important as a building block for bone.

We must get calcium from the foods we eat. If we do not have enough calcium in our diets to keep our bodies functioning, calcium is removed from where it is stored in our bones. Over time, this causes our bones to grow weaker.

Loss of bone strength can lead to osteoporosis — a disorder in which bones become very fragile and more likely to break. Older adults with osteoporosis are most vulnerable to breaks in the wrist, hip, and spine. These fractures can seriously limit mobility and independence.

Fortunately, there are many things we can do at every age to keep our bones strong and healthy.

No matter your age, adequate calcium intake and exercise can limit bone loss and increase bone and muscle strength.

Consuming calcium throughout the day

Calcium is the primary nutrient for bone health. As the bones break down and grow each day, it is essential that people get enough calcium in their diets.

Calcium requirements

The recommended upper limit for calcium is 2,500 mg a day for adults 19 to 50. For those 51 and older, the limit is 2,000 mg a day. The best way to absorb calcium is to consume small amounts throughout the day, rather than eating one high-calcium meal per day.

It is best to get calcium through the diet, unless a doctor advises otherwise. Foods’s rich in calcium include:

  • milk.
  • cheese.
  • yogurt.
  • some leafy greens, such as kale.
  • beans.
  • sardines or small saltwater fish.

Role of calcium in the body

Calcium plays a role in:

  • strengthening bones and teeth 
  • regulating muscle functioning, such as contraction and relaxation
  • regulating heart functioning
  • blood clotting
  • transmission of nervous system messages
  • enzyme function.

Nutrients that contribute to good bone mass

A good diet is a big factor contributing to healthy bones. The following nutrients play important roles:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Calcium is the most well-known ingredient for strong bones. The nutrient is famously found in dairy, but also in leafy greens such as spinach, beans, fish with bones (sardines, canned salmon), oatmeal and many other foods. Calcium alone is not enough. Other nutrients are needed for calcium to be able to its job well. For starters, your body needs vitamin D to absorb it. Vitamin D is found in shrimp, fatty fish and eggs. Your body also produces vitamin D when you are exposed to the sun. Many people have too low levels of this vitamin (especially in the winter), so supplementing could be wise. The next ingredient needed to help calcium strengthen your bones is potassium. Potassium neutralizes acids that break down calcium. It’s in potatoes (don’t remove the skin), sweet potatoes, oranges, yogurt and bananas. Magnesium is necessary for both calcium and vitamin D to work efficiently. Good sources of magnesium are spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and artichokes. Two other vitamins which are good for your bone mass are vitamin K and C. Eat leafy greens, fruits and peppers and your body will be getting these essential nutrients.

 Lifestyle can affect bone strength

Some of the factors that can reduce calcium in your bones and lower your bone density (weaken your bones) include:

  • high-salt diet
  • more than six drinks per day of caffeine-containing drinks – for example, coffee, cola and energy drinks (and, to a lesser extent, tea)
  • excessive alcohol intake
  • very low body weight
  • very high intakes of fiber (more than 50 g per day, from wheat bran)
  • low levels of physical activity
  • low levels of vitamin D – people who are housebound or cover their bodies completely when they are outside are at increased risk
  • smoking. 

“Your bones and your skeleton are truly amazing,”. “How they grow, repair themselves and keep your entire body positioned as you move through your life makes it so important that you do your best to keep them healthy. Making sure you eat well and exercise as often as you can will help ensure they support you as long as you need them to,”.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Yoga Mudras for Thyroid Problems

Thyroid is a gland in the neck that releases hormones. These hormones control the body metabolism by increasing the oxygen utilizing capacity of most of the body organs. Hence, it is important that the thyroid gland releases enough hormones- neither less nor more.

In short, thyroid gland affects the body metabolism- it affects how your body produces and utilizes energy.

The under activity of this gland would slow down the body metabolism to cause below disorders/ symptoms:

Weight gain

Hair loss

Dry nails

Chronic fatigue and tiredness


Low blood pressure


Swelling on the face

Joint stiffness and muscle pain

Abnormal menstrual cycles


Dry skin

Tingling or numbness in the body parts

The hyperactivity of thyroid gland would have below symptoms:

Sudden weight loss

Rapid heartbeat


Muscle ache and weakness

Lack of concentration and memory loss


Menstrual problems

Thyroid problems are not curable, but can be managed with proper medication, diet and lifestyle practices.

