
Tuesday 8 August 2017


Survival situations often bring out the very best and worst traits in people. Throughout human history, there are thousands of documented events confirming this.

So where morals and survival do intersects?

The whole point of survival and being prepared is to have the mindset, knowledge, and resources to make it through hard times.

They had a very strong internal locus of control. Internal locus of control simply means that I will not blame the external circumstances for what is there in my life; I will take responsibility for what is happening in my life. Another Day, another Challenge, another Learning.

"Stars don't shine without darkness" Life’s too short to hold grudges against people we love.

Vivacity high-spiritedness - exuberant liveliness

Life is delicate, fragile, and short. There’s so much to learn and so much we’ll never know. Embrace the insanity.


Life is a beginning, Death is an end.

We celebrate life.
We mourn on death.
We love life.
We hate death.

We always ponder over how should we live?
We never ponder over how should we die?

Death is truth, which no one wants to accept. One thing that is sure .There is no

                                Life is journey, Death is destination.

Life happens once, and so does death, but if you don't live your life the way you want to, you can die many times while pretending to live.

Go out live your life, experience things, and the day you will die, you will know the difference between life and death.

Death and life has a thin line difference "ACCEPTANCE"

Anyone who survives a traumatic experience will never be the same again. Some survivors remain emotionally wounded for life. They relive and re-experience distressing moments again and again. Many survivors recover fairly well with the help of an accommodating family and friends.

A few do more than recover, however. They heal and grow and become even better than they were before. They become transformed in ways they value highly.

Every transformational journey is unique, but the heroic survivors have two things in common. First they integrate the traumatic experience into their identity and make the experience a defining part of their life story. Second, they talk or write about it in a way that is helpful to others.

Why You Should Read THIS Book?

1. It will make you see the world a little differently
2. It  will Improve Your Imagination
3. It Reduces Stress
4. To Discover and Create Yourself.
5. Rejuvenates your interest in books from the past.
6. Your attitude to life will change by reading this book.
7. Losing yourself in a book Such as "A NANO SECOND BETWEEN LIFE & DEATH" is the ultimate inspiration.

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