
Monday 28 August 2017

'Lifting Your Mood'

'Lifting Your Mood'

 ... you're likely to have felt:

·         More tired than usual

·         Highly strung – everything just got on your nerves

·         Easily angered

·         Guilty about becoming angry, particularly with your children and your partner or spouse

·         Everything was just ‘too much’

·         Increasingly worried about the future, money, work, security in general


·         Keen to avoid stuff you felt was stress-inducing

·         More focused on- or obsessed about- things you could control, e.g. food intake, exercise, cleanliness, ‘rules’ at work and/or at home

How to improve your mood forever

You may be feeling that there's no escape from those depressive feelings. Maybe the stress of what you're experiencing feels completely overwhelming.

I promise you, though, that you can overcome those feelings and thrive again.

I can't promise you that it'll happen overnight! But - just making the decision and committing to it will make a difference. And you'll sleep better for it tonight.

You deserve to live a happier life. It's only when you're well and happy enough that you can share liberally of yourself, to the benefit of others.

That stress and depression doesn't only affect you - it affects the people around you; most importantly your partner, wife or husband, and if you have children, they too are affected by your moods, your condition and of course your recovery.

There is no shame in suffering! No need to feel guilty - it doesn't help anyone... least of all you. You are as unique as any star in the sky and you owe it to yourself to do all you can to overcome your depression, and get a handle on all that stress and that sense of being overwhelmed by life.

I know you can do it! I have seen many people changed their lives forever by simply learning how to stay well, and how to stay connected with the people around them rather than disappearing inside their heads.

READ MY E-BOOK “DOSE-THE HAPPY BRAIN CHEMICALS” & get rid of emotional Sickness available on AMAZON & KINDLE.

Really, stress and depression affects not only the person, but everyone around him, but unfortunately in most of cases, neither the depressed person noticed this and neither their family members, which makes the situation even worse.

This is not to mention the various cases where the person simply refuses to seek specialized help.

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