Yoga Mudras: The natural Solution to all Thyroid Problems

1. Brahma MudraGesture of God Brahma or Attitude of creation god

How to do - Fold thumb inside curl fingers then press fingers at knuckles.

Benefits - Balance thyroid gland secretion, helpful in irregular menstrual cycle.

2. Gyan MudraGesture of consciousness.

How to do - Thumb and index fingertip touching, rest fingers extended.

For beginners – Index fingertip touching inside root of thumb.
Palm facing up

Benefits - Improves concentration, endocrine system and calms the mind.

3. Adi MudraPrimal gesture or first gesture.

How to do - Thumb fold inside the curled fingers.

Benefits - Increase oxygen flow in blood, gives mental clarity & balance.

4. Shunya MudraThe gesture of emptiness.

How to do - Fold your middle finger & press it with your thumb.

Benefits - Heart and throat diseases are removed & immensely helpful in the case of thyroid Problems.

Final words

Benefits of Yoga mudras for thyroid problems are encouraging, but it is not a cure for thyroid problems. It is more like a supplement and it would bring the best results when combined with a healthy diet, positive lifestyle and medications as prescribed by your doctor. As the thyroid problems are lifelong disorders, so try to reduce the time after getting significant improvement. For example, 15 minutes a day just for maintenance.

Thursday 12 August 2021

KINTSUGI : A Metaphor for life

Have you heard of Kintsugi?

Kintsugi is the custom of repairing broken things with liquid gold, silver or lacquer dusted with gold to bring together the pieces of the fractured pottery while at the same time enhancing its breaks. This process not only fixes the cracks but dramatically increases the value of the piece and usually results in something more beautiful than the original.

Kintsugi means “golden joinery” or “to patch with gold.” The process is also related to the Japanese philosophy wabi-sabi.

Life lessons we can draw from this ancient art:

You need glue

“Where there is no love, put love, and you will find love.” If we treat our emotional wounds with forgiveness and love, the healing of that wound will bring great value and strength to our life.

A simple, peaceful life is inadequate without the companionship of delightful company and occasions to enjoy with convivial people.

Are there pieces missing?

In Kintsugi, sometimes you discover that, when reconstructing a broken item, a piece is missing. If that happens, the missing piece can be created from rock dust and flour, mixed with lacquer, making a new piece to fill in the gap. The rock dust is called “tonoko.”

Your past is like a puzzle; examine, number, and assemble the pieces. Look at your personal history not so as to ruminate on your wounds, but to be more realistic and to rebuild yourself. 

Complete the repair with help from others.

To fill in gaps the mixture enriches and completes the final product. The same is true of our emotional wounds. We need to turn to our friends for help. Invite a trusted friend to your house to drink coffee and talk about your problems. Integrate your family and friends into your life, along with all the people who are an inspiration to you, for whatever reason.

A metaphor for life

“There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen

When something breaks, it is changed forever. Shape, structure, form and function may all be affected, and the way it is put back together, the bonds forged to fix it, become as much a part of its new incarnation, as its older parts.

As a metaphor for personal development and healing, kintsugi is a powerful symbol, and is becoming an increasingly popular theme in the world of wellbeing and psychology. In an age when we are all too focused on perfection and strength, kintsugi teaches us that imperfection and fragility are two things to be celebrated. Increasingly, you can find these concepts being translated into life-coaching, counselling, art therapy, sports theory and team coaching, and even business management techniques and self-development.

An authentic life

KINTSUGI encourages us to live a full, rich life because we are not afraid of the things that might break us. Just as a ceramic is fragile, beautiful and strong, so are we. And just as ceramics can break, so too can they be repaired. “Ceramics and life can break into a thousand pieces, but that should be no reason to stop living life intensely, working intensely and keeping alive all our hopes and dreams,” says Navarro. “Adversity is nothing more than a challenge, so do some training to overcome it.”

Celebrating imperfections

“We humans are fragile; susceptible to breaks and knocks. Discover how to pick up the pieces and repair what may have been damaged in your life. Find out how to embrace your emotional scars and make them beautiful. They are proof that you have suffered; let them remind you that you are strong,” Embrace Your Imperfections and Find Happiness.

Turbulences are Inevitable

“Do not try to live a pleasant life without suffering.”

“Because if you, do you will be resigning yourself to surviving instead of living intensely.” Essentially, the first step to practicing kintsugi is to take risks – you can’t be scared of getting damaged along the way because it’s inevitable.

Think about the future

“Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.”  It’s good to confront hard times, once they pass it’s best to leave them behind you instead of dwelling on things.

The Kintsugi TakeawayThe master artist can only engage in Kintsugi’s transformational process if they focus on what is possible rather than on what is impossible.

“The importance in Kintsugi is not the always the physical appearance, it is… the beauty and the importance 

The poet Robert Pinsky once said: "Deciding to remember, and what to remember, is how we decide who we are."

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The story of 3 laughing monks.

 “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand”.

Once upon a time there lived three unnamed monks in ancient China. They were given the name of the three laughing monks because when asked about their names, they would not answer but laugh. They were poor and without worldly goods or fine clothing but were full of joy. The three monks used to travel together and do nothing but laugh.

They used to enter a village or a town, stand at the Centre of its main square and start laughing. Looking at them, slowly but surely people who lived or worked in the surroundings couldn’t resist and had to start laughing as well. Then others would also get the infection and eventually the whole village or town would laugh along. Then the monks would move to another place.

The old monks believed that laughter was their only prayer and their teachings as they would not utter a word to the folks but laugh. All over China, they were loved and respected. They believed that there have not been any such spiritual teachers till today. According to them, one should always take life to be the greatest opportunity to laugh.

So, they travelled and laughed for many years spreading joy and happiness throughout China. Until one day while being at a particular village in the northern province, one of them died.

The people were shocked and came running from afar leaving the fields unattended for the day only to witness the other two monks’ reaction to this dramatic event.
They were expecting them to show sorrow or even cry and the whole village came to the place where the three monks were.

Two alive and one DEAD!

But the two remaining monks were laughing only harder.
They were laughing and laughing and could not seem to stop.

So that a few of the good people who were assisting to this scene in this belief approached them and asked them why they weren’t mourning at all for their deceased friend.

And for one time the monks actually responded “Because yesterday on our way to your village he proposed the bet on who of us would beat the other two and die first and now he won, The old rogue, he even had a testament prepared.

The tradition required washing the dead and change his clothes before putting him on the funeral pyre.

But the old monk had explicitly asked to leave the old clothes on him.

Since he had never been filthy for one day, I never allowed any of the filth of this world to reach me through my laughter” his testament stated.

So the old man’s body was placed on the pyre with the garments he was wearing when he had arrived and as the fire was lit and started licking on his clothes.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. — Victor Borge

To everyone’s astonishment, suddenly fireworks of a hundred colours went exploding up and down and to all directions and finally, the people who had gathered there also joined the laughter of the two wise men.

So always give a little laughter. Face your problems with a smile on. Create a ripple of laughter wherever you are. There is a very deep cause for laughter. Boredom and laughter are the polar dualities, these are the polar opposites. They go together. And man is the only animal that is bored.

Monday 2 August 2021

The mystical energy of mantras

"Realize your dreams Achieve your goals”

Dreams – the reason why we are living.

Regular chanting of mantras is believed to wipe out fear, anger and depression, and help relieve disorders of the respiratory, digestive, reproductive, circulatory, speech, intellectual and cognitive systems. Vedic chanting is said to help develop one's mental powers and strength, ease stress, and take one to a higher level of consciousness. Chanting also improves one's memory and power of concentration, so crucial if one wants to be an achiever.

The mystical energy of mantras is as intact today as it was thousands of years ago. All you need to know is how to invoke a mantra. This book ( Mystique Vibrations - 2 ) tells you how.

• The origin of mantras.
• Why and how mantras work.
• How to choose a mantra and invoke it.
• How to succeed in mantra sadhana without a human guru, and
• Everything else you need to know about mantra yoga.